List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5271 wishes foundPage 43/53Prev1... 4142434445... 53Next 1194. Donát (17 years, Nagybajom)He wishes to watch a Borussia Dortmund game live. Completed1193. Tamás (12 years, Serényfalva)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1192. Anita (10 years, Pannonhalma)She wishes to get a WInX doll. Completed1191. Krisztián András (11 years, Miskolc)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1189. Bálint (6 years, Vigántpetend)He wishes to get a portable DVD player. Completed1188. Bernadett (12 years, Ózd _Hódoscsépány)She wishes to get a cow. Completed1187. Renáta (16 years, Porcsalma)She would like to get a laptopCompleted1186. Bence (15 years, Mátraverebély)He would like to get a laptopCompleted1185. Barbara (10 years, Gagybátor)She would like to get a laptopCompleted1184. András (4 years, Hajdúböszörmény)He would like to get garden toysCompleted1181. Zoltán Gusztáv (6 years, Budapest)He would like to have an MP3 player Completed1180. Gábor (17 years, Gyömrő)He would like to get a laptopCompleted1179. József (13 years, Miskolc)He would like to get a PSP consoleCompleted1178. Krisztián (16 years, Miskolc)He would like to watch the Formula-1 race at the HungaroringCompleted1177. Zsanett (11 years, Budapest)She would like to get a handyCompleted1176. Anita (15 years, Verpelét)She would like to see Venice (Italy)Completed1175. Milán (6 years, Tamási)He would like to get a red 24" mountain-bikeCompleted1174. Rebeka (12 years, Teskánd)She would like to get a laptopCompleted1172. Loránd (6 years, Érd)He would like to have differend hardware for gymnasticsCompleted1171. Lilla (8 years, Márokpapi)She would like to get a PCCompleted1170. Fruzsina (14 years, Veszprém)She would like to get a laptopCompleted1169. Gábor (8 years, Bük)He would like to get a sports bow and arrowsCompleted1168. Gergő (13 years, Sárospatak)He would like to get a PCCompleted1167. Péter (6 years, Szirmabesenyő)He would like to get a "multilevel" bed with a slideCompleted1166. Dániel (13 years, Palotabozsok)He would like to meet the members of the EDDA rock group at a concertCompleted1165. Lotti (6 years, Gyöngyös)She would like to get garen toys like a swing, a slideCompleted1164. Benjamin (16 years, Szombathely)He wishes to get a driving licence. Completed1163. Dániel (5 years, Budapest)He wishes to fly.Completed1162. József (11 years, Tiszafüred)He wishes to get a TV.Completed1161. Bendegúz (8 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a computer. Completed1160. Boglárka (10 years, Vértesszőlős)She wishes to get a wooden swing. Completed1159. Mariann (17 years, Bátya)She would like to get a "baldachin" bedCompleted1158. Balázs (16 years, Sárbogárd)He would like to get an electric guitarCompleted1157. Bernadett (12 years, Nyírbéltek)She wishes to get a TV in her room.Completed1156. Mercédesz (7 years, Esztergom)She wishes to ride a horse. Completed1155. Zoltán (15 years, Gomba)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1152. Viktória (3 years, Hajdúnánás)She would like to get garden toys with a slideCompleted1150. Evelin (15 years, Monor)She would like to get a saddle.Completed1149. József (16 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a MP 4.Completed1148. Péter Milán (3 years, Sopron)He wishes to get a portable DVD player. Completed1147. Noémi (8 years, Emőd)She wishes to get a portable DVD player.Completed1146. Viktor (9 years, Miskolc)He wishes get a computer.Completed1145. Tóbiás (10 years, Megyaszó)He wishes to get a computer. Completed1143. Krisztina (16 years, Budapest)She wishes to get a laptop.Completed1142. Szabina (10 years, Hódmezővásárhely)She wishes to get a laptop.Completed1140. Viktória (5 years, Ófehértó)She wishes to get a bed with pink blanket and rattan armchair.Completed1139. Máté (6 years, Kecskemét)He wishes to get a fishtankCompleted1138. Nikolett (9 years, Csobád)She wishes to get a drawing table with a chair.Completed1137. Máté (8 years, Tata)He wishes to get a laptopCompleted1136. Andrea (14 years, Szeged-Gyálarét fp.)She wished a