277. Dávid (12 years, Budapest) His idol is the motorist Gábor Talmácsi. He would love to meet him and receive driving classes from him.
276. Balázs (11 years, Nyírpazony) To meet Szilvi from the music group NOX. Although he has been to their concert, he could not get near the beautiful lady...
273. Zoltán (8 years, Hajdúböszörmény) A fan of the movie Üvegtigris (Glass Tiger), so he would like Péter Rudolf aka. Lali to prepare a hamburger or a hotdog for him with less ketchup than he did in the movie, and he would like Imre Csuja (aka.Csoki) to take him for a ride on his Babetta moto
263. Blanka (5 years, Budapest) Blanka would like to attend her ballet classes again but this is problematic due to her treatment and the fact that she has to stay away from other children. Her mother asks for help to solve this problem.
196. Lilla (7 years, Szeged-Kiskundorozsma) She loves tales, one of her favourites is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Shw would love to get the house of Snow White, a dollhouse easy to take apart and re-assamble, which she could play with also when at home.
195. Patricia (8 years, Isaszeg) Patrícia lives in the world of tales, likes Cinderella, Snow White, Barbie and all other figures. She would like to meet them