Gyula (15, Tiszaújváros)
Thanks to the sponsors of Wonderlamp, Chrismas Eve arrived 2 days earlier into the home of 3 boys living in Borsod county.
Gyula, Viktor and Zoltán wouldn't think that this Eve would have such a surprise for them: on the evening of 22nd their wish came true. Each of them received one PSP and an X-Box consol.
Each of the presents were big surprise as only the parents knew that their wish would come true within 2-3 days.
We would like to thank to Mr. Gábor Pukler who helped us again to make magic.
Gábor Dobó
Coordinator of wishes
Tiszaújváros 22.12.2007
Coordinator of wishes
Tiszaújváros 22.12.2007
Previous posts
- Karolina (8 years old, Kunhegyes)
- Julianna (13 years old, Budapest)
- Zoltán (15, Miskolc)
- Dániel (13 years old, Csákánydoroszló)
- Klaudia (16 years old, Zalaapáti)
- Gyula (15, Tiszaújváros)
- Krisztina (16 years old, Budapest)
- Bence (10 years old, Pécs)
- 2007-08-29 Nikoletta
- János (17 years old, Somogyszil)
- Mátyás (9 years old, Pusztavám)
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