List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5365 wishes foundPage 5/54Prev1... 34567... 54Next 5466. Melissza Dóra (14 years, Kisláng)A tablet with a pencilCompleted5465. Milán Viktor (14 years, Galgamácsa)A steering weel set to XboxCompleted5464. Bence (16 years, Karancslapujtő)A video card and apower supplyCompleted5463. Roland (17 years, Romhány)A mobileCompleted5462. Zoé Liliána (5 years, Besenyszög)Some furnitureCompleted5460. Zsófi Alíz (17 years, Felpéc)An iPadCompleted5459. Zsuzsanna Ketrin (5 years, Hajdúhadház)A tabletCompleted5458. Levente (6 years, Tiszacsege)A tabletCompleted5457. Zsófia (3 years, Hajdúhadház)A tabletCompleted5455. Martin Brendon (15 years, Pettend)A televisionCompleted5454. Zalán Mihály (8 years, Tiszacsege)A tabletCompleted5453. Viktória (5 years, Debrecen)A playing-fieldCompleted5452. Dávid (17 years, Kocsér)A Xbox Series5Completed5451. Rebeka Boglárka (14 years, Hajdúvid)A laptopCompleted5450. Mónika (17 years, Mályinka)A laptopCompleted5449. Lara (6 years, Komló)A tabletCompleted5448. Laura Eliza (5 years, Esztergom)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5445. Márk (5 years, Budapest)Nindendo Switch Oled Modell+ Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Spiel+ Abonnement Nintendo Online 3 Monate langCompleted5443. Zoltán (12 years, Budapest)A handyCompleted5442. Marcell (4 years, Tiszakeszi)A hanging swing armchairCompleted5441. Gabriella (16 years, Budapest)Tickets on the IslandCompleted5440. Táltos Tamás (14 years, Egerszalók)To go to LegolandCompleted5439. Bátor Barnabás (16 years, Egerszalók)To go to LegolandCompleted5438. Amira Anasztázia (5 years, Szentendre)Xbox Series S , 3 months Game Pass UltimateCompleted5437. Dávid (11 years, Bátmonostor)To go to Mercedes factory in KecskemétCompleted5436. Vivien (5 years, Biatorbágy)A terapy bikeCompleted5435. Melánia (17 years, Lébény)To travel to ParisCompleted5434. Amina (10 years, Szombathely)A Play Station 5Completed5433. Míra Panna (16 years, Budapest)To meet Carson Coma Ensemble on a concertCompleted5432. Cintia (18 years, Üllő)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5431. Lizbett Zoé (4 years, Szombathely)A small dogCompleted5430. Kamilla (9 years, Fertőszentmiklós)A laptopCompleted5429. Anna (18 years, Teskánd)To meet Carson Coma EnsembleCompleted5428. Dóra (13 years, Budapest)Ticket on the IslandCompleted5427. Jázmin (9 years, Nyíregyháza)An XBox SerieSCompleted5426. Álmos (15 years, Rákócziújfalu)A LogitechG Cloud Gaming Handheld konsoleCompleted5425. Balázs György (10 years, Négyes)An XBox Series 5Completed5424. Vivien (15 years, Vönöck)A mobileCompleted5423. Melani Viktória (9 years, Epöl)A laptopCompleted5422. Ildikó (13 years, Mezőcsát)To visit LondonAcceptance pending5421. Milán (6 years, Szárföld)To have holiday in Hotel KolpingCompleted5420. Álmos (12 years, Pákozd)A Play Station5Completed5419. Krisztián (5 years, Csajág)A bedCompleted5418. Boglárka (14 years, Elek)An iPhoneCompleted5417. Rebeka (10 years, Ózd)A smart TVCompleted5416. Zoltán (9 years, Nagykanizsa)An XboxCompleted5415. Dominik Gergő (13 years, Szombathely)A bedCompleted5414. Boglárka (13 years, Kistarcsa)Tickets