laptop.Completed1135. László (14 years, Somogyzsitfa)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1134. Doroti Valentina (6 years, Cece)She wishes to get a princess Barbie. Completed1133. Soma (4 years, Törökszentmiklós)He would like to flyCompleted1132. Ákos (8 years, Kesztölc)He wishes to get a portable dvd playerCompleted1131. Dóra (10 years, Körmend)She wishes to get a laptop. Completed1130. Szabolcs (3 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a Duplo Train. Completed1129. Tamás (7 years, Tordas)He wishes to get a PS 3. Completed1128. Tamara (11 years, Budapest)She wishes to get a laptop.Completed1127. Viktória (8 years, Monor)She wishes to get a PCCompleted1126. Zoltán (14 years, Debrecen)He would like to get a junior golf set and woul like toCompleted1125. Tamás (9 years, Létavértes)He wishes to visit the Zoo in BudapestCompleted1124. László (17 years, Vitnyéd)He wishes to get a laptop. Completed1123. Miklós (3 years, Maglód)He wishes to get a portable DVD playerCompleted1122. Gergő (10 years, Harsány)He wishes to get a laptop.Completed1121. Dávid Jenő (5 years, Miskolc)He wishes to get a truck shape bed.Completed1120. Anett (10 years, Törökszentmiklós)She wishes to get a Sony Ericsson W 8801 mobileCompleted1119. Szilveszter (14 years, Bátaszék)He wishes to get an LCD TV.Completed1118. Dávid Bendegúz (7 years, Budapest)He would like to get a bicycleCompleted1117. Viktória (6 years, Felsőnyárád)She wishes to get a golf set for beginnersCompleted1116. Ádám György (4 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a bicycle.Completed1115. János (8 years, Sárszentlőrinc)He wishes to get a laptopCompleted1114. Luca (3 years, Bócsa)She would like to get garden toys made of woodCompleted1113. Klaudia (12 years, Dunapataj)She would like to visit the Budapest theme parkCompleted1112. Alex (9 years, Püspökladány)He wishes to get a computer. Completed1111. Péter (13 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a PSP.Completed1110. Izabella (5 years, Gagybátor)She wishes to meet LL Junior. Completed1108. Szonja (15 years, Kecskemét 10. p.)She would like to get a book dedicatred to her byCompleted1107. Virág (15 years, Halásztelek)She wished to spend a few days at the sea.Completed1106. Zoltán (15 years, Kiskőrös)She would like to get a playstation.Completed1105. Krisztián János (6 years, Csanytelek)He would like to get toys into the garden.Completed1104. Martin (4 years, Szeged)He wished to spend a few days in Alsópáhok.Completed1103. Gábor (16 years, Törtel)He wished to receive an electric bicycle.Completed1102. Dávid (14 years, Debrecen)He wished to get a bicycle type Gepida Karaton.Completed1101. Daniella (15 years, Kazincbarcika)She liked to get a laptop.Completed1100. Bence (9 years, Miskolc)He would like to get an XBox 36O.Completed1099. Balázs (18 years, Törökszentmiklós)He would like to have a driving licence. Completed1098. Kornél (17 years, Szentgotthárd)He would like to get a car licence type B.Completed1097. Attila (10 years, Kőszeg)He would like to get a PC with a webcamCompleted1096. Zita (3 years, Szombathely)She wished to get a pink bicycle.Completed1095. Gergő Zoltán (15 years, Miskolc)He wished to go to the FORMA I. car race and see the cars in the BOX street.Completed1094. Dorina (3 years, Budapest)She would like to get plastic garden toys.Completed1093. Dóra (14 years, Felsőzsolca)She wished to carress dolphins.Completed1092. Emese (17 years, Kiskunhalas)She wished to get a laptop.Completed1091. János (15 years, Mezőkövesd)He wished to get a portable DVD.Completed1090. Orsolya (3 years, Debrecen)She would like to meet Judit Halász.Completed1089. Vivien (8 years, Hajdúböszörmény)She would like to go to EurodisneylandCompleted1088. Tibor (17 years, Ózd)He would like to have a B driver's licenceCompleted1087. Benedek (10 years, Budapest)He would like to travel to Vienna with the ORIENT EXPRESS.Completed1086. Tamás (9 years, Érd)He would like to get a XBOXCompleted1085. Tamás (13 years, Budapest)Go to a Manchester United matchCompleted5271 wishes foundPage 43/53Prev1... 4142434445... 53Next