List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5270 wishes foundPage 2/53Prev12345... 53Next 5687. Levente (11 years, Nyírlugos)A SmartpfoneCompleted5686. Arnold (6 years, Debrecen)A playing -fieldCompleted5685. Apor (10 years, Szentendre)A laptopCompleted5684. Zétény Huba (3 years, Budapest)A special tricikleCompleted5683. Roland (14 years, Székesfehérvár)A laptopCompleted5682. László Hermann (16 years, Debrecen)A tabletCompleted5681. Alex (16 years, Nyíregyháza)A PlayStation 5Completed5680. Eszter (13 years, Tarnabod)A stylus tablet and a caseCompleted5679. Kevin (13 years, Bodroghalom)A mobileCompleted5678. Bodza (15 years, Bocska)A bikeCompleted5677. Botond (13 years, Gyõr)A Nintendo, kontroller, a case, a protectiv filmCompleted5676. Károly (3 years, Tiszacsege)Some gamesCompleted5675. Rajmond Brendon (11 years, Palé)A laptopCompleted5674. Jázmin (17 years, Aggtelek)A PlayStation5Completed5673. Roland (15 years, Karancsság)A laptopCompleted5672. Márk (9 years, Baja)Some LegoCompleted5671. Júlia (18 years, Budapest)She would like to speak with Evan and Katelyn onlineIn process5670. Imre (8 years, Létavértes)A playing- fieldCompleted5669. Elizabet (5 years, Ráckeve)A tabletCompleted5668. Eliza Emma (12 years, Sopron)She woul like to cook and to bake with Marcsi BorbásIn process5667. Szilvia Brigitta (17 years, Konyár)A mobileCompleted5666. Laura Edit (4 years, Túrkeve)Holiday in cavebath in MiskolctapolcaCompleted5664. Dávid (17 years, Veszprém)Tickets on the IslandCompleted5663. Zsófi (14 years, Kistelek)SmartwatchCompleted5662. Hanna Luca (17 years, Miskolc)A laptopCompleted5661. Dániel Brandon (12 years, Budapest)PSS games and 1 controllerCompleted5660. Ramóna (11 years, Tiszagyulaháza)A Smart televisionCompleted5659. Maximilián Sándor (17 years, Alsózsolca)A PlayStationCompleted5658. Áron (11 years, Budapest)A mobileCompleted5657. Emma Zenkő (4 years, Budapest)Some gamesCompleted5655. Viktória (4 years, Kemecse)Playing-fieldCompleted5654. Levente (12 years, Hajdúsámson)LEGOCompleted5652. Jázmin (10 years, Felsőzsolca)MobileCompleted5651. Léna (3 years, Gégény)Playing-fieldCompleted5650. Hanna (4 years, Hodász)playing fieldCompleted5648. Petra (11 years, Szolnok)A dressing table with a lampCompleted5646. Linda (16 years, Veresegyház)Holiday at lake BalatonCompleted5645. András Brájen (10 years, Nagyhalász)A PlayStation 4Completed5644. Dorka (4 years, Tiszaeszlár)An electric traktor mit trailerCompleted5643. István (16 years, Jásd)SportshoesCompleted5642. Benedek (15 years, Budapest)A MTR bikeCompleted5641. Anna (14 years, Eger)To meet the Powerwolf/Hammerfall orchestreCompleted5640. Noel Balázs (11 years, Emőd)A Nintendo SwitchCompleted5639. Gergő (8 years, Ajkarendek)A PlayStation4Completed5638. Viktor (15 years, Izsófalva)An IPhoneCompleted5637. Kornél (6 years, Budapest)Holiday in Hotel KolpingPostponed5636. Anna Zsófi (18 years, Mór)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5635. Levente (10 years, Biatorbágy)Some LegoCompleted5634. Botond (3 years, Mende)A playing-fieldCompleted5633. Patrik (8 years, Budapest)To on a BL final matchPostponed5632. István (10 years, Farkaslyuk)A tablet and a caseCompleted5631. Zsófia (6 years, Tompa)A trambulinCompleted5630. Barbara (3 years, Nagyecsed)A playing-fieldCompleted5629. Hanna Szabina (10 years, Bojt)A mobileCompleted5628. Kleopátra (11 years, Tarpa)A mobileCompleted5627. Liliána (4 years, Hegyeshalom)A roller, cracCompleted5626. Anna (9 years, Pély)A tabletCompleted5625. Martin Attila (7 years, Veszprém)A leopard geco and a cageCompleted5624. István (6 years, Székelyudvarhely)An electric quad for a childCompleted5623. Katinka (17 years, Budapest)To meet the actor David TennantPostponed5622. Róbert (13 years, Szigethalom)Tickets for Formula 1Postponed5619. Szonja (4 years, Tiszaföldvár)A bikeCompleted5618. Noel (3 years, Nagykőrös)A playing-fiedCompleted5617. Máté (14 years, Dombrád)A laptopCompleted5616. Dorka (16 years, Budapest)A drawing setCompleted5615. Tamás Milán (11 years, Kondoros)A Tablet with a DVD writerCompleted5613. Kristóf Szántiágó (3 years, Nyírvasvári)An electric carCompleted5612. Boglárka (3 years, Agárd)Some gamesCompleted5611. Brúnó (9 years, Budapest)A bike for terapyCompleted5610. Bálint (16 years, Pápa)SportshoesCompleted5609. Dominik (16 years, Sály)A smartphoneCompleted5608. Benett (4 years, Feketeerdő)Some gamesCompleted5607. Dorián (5 years, Nyirád)Holiday in Hotel Thermál in VisegrádPostponed5605. Dávid (6 years, Baté)A therapeuctic bikeCompleted5604. Nóra (16 years, Pétfürdő)To visit th Harry Potter studio in London and sightseeing tourPostponed5603. Gergő (12 years, Kemeneshőgyész)A PlayStation5Completed5602. Szilárd (12 years, Berhida)VR glasesCompleted5601. Rajmond Csaba (5 years, Pétfürdő)A small electic carCompleted5600. Kamilla (10 years, Pápa)To visit the Harry Potter studio in LondonPostponed5599. Lili (13 years, Budapest)A laptopCompleted5598. Evelin (15 years, Szirmabesenyő)To meet T-DannyAcceptance pending5597. Natasa (16 years, Debrecen)An iPhoneCompleted5596. Milana (10 years, Bordány)To see EurodisneyCompleted5595. Roland (13 years, Enying)A handyCompleted5594. Máté (17 years, Káptalanfa)A bikeCompleted5593. Anasztázia Dzsenifer (16 years, Pápasalamon)A handyCompleted5592. Fanni (17 years, Lesencetomaj)To take part in a match of the National football teamCompleted5591. Barnabás Ferenc (6 years, Szegvár)Some LegoCompleted5590. Dániel (17 years, Sükösd)A driving licenseIn process5589. Eliot (7 years, Pilisborosjenő)An acuostic guitar , a caseCompleted5588. Bendegúz (8 years, Kerepes)A bike for therapyCompleted5587. Levente Máté (10 years, Kecskemét)To watch a football match in BarcelonaPostponed5586. Blanka Andrea (17 years, Berekböszörmény)To go to ParisPostponed5585. Dorina (17 years, Biharnagybajom)A fetter with a cageCompleted5584. Elina (7 years, Hajdúszovát)Xbox Series 5 + 3 month Game Pass + controllerCompleted5583. Dorottya (14 years, Mályi)A bike for therapyCompleted5582. Bence (7 years, Mosonszentmiklós)Ein LaptopCompleted5581. Zsófia (15 years, Ónod)A smartphoneCompleted5580. Benjamin (4 years, Debrecen)Holiday at lake BalatonCompleted5579. Gina Dzsenifer (16 years, Héhalom)A mobileCompleted5270 wishes foundPage 2/53Prev12345... 53Next