Martin (8 years old, Palotabozsok)
Martin, his sibling and parents were invited to the event Chilren’s Day organized by the Pécs National Theatre together with the County Town Library. Due to his curiosity we tried to keep it a secret, but the child was very suspicious.
He arrived a little scared, but showing curious openness at the same time. Thanks to our Foundation two balloon clowns (representing Happy Balloons Ltd. ) also participated in the event and were the first to give Martin a present; in a circle of children, Martin got a balloon guitar.
The opening ceremony started following this and Martin was called on stage.
The moment has come, and as a representative of the Wonderlamp Foundation I had the opportunity to give Martin his much awaited gift: a remote control car, the kind adults would love to play with as well.
The little boy was very touched, but his face reflected joy and happiness.
In the meantime he was given two tickets for that evening’s performance Snow White by the director of the theatre.
With happy satisfaction we went to have lunch on the terrace of a nearby restaurant. We had a good time, Martin enjoyed talking, and he could hardly wait to get home and try his present, because the next day he had to return to the hospital for his last chemotherapy treatment. The next time we saw each other he was excited to tell us about his “wonder car”. Perhaps it is carefree play which lets one forget about the pain and suffering caused by the illness and treatment the best.
We wish to thank the Pécs National Theatre, not only for the fairy tale afternoons, but also for inviting the Wonderlamp Foundation to their Children’s Day event, strengthening our ties, where we got an opportunity to celebrate and fulfil Martin’s dream, as well as letting former “wonderlamp” kids participate in the afternoon show.

Bezdánné Végh Tünde
Pécs, 22.05.2011
Pécs, 22.05.2011
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