List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5333 wishes foundPage 1/5412345... 54Next 5868. Rikárdó (15 years, Rudabánya)iPhone 13Acceptance pending5867. Krisztián (13 years, Tiszaörs)PlayStationAcceptance pending5866. Elena (9 years, Pogányszentpéter)Válogatott meccsre szeretne menniAcceptance pending5862. Zsolt (9 years, Kecskemét)MobiltelefonAcceptance pending5861. Viktor (13 years, Hódmezővásárhely)Real Madrid meccsre szeretne menniAcceptance pending5860. Noel (9 years, Erdőtelek)A mobileAcceptance pending5859. Gergő (16 years, Sárvár)Xbox Series SAcceptance pending5856. Emma (17 years, Pilis)A mobileAcceptance pending5855. Attila (14 years, Somogyszentpál)A tabletAcceptance pending5851. Aleksander (17 years, Badacsonytomaj)To meet YoYoMaIn process5850. Liliána (10 years, Tura)Ein LaptopAcceptance pending5849. Rebeka Róza (12 years, Ózd)A Trekking bikeAcceptance pending5848. Áron (13 years, Sajósenye)An iPhoneAcceptance pending5847. Zalán (8 years, Marcaltő)A computerAcceptance pending5846. Léna Lara (5 years, Porva)A playing-fieldAcceptance pending5845. Bence (4 years, Nagytálya)A tabletAcceptance pending5844. Ádám (7 years, Biatorbágy)Acceptance pending5843. Noel (5 years, Gyõr)A small car with batteryCompleted5842. Panna (13 years, Debrecen)A laptopAcceptance pending5840. Lilien Hanna (12 years, Szigetvár)LourdesPostponed5839. Vivien (16 years, Budapest)A mobileIn process5837. Janka Júlia (6 years, Aszód)To go into the zoo in NyiregyházaIn process5836. Dominik László (14 years, Nyáregyháza)A box bagIn process5835. Milos (3 years, Tét)To get a Smart TVCompleted5834. Luca (16 years, Kistarcsa)To get a graphic display XP -PENIn process5832. Dalma (14 years, Tiszanagyfalu)A televisionAcceptance pending5829. Levente (13 years, Pécel)To meet Csabi HerczegAcceptance pending5828. Tibor Nátán (15 years, Szigethalom)To watch a millitary programIn process5827. Dávid Máté (8 years, Szigethalom)To watch a Hungarian National team matchIn process5826. Botond (7 years, Nyírkáta)A tabletCompleted5825. Zoltán Krisztián (5 years, Sajókaza)A tabletCompleted5824. Lénárd (6 years, Gyömrő)Postponed5822. Gyula (4 years, Székely)PlayStationCompleted5821. Regina (17 years, Dunabogdány)To meet tha ensemble Leader KillsIn process5820. Liána (8 years, Devecser)Holiday in HungaryPostponed5819. Máté András (7 years, Monostorapáti)A laptopCompleted5817. Medox (8 years, Röszke)Some LEGOCompleted5816. Zalán (4 years, Miskolc)Holiday in Hotel KolpingIn process5815. Dorina (12 years, Királyegyháza)To go to DisneylandIn process5814. Attila (10 years, Újfehértó)An IpadCompleted5813. Kristóf Kevin (8 years, Sóskút)A tabletIn process5812. Krisztián (16 years, Pilis)A mobileCompleted5811. Nóra (12 years, Koroncó)A laptopCompleted5810. Veronika (14 years, Piliscsaba)Acceptance pending5809. Melinda Veronika (16 years, Szuhogy)An air jacuzziIn process5808. Mátyás Ferenc (4 years, Budapest)A tabletCompleted5807. Thomas Bálint (17 years, Budapest)To ride in a racing car with a a racing driverIn process5806. László Patrik (17 years, Nagykáta)A PlayStation5Completed5805. Lilána (7 years, Szigetszentmiklós)A tabletCompleted5804. Bernadett (14 years, Domony)A