Az Etikus Adománygyűjtő Szervezetek Etikai Kódexe - - CAF International Validated Organization

Our mission

Granting Wishes

The mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 260 to 300 wishes a year: a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.
List of wishes


Making Magic

Become one of our sponsors, partners, helpers or volunteers to help us make all those wishes come true!
We operate a 190+ strong unique national wish-granting network - to run it we need your support!
Our sponsors


Smiles we earned

Have a look at a selection of wishes we have granted over the years. Look at all the smiles we earned, happy moments we helped create.

Done! The latest wish we granted together:

Gyula Kristóf
9 éves, Jánosháza

Granted wishes


Help us to continue

Our Foundation is in need of financial and non-monetary assistance to help us earn more smiles. The easiest way is to donate with your bankcard.
We are happy to announce that Csodalampa Alapítvany is now eligible to receive grants from CAF America meaning that Donors are able to make tax-effective gifts to CAF America with Csodalampa Alapítvany as the grant recipient!
In case you want to know more about us, just scroll down and you can even read our Annual Reports - audited by the PwC.

Our mission

Annual meeting of the 20 year old Magic Lamp's volunteers, April 15, 2023

The mission of Csodalámpa (Magic Lamp) Wish Granting Foundation is to grant 280 to 300 wishes a year:
a wish to any, 3-18 years old child, who suffer from a life-threatening illness.

By granting the wish, the foundation intends to make the life of these children a little happier. We believe that with our help they will be able to forget the hospital, the unpleasant treatments, and become happy "everyday" children again.

Our achievements since 2003: Introducing the Pro Voluntarius Award winner Magic Lamp Foundation

Having granted thousands of wishes we are convinced that making the wish of their dreams come true will strengthen their, and their families' belief in recovery.

We regret to say that according to current statistics there are about 5000 children in Hungary who - based on their medical status - are eligible to wish...

Will you please assist us?

You can help us by donating the objects or the funds to finance the fulfilling of the wishes or finance the running of the foundation. (By the way, all our board members and helpers do not receive a cent. They are rewarded only by the smiles of the children for their efforts)

Bank account Unicreditbank Hungary Zrt.
IBAN HU18 1091 8001 0000 0015 9905 0010
EU tax number HU18248670

We are happy to tell you, that with the support of you can support our mission also in crypto curencies. Please click here for crypto currency donations.

Assisting us does not necessarily mean only funding:

You can help us by telling us about a child - who you believe may be eligible for a wish - or tell his/her parents, doctors about the Magic Lamp Foundation. Please note, that we can only accept a referral from the parents, the treating medical staff or from the child him/ herself.

You can help us to fulfill a wish by providing the "right" connections to the right people.

You can help us in person, to run the foundation or become involved in the wish-granting process. Yes, it is a real process in many steps: talk to the "child's" treating doctor, the family, organizing funding, travel, tickets, hotel, and finally record the "critical" moment, when the wish is no longer a wish but becomes a reality.

You can help us many other ways that you will only be able to find out by seeing the wishes in progress on our home page.

Thank you for visiting us and we hope to meet you as a "Magic Lamp" Volunteer or on one of our events.

How do we work?

The Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation does not offer a "menu-card" of wishes to the children. Therefore we can only start to organise the granting of the wish after we have received the particular details.

The majority of the wishes will fall into one of the following categories:

  • To get something / e.g. bicycle, books, laptop, etc./
  • To go somewhere / e.g. travelling, to the Zoo, sailing, to a concert etc./
  • To meet somebody / e.g. a sportsman, a clown, an actor, a musician etc./
  • To do something / e.g. to drive a tractor, to be a policeman or fireman etc. /

The board has an exclusive right and 90 days to decide about granting a wish.

+ First we check with the treating doctor, whether the child is eligible for a wish.
+ Then check our means and the time-frame, to establish whether we will be able (and when) to fulfil the wish.
+ After a formal board decision, we will start the arrangements
+ Document the - hopefully - positive result
+ Pocket our earnings: a lot of smiles.

For more information you can contact us in English, German, French or Hungarian:

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