List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5270 wishes foundPage 3/53Prev12345... 53Next 5578. Benjamin (15 years, Gyarmat)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5577. Dániel Tamás (18 years, Kiskőrös)A mobileCompleted5576. Noel (18 years, Tác)A PlayStation5Completed5575. Levente Dániel (16 years, Szeged)A mobileCompleted5574. Dáriusz (10 years, Budapest)A PlayStation5Completed5573. Mira Kata (13 years, Cegléd)To see the zoo in NyiregyházaCompleted5572. Alíz Hanna (14 years, Budapest)A laptopCompleted5571. Barbara (12 years, Erdőtarcsa)An Xbox Series S 512GB + + months Pass Ultimate+gift tokenCompleted5570. Boglárka (5 years, Dunaszeg)To meet the band ValmarCompleted5569. Zara (3 years, Sopron)A tabletCompleted5568. Zalán Ádám (3 years, Budapest)To get some Lego gamesCompleted5567. Milán (7 years, Fábiánháza)A small car with remote controlCompleted5566. Shenis (16 years, Kőszeg)Holiday in CiprusCompleted5565. Bálint Csaba (16 years, Szerencs)A smartphoneCompleted5564. Csanád (12 years, Miskolc)A bike for therapyCompleted5563. Bence Zoltán (5 years, Alsószuha)GamesCompleted5562. Ákos (14 years, Bögöt)Dolphin caressCompleted5561. Hella Szófia (3 years, Sajókeresztúr)Playing fieldCompleted5560. Balázs Ferenc (9 years, Paks)A tabletCompleted5559. Lívia (11 years, Péteri)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5558. Dominik (15 years, Ajka)A laptopCompleted5557. Kristóf (16 years, Adony)A mobileCompleted5556. Kitti Naomi (9 years, Mérk)A deskCompleted5555. Lili (17 years, Mátészalka)Holiday in Termal Hotel in VisegrádCompleted5554. Emili (6 years, Fót)Inflatable jakuziCompleted5553. Júlia Krisztiána (5 years, Piliscsév)playing fieldCompleted5551. Tamás Kristóf (14 years, Budapest)To go to EurodisneyPostponed5550. Viktória (13 years, Jászberény)To go to a pharmaceutical labCompleted5549. Flóra (3 years, Újfehértó)A tabletCompleted5548. Lilla (4 years, Szombathely-Herény)To visit the zoo in NyiregyházaCompleted5547. Barnabás Ferenc (16 years, Budapest)Angliába a tankmúzeumba menniPostponed5546. Brigitta (16 years, Budapest)A sewing machineCompleted5545. Adrienn Lili (15 years, Somogysárd)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5544. Mátyás Max (14 years, Dunabogdány)To see a Real Madrid footballmatchIn process5543. Milán (5 years, Szamosszeg)A battery operated tractorCompleted5542. Hadassa Elli (5 years, Érd)A Smart televisionCompleted5541. Alex (16 years, Mosonmagyaróvár)A videocardCompleted5540. Petra Tünde (16 years, Levelek)A mobileCompleted5539. Milla (8 years, Lánycsók)A bikeCompleted5538. Kristóf (10 years, Hajdúszoboszló)A PS 5Completed5537. Gergő (6 years, Hajdúszoboszló)A Nintendo SwitchCompleted5536. Hanna (10 years, Méra)A Corgi dogCompleted5535. Benjamin (18 years, Pécs)A SmartwatchCompleted5534. Attila (13 years, Karcag)A mobileCompleted5533. Tifani (13 years, Fülöp)A televisionCompleted5532. Noel Pál (3 years, Karcag)A tabletCompleted5531. Zétény (14 years, Perenye)VideokarteCompleted5530. Míra Szofi (16 years, Szeged)Sightseeing in ParisCompleted5529. Kristóf Bence (6 years, Kölked)Holiday in