List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5271 wishes foundPage 41/53Prev1... 3940414243... 53Next 1439. Martin (14 years, Zalaegerszeg)He would like a laptopCompleted1438. Beatrix (14 years, Sárbogárd 3. p.)She would like a laptopCompleted1437. Loretta (10 years, Győrszemere)She would like an outside enclose trambulinCompleted1436. József (13 years, Zalakaros)He would like to meet Bear GryllsCompleted1434. Szabina (18 years, Kecel)She would like to see ParisCompleted1433. Szilveszter Emánuel (7 years, Pilisvörösvár)He would like a Hummer 12V electrical carCompleted1432. Mercedesz (14 years, Szigethalom)She would like horse riding equipmentCompleted1431. Tamás (12 years, Budapest)He would like to visit Legoland.Completed1430. Marcell (4 years, Hajdúszoboszló)He would like an outside playground with a duble swingCompleted1429. Noémi (14 years, Gyula)She would like a digital cameraCompleted1428. János (17 years, Tiszaszentimre)Ha would like Play Station 3Completed1427. Vivien (16 years, Harkány)She would like an LCD TV with a DVD playerCompleted1425. Tina (15 years, Monor)She would like a saddle for horseridingCompleted1423. Fanni (13 years, Dömsöd)She would like a laptopCompleted1422. Barnabás (13 years, Budapest)he would like to swim with the dolphins.Completed1421. Laura (3 years, Nyíregyháza 5. p.)She would like an outside swingCompleted1420. Laura Gréta (3 years, Pellérd)She would like an outside playgroundCompleted1418. Balázs (8 years, Mátészalka)He would like to go to LegolandCompleted1417. Patrik (4 years, Hódmezővásárhely)He would like to go to AlsópáhokCompleted1416. Angéla (9 years, Újszentiván)She would like a musicplayer,photo taker mobile phoneCompleted1415. Klaudia (17 years, Budapest)She would like a german language exam with the help of a private teacherCompleted1414. András (11 years, Aszófő)He would like to visit the police dog trainig centre.Completed1413. Gyopárka (5 years, Csíkszentdomonkos)Portable DVD playerCompleted1412. Ákos (3 years, Adásztevel)He would like a storage battery two person carCompleted1411. Kornél Dávid (3 years, Budapest)Thomas railway station with passengersCompleted1410. Gréta (11 years, Nyíregyháza-Sóstófürdő p.)She woould like a laptopCompleted1409. Balázs (15 years, Budapest)Play station basic machineCompleted1407. Bernadett (15 years, Sóshartyán)She would like a laptopCompleted1406. Richard (6 years, Tiszakarád)Bike with protective gearCompleted1405. Levente (17 years, Nyírpazony)He would like a laptopCompleted1404. Szabina (15 years, Domony)She would like a laptopCompleted1403. Richard (12 years, Kéthely)He would like to see Completed1402. Margaréta (13 years, Miskolc)She would like a laptopCompleted1401. Georgina (13 years, Tiszaújváros)She would like a laptopCompleted1400. Tímea (7 years, Székesfehérvár)She would like to travel to Venice in 2011 in a sleeping carCompleted1399. Krisztián (15 years, Hódmezővásárhely)He would like a laptopCompleted1398. Máté (5 years, Szeged-Kiskundorozsma)He would like a LEGO CITY police station with additionalsCompleted1397. Alexandra (13 years, Heves)She would like to get a laptop.Completed1396. Alex (15 years, Göd)Go to a Formula 1 raceCompleted1395. Roland (15 years, Fót 3. p.)He would like a laptopCompleted1392. Krisztofer Viktor (10 years, Muhi)Family swimming pool with hard wallsCompleted1391. Péter (15 years, Nyíregyháza 1. p.)He would like a laptopCompleted1390. Richard (17 years, Tatabánya)He would like a laptopCompleted1389. Krisztián (16 years, Martfű)He would like an LCD televisionCompleted1388. Kira Vivien (4 years, Szentes)She would like a puzzle bookCompleted1387. Attila (14 years, Bicske)He would like a laptopCompleted1385. Péter (8 years, Biatorbágy)He would like to listen to Micheal Jackson CD-sCompleted1383. Virág (7 years, Nagykanizsa)She would like an outside playgroundCompleted1382. Ákos (13 years, Hódmezővásárhely)laptopCompleted1381. Cintia (15 years, Miskolc)LCD tv with DVD playerCompleted1380. Márton (4 years, Tárnok)Lego farmCompleted1379. Sabina (10 years, Miskolc)Trip in 2011 to EurodisneyCompleted1378. Lili (3 years, Veszprém)She would like to get a rollerCompleted1377. Patrícia (10 years, Székesfehérvár)laptopCompleted1376. Dalma (5 years, Budapest)She would like to get a multi-storey doll houseCompleted1374. Balázs Valentin (8 years, Sopron)PSPCompleted1373. Balázs (3 years, Baktalórántháza)PSPCompleted1372. Szilveszter (13 years, Szőke)Play Station 2Completed1371. Dániel (16 years, Kaposújlak)PCCompleted1370. Virág (17 years, Pomáz)laptopCompleted1369. István (10 years, Szentpéterúr)He wishes to get a mobile phoneCompleted1368. Viktória (10 years, Budapest)She wishes to get a Wii game with tennis game. Completed1367. Tamás Antal (14 years, Újbarok)She wishes to get an upright pianoCompleted1366. Virág Dorina (8 years, Kerekegyháza)She wishes to get a horse. Completed1365. Anita (3 years, Budapest)Outside playground for her birthdayCompleted1364. Zoé (3 years, Budapest)Outside playground for her birthdayCompleted1363. László (17 years, Kállósemjén)He wishes to get a fishing rod.Completed1361. Ferenc (17 years, Nyírgyulaj)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1360. Krisztián (14 years, Dány)LaptopCompleted1358. József (16 years, Egyek)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1357. János Dávid (14 years, Sárbogárd 3. p.)He wishes to get an X BOX 360. Completed1355. Gábor (11 years, Újszentmargita)He wishes to get a PC. Completed1353. Norbert (9 years, Csépa)He would like an XBox.Completed1352. László (12 years, Körösladány)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1351. Tamás (15 years, Tyukod)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1350. Kira Andrea (3 years, Tatabánya)She wishes to get a wendy house. Completed1349. Attila (17 years, Tataháza)He would like to meet Caramel.Completed1348. Olivér Dániel (14 years, Pécs)He wishes to travel to EuroDisney. Completed1347. Veronika (11 years, Dunavecse)She wishes to get a laptop. Completed1343. Tibor (17 years, XXXX)He wishes to get an amplifier. Completed1342. Andrea (14 years, Székesfehérvár)She wishes to get a mobile. Completed1341. Fruzsina (12 years, Kecskemét- Matkópuszta)She wishes to get a laptop.Completed1340. Ivó Milán (6 years, Lak)He wishes to get a bicycle.Completed1339. Gábor (13 years, Sárisáp)He wishes to get an X BOX 360 ELITE with car racing games.Completed1338. Miklós (14 years, Sárospatak)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1337. Zoltán (11 years, Beremend)He wishes to meet the band 'Irigy hónaljmirigy'.Completed1335. Zsolt (13 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1334. Péter (14 years, Ráckeresztúr)He wishes to get a mobile. Completed1333. Hanna (4 years, Körmend)Barbie, the princess of the island jungle castle Completed1332. Péter (12 years, Golop)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1331. Patrik (10 years, Eger)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1330. József (8 years, Nyírbogát)He wishes to get a PC.Completed1328. Bence (6 years, Budapest)He wishes to fly. Completed1326. Viktor (11 years, Sellye)He would like to spend a few days with his family in SopronCompleted1325. Nemanja (14 years, Szeged)She wishes to go to EurodisneyCompleted1322. István Vajk (3 years, Karcag)He wishes to get a sit-in-toy tractor with its trailer. Completed1321. Viktória (10 years, Kismarja)She wishes to get a laptop. Completed1320. Imre (17 years, Derecske)Imre would like an LCD monitor (22")Completed1319. Krisfóf (12 years, Hajdúnánás)He wishes to visit the FORMULA 1 race. Completed1318. Dominik (4 years, Alacska)He wishes to get garden toys. Completed5271 wishes foundPage 41/53Prev1... 3940414243... 53Next