Virág (17 years old, Pomáz )
On the day of our meeting at the Children’s Clinic, Virág arrived with her mother for the control examinations. She welcomed us with interest, and although she already knew I was bringing her present, she was extremely happy. She opened the laptop warily.
She received the fulfillment of her wish very modestly, because as she told us she thought a lot about if she really deserved the present or if it would be given to other children who suffered from more serious illnesses! I assured her we chose those children circumspectly whose dreams we fulfilled.
The next thought of Virág was she would too like to help our Foundation with her music knowledge, manual skills and voluntary work because next year she would turn 18 and attend university, and she wanted to requite the present she just got from us.
I reassured her she could help when she had the time and opportunity, and I also talked to her about our Foundation. I saw that knowing she could help as well she accepted the laptop, that would help her studies even more happily. We also found out she was a top class student in contempt of her sickness. She has grave plans about her future and studies.
I was glad to hear that the current medical tests show positive improvement in Virág’s state of health, so later wishing the best I said goodbye to Virág and her mother.

Judit Halmos
Patrícia (10 years old, Székesfehérvár)
Patricia arrived for her check-up at the Tűzoltó street Clinic a bit sadly.
For her biggest surprise though in the hall she met the genie of the Wonderlamp Foundation, who asked her what her biggest desire was.
Genie received a quick answer: a pink laptop, and to the little girls astonishment she found herself standing there with a present.
She hardly believed her eyes when she saw the glorious pink machine, which after this was going to be her’s and only her’s.
We were happy as well it was good to see the teenage girl in here pink sweater and glasses so happy!
Wish coordinators
2010.02.17. Budapest
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