HungaryCompleted5528. Botond (13 years, Székesfehérvár)A computerCompleted5527. Hanna (18 years, Kiskorpád)Treffen mit Zoltán KempfIn process5526. Emili (12 years, Ajka)Treffen mit dem Sänger von Ekhoe oder mit den Mitgliedern des OrchesCompleted5525. Lőrinc János (10 years, Sárbogárd)A laptopCompleted5524. Boldizsár (5 years, Sopron-Brennbergbánya)An XBox Series 5Completed5523. Milán (4 years, Heves)Acceptance pending5522. Alexandra Rubina (14 years, Mezőfalva)Ein MobileCompleted5521. Levente Alexander (16 years, Budapest)A Playstation 5Completed5520. Zente (7 years, Geszteréd)An XBoxCompleted5519. Luca (10 years, Téglás)A laptopCompleted5518. Andrea (17 years, Székelyszabar)To meetCompleted5517. Róbert (5 years, Téglás)A mobileCompleted5516. Zalán (11 years, Mosonmagyaróvár)A laptopCompleted5515. Hanna Barbara (12 years, Százhalombatta)To see the Laver Cup tenis final in BerlinCompleted5514. Boglárka (2 years, Zalaszentbalázs)A playgroundPostponed5513. Maja Alexandra (3 years, Kiskunfélegyháza)A bikeCompleted5512. Liliána (16 years, Sárbogárd)An electric guitar with caseCompleted5511. Léna (7 years, Pápa)A tabletCompleted5510. Iringó (11 years, Gyõr)A tabletCompleted5509. Vanessza Virág (7 years, Kunmadaras)A tabletCompleted5508. Elizabet (12 years, Debrecen)A mobileCompleted5507. Gréti Zselyke (10 years, Debrecen)To vist EurodisneyCompleted5506. Krisztián (6 years, Konyár)A swingCompleted5505. Mária (13 years, Nyírparasznya)A tabletCompleted5504. Zoltán Milán (15 years, Nagykörű)An XboxCompleted5503. Dorina Liza (16 years, Makó)Holiday in Spain on the beachCompleted5502. Mia (3 years, Nagytarcsa)Ein Little Tikes Princess Cozy und ein AnhängerCompleted5501. Dalma (15 years, Gávavencsellő)Holiday in HungaryAcceptance pending5500. Mirella (9 years, Nagyecsed)A laotopCompleted5499. Dávid (11 years, Zalaegerszeg)To vist EurodisneyPostponed5498. Ferenc Milán (16 years, Budapest)Nike sport shoesCompleted5497. Botond (4 years, Sásd)a battery tractorCompleted5496. Dávid (10 years, Debrecen)A laptopCompleted5495. Nóra (8 years, Szakcs)A swingCompleted5494. Noel Patrik (6 years, Tuzsér)A playing fieldCompleted5493. Zoé (8 years, Pécel)She want to learn to play violinCompleted5491. Ádám (18 years, Kőszeg)An XBoxCompleted5490. Fanni Luca (7 years, Szeged)A bedCompleted5489. Jázmin (11 years, Dunaújváros)Holiday in Hotel KolpingCompleted5488. Áron (15 years, Csorna)Xbox konsol with gamesCompleted5487. József Kálmánovics (10 years, Szeged)Ein SmartphoneCompleted5486. Zalán (15 years, Sárospatak)A monitorCompleted5485. László Milos (4 years, Gyõr)A quadCompleted5484. Áron (17 years, Vác)A laptopCompleted5483. Emma Zille (6 years, Dabas)A tabletCompleted5482. Zoltán (14 years, Kelebia)Holiday in Hotel Thermal in VisegrádCompleted5481. Emma (4 years, Sümeg)A bike for terapyCompleted5480. Benett Noel (11 years, Nagykanizsa)A bike which she can travel by handsCompleted5479. Dorina (17 years, Budapest)A bedCompleted5478. Nimród (13 years, Isztimér)To speak with Zoltán JákobCompleted5477. Eliza (13 years, Debrecen)An iPhoneCompleted5270 wishes foundPage 3/53Prev12345... 53Next