List of wishes All wishes Running projects Finished projects Search5270 wishes foundPage 48/53Prev1... 4647484950... 53Next 620. Zsófia Palóma (10 years, Sződliget)Would like to study violin and would like to have a small sized violin as well.Completed619. Zsuzsanna (8 years, Halásztelek)I would like to hava a laptopCompleted618. Jenifer (17 years, Csobánka)I'd like to have a BMX bicycleCompleted617. Lilla Zsófia (7 years, Gödöllő)She wishes to get a PC and Internet connectionCompleted616. Katalin (6 years, Miskolc)She would like to have a PCCompleted615. Balázs (13 years, Miskolc)computer, accessoriesCompleted613. Péter (18 years, Szeged)He wishes to get a Completed612. David Christopher (7 years, Vecsés)I would like to go to Disneyland and meet the figures of all the talesCompleted611. Nikoletta (8 years, Hódmezővásárhely)I would like to have a summer vacation at a lake or the seeCompleted610. István (18 years, Szentmártonkáta)He wishes to get an LCD screen Completed607. János (18 years, Sajóhidvég)I would like to have a PCCompleted606. Edina (15 years, Nyíregyháza-Örökösvölgy)I would like to have a laptop.Completed604. József (18 years, Nyársapát)He would like to get a SONY Ericsson K 510 type mobile phone.Completed603. Valéria (18 years, Érd)She would like to have a digital camera.Completed602. János (17 years, Somogyszil)He wishes to go to Vienna and meet his former treating docotrsCompleted601. László (5 years, Nyíregyháza)He wishes to get into a Formula-1 racing car at the HungaroringCompleted599. Tibor (11 years, Budapest)I would like to have a PC.Completed598. Gabriella (14 years, Budapest)She would like to get a kvad.Completed597. Annamária (16 years, Ópályi)She would like to meet L.L.Junior.Completed596. Bálint (10 years, Abádszalók)I would like to have a PCCompleted595. Zoltán (12 years, Csongrád-Bokros)He wishes to get a laptopCompleted593. Dominik (4 years, Dombóvár)I would like to have a DVD player.Completed592. Réka (9 years, Bácsalmás)She would like to go to the Zoo and to the Vidampark in Budapest.Completed591. Bence (5 years, Miskolc)He wishes to visit the ZOO and the Budapest Theme ParkCompleted590. Renáta (6 years, Nagykálló)She would like to get a quad.Completed589. Krisztina (16 years, Budapest)She would like to take guitar lessons.Completed588. Mónika (6 years, Zalakomár 2. p.)She would like to get a mobile phone, with which she can make photos, too.Completed586. Beatrix (17 years, Komló)She would like to get a SAMSUNG E250 mobil phone.Completed585. Márk (7 years, Budapest)He would like to pass a day in Vienna, in the Prater with his family.Completed584. József (15 years, Derecske)He wishes to get living parrotCompleted583. Beatrix (18 years, Tápiószentmárton)Would like to have a camcorder.Completed582. Nikolett (16 years, Vácszentlászló)She would like to participate at the film "Baratok Közt" with her sister.Completed581. Tamás (6 years, Csongrád)Would like to get a PC with InternetCompleted580. Márió (13 years, Sopron)He would like to develop his PC with additional RAM and Winchester.Completed579. Annamária (14 years, Gyöngyösfalu)She would like to get special sun-glassesCompleted578. Nóra (4 years, Lengyeltóti)Would like to have a portable DVD playerCompleted577. Laura (11 years, Berhida)She would like to spend a day at Lake Balaton.Completed576. Valter (4 years, Beremend)He would like to meet commando soldiers.Completed575. Roland (4 years, Tiszakeresztúr-Ukrajna)He would like to get a kvad.Completed574. Dávid (13 years, Csaroda)He wishes to get a PCCompleted573. André (13 years, Nyíregyháza)Would like to have a PSP2.Completed572. Luca Anna (4 years, Bakonybél)She would like to get a doll kitchen.Completed571. Anna (17 years, Mosonmagyaróvár)She wishes to meet Imre Kertész, Nobel prize winnerCompleted570. Mónika (17 years, Nagydobos)She wishes to meet the actress Judit HalászCompleted569. István (12 years, Újfehértó)He would like to get Sony Ericsson K310 type mobil phone.Completed568. József (16 years, Létavértes)He wishes to get a PS-2Completed567. Bettina (9 years, Budapest)She would like to get a laptop.Completed566. Alexandra (16 years, Kismarja)She would like to get a laptop.Completed565. Anna Dorina (3 years, Győrszentiván)She wishes to get a big swing into her backyardCompleted564. Eszter (13 years, Szárliget)She would like to get a laptop.Completed563. Szabolcs (13 years, Gyöngyös)He would like to get a laptop.Completed562. Cintia (10 years, Dabas 3. p.)CIntia 'd like to receive all tales written by the Grimm brothers.Completed561. László (7 years, Miskolc)He would like to get a PC.Completed560. Gergő (16 years, Budapest)Gergő wished to see the sea with his family.Completed559. Lili (11 years, Kál)Lili' like to spend some days in Parádsasvár, in the castle hotel with her family and her friend.Completed558. Patrik (10 years, Pér)computer, accessoriesCompleted557. Brigitta (15 years, Felsőtold)She wishes to get a laptopCompleted556. Anna (14 years, Ete)She would like to take part in the shooting of the Üvegtigris in 2010Completed555. Hunor (17 years, Románia, Csíkszereda)I would like to have an electric guitar with an amplifierCompleted554. László (16 years, Dunaharaszti)László wished to visit a national part in Hungary.Completed553. Timea (13 years, Pilisszentiván)Timi'd like to get a bicycle .Completed552. Botond (15 years, Budapest)He wishes to get a laptopCompleted551. László Áron (12 years, Debrecen)László'd like to meet Jankovics Marcell and visit a cartoon studio.Completed550. Réka Johanna (9 years, Kézdivásárhely -Románia)I'd like to have a PCCompleted549. Nikoletta (16 years, Gyöngyöshalász)NIki'd like to spend a day in the Vidámpark with her friends.Completed548. Bálint (12 years, Dunaharaszti)Bálint'd like to get a PSP 2 with FIFA 07 toy.Completed547. Máté (6 years, Gönc)I'd like to have a DVD playerCompleted546. Evelin (5 years, Pere)I'd like to have a DVD playerCompleted545. Lajos (13 years, Arló)I'd like to have a PCCompleted544. Béla (11 years, Szikszó)He wishes to get a laptopCompleted543. Zsolt (12 years, Szentes)I'd like to have a PCCompleted542. Balázs (17 years, Nagykorpád)Balázs 'd like to get a digital camera.Completed541. Bianka (11 years, Balatonboglár)She wishes to get a digital cameraCompleted539. Ádám (8 years, Sárszentlőrinc)HE would like to have a PSPCompleted538. Tünde (14 years, Miskolc)She would like to have a PC.Completed537. Mátyás (9 years, Pusztavám)He would like to got to teh PlanetariumCompleted536. Bence (10 years, Pécs)He would like to have an electric guitar, preferably a Stratocaster copyCompleted535. Bernadett (18 years, Tamási-Pári p.)She would like to have a digital cameraCompleted534. Sándor (16 years, Gyomaendrőd)He would like to have an LCD monitorCompleted533. Kinga (15 years, Szombathely)She would like to have skis, ski-bootsCompleted532. Georgina (17 years, Körmend)She would like to meet the singer Laci Gáspás, and sing with him on stage or in a studioCompleted531. Evelin (7 years, Levél)She wishes to get a PCCompleted530. Krisztina (14 years, Mohács)She would like to visit teh Tropicarium with her familyCompleted529. Balázs (6 years, Tiszaderzs)HE would like to have a PSPCompleted528. Flórián (9 years, Hajdúhadház)He would like to have an engine-driven quadCompleted527. Ákos (16 years, Kecskemét)He would like to have a laptopCompleted525. Csongor (6 years, Lakitelek)He would like to have a golden retriever puppyCompleted524. Norbert (7 years, Tatabánya)He would like to have a mountain bikeCompleted523. Dzsenifer (5 years, Újszentiván)She would like to have a PCCompleted522. Krisztián (12 years, Algyő)He would like to have a PCCompleted521. Bence (11 years, Szentgyörgyvár)Bence would like to get a bicycle, what can be used in the flat.Completed520. Ádám (13 years, Taszár)He would klike to have a PSPCompleted519. Dorottya (15 years, Tatabánya)She would like to meet the rock group Tankcsapda and have photos with themCompleted518. Vivien (3 years, Győr)Would like a playground slide.Completed517. Enikő (4 years, Pécs)Would like a Chu-Chu doll that speaks in Hungarian.Completed516. Norbert (14 years, Kisújszállás)Would like to see a big white shark on the sea.Completed515. Adolf (14 years, Arló)Would like a mobile phone with a pre-paid card.Completed514. Lora (5 years, Lajosmizse)She wishes to see the Romeo and Juliet at the Operetta TheatherCompleted512. Zsuzsanna (15 years, Járdánháza)I'd like to have a DVD player with a few films.Completed511. Annamária (8 years, Nagykálló)I'd like to have a laptopCompleted5270 wishes foundPage 48/53Prev1... 4647484950... 53Next