List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5271 wishes foundPage 39/53Prev1... 3738394041... 53Next 1666. Tamás (16 years, Baja)He would like to attend a Barcelona soccer game.Completed1665. Gerda (12 years, Boldogkőváralja)She would like a laptop.Completed1664. Krisztián (5 years, Veszprém-Kádárta p.)He would like a PSP with games.Completed1663. István (18 years, Csengőd)He would like a Play station 3.Completed1662. Jusztina Fatime (17 years, Budapest)She would like a laptop.Completed1661. Bence Kristóf (9 years, Velence)he would like a telescope to watch the stars.Completed1660. Kristóf (14 years, Rácalmás)He would like to attend a Real Madric soccer game.Completed1659. Máté (15 years, Ajka)He would like a model train set.Completed1658. Lili (16 years, Budapest)She would like a big bed.Completed1657. András (11 years, Sopron)He would like a LEGO 8129.Completed1656. Nóra (5 years, Pécs)She would like an outdoor trampoline.Completed1655. Nikolasz (3 years, Koroncó)He would lke to get a portable DVD player.Completed1654. Márton (15 years, Veszprém)He would like an X-Box 360.Completed1653. Patrik (6 years, Tiszafüred)He would like to drive a real tank.Completed1652. Zsolt (14 years, Szentes)He would like an Airsoft game.Completed1651. Martin (11 years, Püspökladány)He would like a BOSS FULLY bycicle.Completed1650. Erzsébet (14 years, Mátészalka)She would like a laptop.Completed1649. László (12 years, Nyíracsád)He would like a Sony Experia.Completed1648. Laura (4 years, Balmazújváros)She would like to get a portable dvd player.Completed1647. Zsolt (10 years, Öcsöd)He would like a Wii.Completed1646. Viktória (3 years, Mezőberény)She would like to get an outdoor playground.Completed1645. Veronika (8 years, Besnyő)She would like a net book.Completed1644. Roland (16 years, Budapest)He would like a PC.Completed1643. Szabolcs (8 years, Ete)He would like a LEGO 8199.Completed1642. Zita (4 years, Tata)She would like a a Barbie water park toy with a mermaid.Completed1641. Zalán (8 years, Győr)He would like to toboggan and throw snowballs high up in the mountains.Completed1639. Fanni (17 years, Miskolc)She would like to spend a day on a movie shoot.Completed1638. Eszter (11 years, Pap)She would like a net book.Completed1637. Mónika (3 years, Csorvás)She would like a wooden playground.Completed1636. Erika (17 years, Miskolc)She would like a new bed in her roomCompleted1635. Laura (15 years, Mikóháza)She would like to go to Paris.Completed1634. Etelka (16 years, Sajóbábony)She would like a laptop.Completed1633. András (12 years, Pilisborosjenő)He would like a laptop.Completed1631. Gábor (17 years, Nádudvar)He would like a LCD TV.Completed1630. Krisztián (6 years, Pécs)He would like a PSP with a GTA game.Completed1629. Pongrác (11 years, Őrhalom)He would like an X-Box.Completed1628. Dávid (5 years, Hajdúhadház)He would like a car shaped bed.Completed1624. Andrea Kitti (3 years, Várpalota)Shw would like a portable DVD player.Completed1623. Szabolcs (11 years, Fót 3. p.)He would like to tavel to Eurodisney.Completed1622. Tamás (10 years, Fót 3. p.)He would like to travel to Eurodisney.Completed1621. Vencel (14 years, Debrecen)He would like to travel to Eurodisney.Completed1620. Sándor (15 years, Tenk)He would like a laptop.Completed1619. Nikolett (15 years, Debrecen)She would like a laptop.Completed1618. Zsolt (15 years, Mezőberény)He would like a laptop.Completed1617. Rebeka (12 years, Mezőkovácsháza)She would like a laptop.Completed1616. Dávid (16 years, Kiskőrös)He would like a laptop.Completed1615. Norbert (7 years, Kiskunhalas)He would like an LG touchscreen phone.Completed1614. Mariann (10 years, Vámospércs)She would like a net book.Completed1613. Márk (12 years, Helvécia)He would like an X-Box 360.Completed1612. Martina (17 years, Szentgotthárd)She would like to get her driver licence in 2011.Completed1611. Péter Bendegúz (3 years, Nyergesújfalu)He