for the consert of Grund orchestraCompleted5413. Kincső Natália (6 years, Budapest)To visit the zoo in NyiregyházaCompleted5412. Dominik László (13 years, Kemenesmagasi)A Play StationCompleted5411. Flóra Borbála (7 years, Kemenesmagasi)A tabletCompleted5410. János Dávid (7 years, Nyírlugos)A Smart televisionCompleted5409. Fatima (14 years, Balaton)Some furnitureCompleted5408. Csenge (8 years, Várfölde)A laptopCompleted5407. Boglárka (18 years, Gyál)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5406. Boróka (8 years, Csopak)some LEGOCompleted5405. Hanna (7 years, Csajág)A bedCompleted5404. Titánia (12 years, Bárna)A SmartwatchCompleted5403. Hunor (6 years, Hatvan)A violineCompleted5402. Lujza (15 years, Újudvar)A mobile.Completed5401. Kornél (3 years, Körmend)Ein TabletCompleted5400. Rajmund (15 years, Dunaszentgyörgy)A laptopCompleted5399. Levente Antal (17 years, Bátonyterenye)To to TransylvaniaCompleted5398. Attila (9 years, Kerepes)A laptopCompleted5397. Jenő (15 years, Kaposvár)A mobileCompleted5396. Dominik Csaba (9 years, Budapest)A flight above Budapest and DanubeCompleted5395. Dávid Csaba (5 years, Tömörkény)A playgroundCompleted5394. Antal Márk (13 years, Hajdúnánás)A Smart TVCompleted5393. Viktor (5 years, Bucsa)To go to SopronAcceptance pending5392. Levente (15 years, Balatonszabadi)To visit the formula 1Acceptance pending5391. Emilia Kiara (10 years, Gyüre)A laptopCompleted5390. Liliána (8 years, Kiskorpád)To meet Csaba BódiCompleted5389. Vanessza (14 years, Debrecen)To go to EurodisneyCompleted5388. Tessza (3 years, Újléta)Some gamesCompleted5387. Leonárdó (6 years, Putnok)A blanket and a pillowCompleted5386. Viktor (15 years, Nagykőrös)A mobileCompleted5385. Ábel (3 years, Albertirsa)Postponed5384. Attila (8 years, Nyírlugos)PlayStationCompleted5383. Zente (3 years, Göd)LEGOCompleted5382. Orsika Irén (11 years, Újléta)A mobileCompleted5381. Csongor (17 years, Debrecen)To go to Slovakia Shroud walkwayCompleted5380. Gréta (4 years, Taksony)A tabletCompleted5379. Gréta Anett (17 years, Tapolca)A laptopCompleted5378. Kevin (13 years, Olcsvaapáti)A SMART PHONECompleted5377. Adrián (12 years, Sarkad)A PSSCompleted5376. Eliza (11 years, Bühlertal)She would like to be a synchronous voiceCompleted5375. Bálint (9 years, Csepreg)To visit a LEGO factoryCompleted5374. Olivér (10 years, Pitvaros)He would like to meet the rapper ManuelCompleted5373. Benett (13 years, Berhida)Holiday in TeneriffCompleted5372. Iván Soma (5 years, Perenye)LEGO gameCompleted5371. Linett (4 years, Dombóvár)FurnitureCompleted5370. Lili (17 years, Orosháza)A bedCompleted5369. Ferenc Alex (3 years, Karcag)He would like a bikeCompleted5368. Ottó (4 years, Aszód)Visiting a police, to be a policeman for a day, to travel by a police carCompleted5367. Zoltán (17 years, Abony)A laptopCompleted5366. Dorina (18 years, Budapest)A bicycleCompleted5365. Bendegúz (10 years, Nóráp)A digital photo machineCompleted5364. Florentina (13 years, Budapest)An iPadCompleted5363. Gergely (8 years, Komárom)To see the match of the Hungarian national teamCompleted5362. Luca (4 years, Zalaegerszeg)A bedCompleted5365 wishes foundPage 5/54Prev1... 34567... 54Next