Viktória ( 5 years old, Ófehértó )
Viki’s wish was a bed, a rattan arm chair and a pink blanket.
Viki spent last week in hospital so her mother and I had decided that we’d only give her the so longed presents following her treatment. Indeed we managed to surprise Viki greatly; she had no idea of our arrival.
The first thing she immediately tried was the ‘pussy cat’ armchair as she’s later named it. Viki laid in it covering herself comfortably with the pink blanket just like a little cat. Obviously she also tried the bed to see how cozy it was for sleeping.
Dear Viki we are wishing you good health and happy moments in your new ‘pussy cat’ armchair and bed.
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21.07.2009, Ófehértó
Szabolcs ( 8 years old, Szelevény)
Szabolcs wished a Playstation 2.
This dream shortly came true with the help of a nice married couple: Barbara Nagy Lendvainé & Zoltán Lendvay, and Wonderlamp Foundation.
Szabolcs took the gift with deep emotion while he always looked for his Father’s visage. During the photography he has a light smile, but he held the real glad to home.
We hope he always have a happy smile and abandoned play!
Szeged, 17.02.2009.
Olivér ( 6 years old, Szolnok)
Oliver wished a Lego Bionicle.
His wish was fulfilled by Balázs Ballon, an individual donor. Balázs brought the games to the Clinic, but Oliver could get them when he came to a therapy. His mother asked to give Oliver the games when the hypodermic needle was already in his arm.
So the 4 package games helped Oliver to forget the pain of needle and therapy.
Martin (4 years old, Szeged)
Martin lives in Szeged and he’d have liked to take part in an excursion. They had been before in this hotel so that’s why it’s Kolping Hotel they choose.
They arrived at the hotel on Sunday and after a short rest they left for the pools in summer warm. Martin felt very good so it was very hard to take pictures of him because he always wanted to slip down on the slide.
Finally, we managed to take a photo about him even with the representative of „Boboland” – Bobo and his sister Dorka.
Hopefully, even the continuation succeeded wonderfully and they’ll remember these 3 days for a long time.
regional leader.

Kornél ( 17 years old, Szentgotthárd )
We talked over Kornél’s wish in last year but we said that he would like to start the course after his treatment. So he went to study and take exams diligently int he last few weeks.
Kornél took the barriers successfully and after a few weeks he is going to be a happy driving licence owner.
Szombathely, 08.05,2009

Dániel ( 5 years old, Budapest )
Dani’s sparkly eyes and happy smile immediately enchanted me. As soon as he arrived at the airport with his mum he claimed to have seen real planes in his life which apparently had flown unbelievably high. When I suggested that perhaps we could take a look at some planes and go on a sightseeing tour - provided that we’d find a super plane with an even more super pilot - all he said was: ‘I’m ready. Let’s fly!’
Uncle Gabi had already been waiting for us in front of the hangar with a shining clean, super helicopter which was ready for making Dani’s dream come true. Firstly, we of course had to admire all the planes in the hangar and, to my greatest surprise, Dani proved to be a real expert in naming some of the plane types. Finally we agreed that a red helicopter would best match with the red child seat of our new co-pilot. We didn’t hesitate for a moment and took off straight. It was a beautifully sunny day and the view was stunning. Obviously our little co-pilot was promoted to captain by the end of the trip as he was quickly able to imitate uncle Gabi’s moves and Dani shortly became an expert in flying. He even helped us landing by giving directions.
After our landing I asked him if he had liked flying to which I got back an excited but short ‘YESSS!!’ as a reply. Dani then turned to his mum and whispered something in her ear. We only got to learn what that might have been when he gave a big kiss on Uncle Gabi’s cheeks and asked about his next availability for flying. Oh well… what else could he have asked being overly excited about flying and totally touched by Uncle Gabi’s kindness and professionalism.
I knew that Dani not only liked flying but also appreciated rather ‘earthy possessions’ such as Kinder Surprise eggs, so on behalf of ’Csodalapma’ I gave him some chocolate eggs to the brave little pilot. He immediately opened one of them to distress after such excitement.
My Dear Dani, we wish that you’ll always remember this wonderful day and when you hear a plane passing by please think of Uncle Gabor Kovats and the ‘Csodalampa’ Foundation how happy they all were to be able to make your dream come true.
Special thanks to Mr. Gabor Kovats, the owner of Skylux Ltd., for helping us again making a child’s wish come true.
2009.augusztus 07.
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Bence ( 12 years old, Apc)
Bence’s favourite hobby is cycling, so he wished a new bicycle from Jinn of Wonder lamp while he was waiting for the good weather.
Jinn has heard that the little boy has the 12th Birthday on 20 February. This year twice... Due to the sponsors of Wonderlamp Foundation the Birthday Cake and the wished mountain bike have arrived one week before.
We wish to be happy with your new bike!

Anita ( 10 years old, Pannonhalma)
Anita is 9 years old and she lives with her parents and younger brother in Pannonhalma. Fortunately she doesn’t miss out from school and studies hard despite her illness. Her modest wish was a WINX doll as she knows them very well and has been collecting them. She even named all of her dolls and played with them often.
The parents kept it in secret that Anita’s wish had come true so it was a complete surprise to her when we met. Anita was over the moon when she opened the present and found the dolls inside.
We wish her happy spare time with the dolls!
Alexandra (11 years old, Budapest)
Alexandra is a nice , blond girl living with her mother and sister. They have escaped into a more peaceful world from an other dark and noisy world. Her big dream was to have a pink or red MP4 device, which we could obtain from one of our regular supporters.
Even if arrival was not a surprise for her, she was very happy about the dark red MP4 device. Said thank you by embracing us warmly. Her brown coloured older sister promissed immediately to help
Alexandra to upload music in order she can use it as soon as possible.
We enjoyed staying with them very much. We felt the biggest power here is love and cooperation.
Alexandra, let this new device make you joy and fun!
wish coordinator
Budapest, 2009. augusztus. 06.

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