would lke to get a portable DVD player.Completed1610. Dávid (15 years, Harsány)He would like a laptop.Completed1609. Bence (9 years, Rábacsécsény)He would like a PSP with a Toy story game.Completed1608. Máté (17 years, Budapest)He would like a Nintendo Wii.Completed1607. Benedek (10 years, Budapest)He would like a PC.Completed1606. Rita (11 years, Szombathely)She would like an LCD TV.Completed1605. Áron Botond (8 years, Budapest)He would like to go to a Bayern München football match.Completed1604. Melissza (16 years, Zamárdi)She would like to play with dolphins.Completed1603. István Ákos (9 years, Szentgáloskér)He would like to get a PS3.Completed1602. Eszter (8 years, Szászvár)She would like a PC.Completed1601. Máté Ferencz (10 years, Debrecen)He would like a net book.Completed1599. Zoltán (17 years, Perkupa)He would like a laptop.Completed1598. Ádám (16 years, Szombathely)He would like to see the Hungarion Formula One race.Completed1597. Zita (12 years, Dánszentmiklós)She would like a laptop.Completed1596. Bálint (8 years, Budapest)He would like a net book.Completed1595. Noémi (13 years, Rezi)She would like to meet Webber on FORMULA 1Completed1594. Tibor (10 years, Túrkeve)He would like a net book.Completed1593. Ádám (3 years, Nyírtura)He would like to get a wooden playground.Completed1592. Emőke (4 years, Székelyudvarhely- Románia)She would like books and a signed photo of Erika Bartos. Completed1591. Mirjam Cintia (4 years, Budaörs)She would like to get an wooden outdoor playground.Completed1589. Gábor (9 years, Hódmezővásárhely)He would like to get the Star Wars 8038 LEGO.Completed1588. Sebastián (10 years, Monostorapáti)He would like a net book.Completed1587. Róbert (7 years, Esztergom 2. p.)He would like a PSP.Completed1586. Dániel (4 years, Pomáz)He would like to receive LEGO City 7938.Completed1585. Lili Eszter (3 years, Csömör)She would lke to get a portable DVD player.Completed1584. Natália (7 years, Kaposvár)She would like to get a Barbie toy.Completed1583. Rudolf Ottó (5 years, Budapest)He would like a power wheels car.Completed1581. Balázs (9 years, Vác)He would like to travel to the Playmobil Park in Nürnberg, Germany.Completed1580. Zita (17 years, Alacska)She would like to go to London.Completed1579. Kitti (14 years, Penyige)Kitti would like to get an electric bicycle.Completed1578. Mátyás (12 years, Sümeg)He would like to receive a mixer table.Completed1577. Kálmán (13 years, Budapest)He would like a PSP.Completed1576. Lívia (14 years, Veresegyház)She would like to get a portable DVD playerCompleted1575. Eszter (14 years, Veresegyház)She would like to have a NotebookCompleted1574. Sára (11 years, Veresegyház)She would like to have a digital cameraCompleted1573. Zsolt (11 years, Buj)He would like to have a cameraCompleted1572. Natália (4 years, Szeged)She would like to get a bicycleCompleted1571. Boglárka (3 years, Dunakeszi)Seh would like to get LEGO with animalsCompleted1570. Dávid (11 years, Csögle)He would like to have an LCD-TV.Completed1569. Péter Ferenc (4 years, Tárnok)He would like to have a blue bed, like a lorryCompleted1568. Kinga (11 years, Kál)She would like to have a notebookCompleted1567. Zsolt (12 years, Tótújfalu)He would like to get a handyCompleted1566. Réka (15 years, Szeged)Reka would like a camera.Completed1565. Bálint (14 years, Budapest)He would like to attend a Manchester United soccer game in London.Completed1564. Máté (14 years, Kimle)He would like to get a notebookCompleted1563. Máté (4 years, Nyíregyháza)HE would like to get a portable DVD playerCompleted1562. Bence (16 years, Budapest)He would like to have a notebookCompleted1560. Ágnes (16 years, Örkény)She would like to get a cameraCompleted1559. Balázs (17 years, Rábaszentmihály)He would like to get a laptopCompleted1557. Zsolt (16 years, Okány)He would like to have a notebookCompleted5271 wishes foundPage 39/53Prev1... 3738394041... 53Next