Levente is an excellent student and recently passed an exam in English language. At school, physical education is his favorite subject, which is no wonder, since he plays football seriously and is a member of Viadukt SE.

He told me that he wants to be a professional football player and that he watches the European Football Championships.

Levente really likes to play with his brothers, ride a bike, and play Lego.

He really likes Star Wars Legos, his wish was a Star Wars TIE interceptor Lego from the Magic Lamp.

We gave Levi his wished present at the hospital together with Edina and Zsuzsa, the employees of the Thank you for the support of the Budapest Marriott Hotel, which enabled us to fulfill Levente's wish!

Levi waited impatiently to get home and start assembling the fighter.

Thank you for the support of the Budapest Marriott Hotel, which enabled us to fulfill Levente's wish!

Éva Ivády
wish coordinator
Budapest, 25.06.2024.


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