laptopCompleted5803. Réka (11 years, Biatorbágy)A laptopCompleted5802. Sándor Tamás (14 years, Tatabánya)An interactive robot with a microphone and with a loudspeakerCompleted5801. Márk Tamás (12 years, Budapest)To watch the match of the Hungarian national teamIn process5800. Levente (11 years, Budapest)To go to Vienna and to visit the zoo therePostponed5799. Ágoston (11 years, Sümeg)A laptopCompleted5797. Kitti (12 years, Debrecen)To meet AzahriahCompleted5796. Maja Boglárka (16 years, Budapest)To see in Barcelona the Mercat de la BoqueriaIn process5795. István (17 years, Budapest)E-bikeCompleted5794. Laura (9 years, Budapest)To see the Harry Potter studio in LondonAcceptance pending5793. Bíborka (3 years, Zámoly)A dollhouseCompleted5792. Martin (10 years, Kalocsa)A battery operated children' s quadAcceptance pending5790. Noel Bendegúz (8 years, Süttő)To see the match of the National teamAcceptance pending5789. Sámuel (16 years, Budapest)A mobileCompleted5788. József (15 years, Sáregres)A quitarCompleted5787. Tibor (5 years, Nyírábrány)A PlayStationCompleted5786. Pál Mátyás (14 years, Csemő)Monitor and headsetIn process5785. István Noel (3 years, Nyíregyháza)A small electric tractorCompleted5784. Bálint (14 years, Kisnyárád)A bikeCompleted5783. Scarlett Letícia (5 years, Zalaszentgrót)A bed and a wardrobeCompleted5781. Endre (9 years, Budapest)A mobileCompleted5780. Balázs (18 years, Darnózseli)A laptopCompleted5779. Zsófia (8 years, Budapest)Entrance tickets to the AquaworldPostponed5778. Jázmin (11 years, Szikszó)A laptopCompleted5777. Sára (10 years, Gyenesdiás)To see a match of the National teamCompleted5776. Róbert (16 years, Rudabánya)Driving licenceAcceptance pending5775. Janka (7 years, Budapest)Postponed5774. Bence (9 years, Nyírábrány)PlaygroundCompleted5773. Benedek (11 years, Ács)An XboxCompleted5772. Boglárka (13 years, Dabas)She would like to speak with Nóra ÖrdögIn process5771. Csanád (5 years, Szombathely)Holiday in Hotel KolpingIn process5770. Marharyta (12 years, Mosonmagyaróvár)A laptopCompleted5768. Violetta (9 years, Budapest)To go to EurodisneyIn process5767. Bence Csaba (3 years, Nyírlugos)A playing-fieldCompleted5766. Tamás (10 years, Debrecen)A laptopCompleted5765. Tamás Sándor (9 years, Rácalmás)Some LegoCompleted5764. Bálint (17 years, Vecsés)A monitor and a controllerCompleted5763. Mónika Brigitta (18 years, Süttő)Holiday in HungaryPostponed5762. Botond (13 years, Sopron)Some LegoCompleted5761. Ábel (18 years, Herend)A gym passCompleted5760. Roberta (6 years, Karcsa)A tabletCompleted5759. Dominik Attila (13 years, Tatabánya)A PlayStation5Completed5758. Hajni (13 years, Domaszék)To see ParisPostponed5757. Mátyás (16 years, Budapest)An iPadCompleted5756. Tibor (9 years, Budapest)A tabletCompleted5755. Gergely (13 years, Keszthely)A NintendoCompleted5752. Kálmán (10 years, Berhida)Holiday in Hotel KolpingPostponed5751. Lilla (12 years, Miskolc)Holiday on a beachAcceptance pending5750. Bálint (14 years, Nagylóc)SportshoesIn process5749. Anna (5 years, Tata)Holiday in HungaryPostponed5748. Dávid Dejan (17 years, Dunaújváros)Some parts to computerCompleted5333 wishes foundPage 1/5412345... 54Next