Nikoletta (11 year old, Budapest)

Niki is a real lady, you could’nt have kept a secret from her, especially since she was inveted to the American International School of Budapest in Nagykovácsi along with her mother for a little celebration. The "milady" soon realized the trick, why she had to go there. Of course, the students grant her wish!
The older students of the school collected donations for Niki and two other girls, in September during the charity event called "Walk the wish", and now the time has finally come, for the surprise to get to it’s rightful owner.
We sat down together into the huge theater of the school with joy, where lots and lots of children waited excitedly for the ceremonial handover.
They all learned a few things about Niki. She was given lots of questions, she answered them, but then came the real question: what is it that Niki really wants...
After one long minute of silence, we could hear the answer: she would like to have a white iPad mini!
The white iPad was soon in Niki’s hands, who could not wait to unwrap it and finally get acquainted with it.
We wish you a lot of happy hours with your little computer!

Nagykovácsi, 2013.11.20.
Jázmin (3, Rimóc)
Entering the ward in the” Budai Gyermekkórház” Hospital we found a really fairly girl there Although she was continually blowing her nose she could not give up chatting.We could surprise her with our fantastic present.
Jázmin the „princess”got a a white tat.Her mother set Jázmin on the horse and she began to ride with a great pleasure. She told us,too where she will keep it in her room.
Many thanks for the help to American International School of Budapest.

Budapest, 13/11/2013
Regina (16 year old, Nyékládháza)
Regina is a 16-year-old girl who is studying Information Technology and likes technical things. She asked for a tablet from our Foundation and was waiting patiently for the fullfilment of her wish.
One Tuesday we managed to surprise her. Everything was organized but Regina didn’t have an idea of the present.
We surprised Regina in her hospital room, but when she saw the package, she knew that joyful moments would be waiting for her.
She immediately unpacked the box and could see the beautiful, white tablet. Nurses told us that Regina was dealing with nothing else just the new tablet that night and the next morning.

Miskolc, 19.11.2013.
Edit (16, Gyortelek)

Edit arrived with her grandmother from a small village to the general Cardiological Hospital called Gottsegen György. We have agreed with her grandmother to give Edit the present in the hospital. Edit’s wish was from the Magic Lamp: a LAPTOP.
The girl’s face became bright when she sighted the laptop in my hand. Edit spends a lot of time in her room because of her illness. We hope she will enjoy useing the laptop.
We wish you to take delight in your beautiful white laptop.

Budapest, 14/11/2013
Csaba (13 year old, Szuhakálló)
The first time Csabi heard about the Santa Claus Village from her mother, Eszter.
He still remembers the day when Eszter was talking about the city of Rovaniemi where Santa Claus lives and meets children. Csabi also got information about the Santa television, so he has followed the activities of the Santa Claus day by day for several years.
His wish was evident: he wanted to talk to Santa Claus as long as possible.
Our departure time has been kept secret for quite some time, so Csaba got to know only on Thursday that we would fly the nex day. Then the Finnair employees’ strike was annunced, so we were really frightened how to get to Rovaniemi on time. Fortunately Santa Claus has fantastic helpers, for example the staff of the Finnish Embassy in Budapest and the Finn-Hungarian Association, so with the help of Santa they solved the problem and despite of the strike we could leave on Friday.
We would have liked if Csabi had been rested before the journey, so thanks to the management of the Art’Otel, he and his family could spend a night in this beautiful hotel.
The flight took all day with two interchanges and Csabi became seemingly very tired, but in the evening seeing the lights of the small town, the lights of the airport, the reindeer sculptures and the fabulous baggage claim hall, all his troubles disappeared and he could hardly wait for the Saturday's meeting.
We started the day with the „Santa Claus parade”, but of course there we got just a taste of the miracle that all children long for.
The parade was followed by a dog sledging, where eight playful huskies were happy to pull the sledge of Csaba. After that we drove to the Santa Claus Village where Elves were eagerly waiting for us. Santa's house is like a fairy tale, lots of stairs take you upstairs, there is huge pendulum clock showing the passing time, fire is crackling in Santa's room ... In one of the corners there is a huge box full of many, many letters sent by the children from all over the world. In another corner there are lots of gifts and books and of course Santa's favourite armchair stands in the center of the room.
Suddenly we did not know where to look, what to do, but the initial embarrassment was broken by the kind smile and voice of Santa in a moment. Then Csabi was sitting on his knees and they were talking to each other for a long time. Csaba had a lot of questions: How old is Santa Claus? What does he do all day? How are the toys made? ... Santa asked what Csaba would do if he grows up, and the surprising answer was that he wanted to be a Santa Claus, too. Santa answered that it would be quite difficult because he didn’t want to give up his job in the near future, although it is true that he is more than 400 years old, but that won’t be a problem.
However he asked Csabi to be one of his little helpers, because he had a lot of things to do. They agreed on it, and sealed the deal with a special badge.
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Then Csabi gave his gifts to Santa Claus. He made a fantastic penguin of plastic bottles. He thought it would be a nice surprise as penguins do not live in the Arctic. He also took lots of drawings and of course a wish list with him. Santa gave him a plush Rudolf – his favourite reindeer - as a gift and he also gave Csabi his own pen which is given only to the best of his friends. With a short photo session finished our our "fairytale" visit.
On Sunday our dear Finnish friends surprised us with a visit to the zoo and the main attraction of the day was visiting and walking around in the reindeer farm. Csabi fed his little friends with lichen, then he listened to the story about the four winds, told by a real Shaman of Lappland.
We had a wonderful time at the Santa Claus Village and we hope that this extraordinary journey will help Csabi to recover very quickly.
Budapest, November 18, 2013.

Vanda Hanna (3, Szolnok)
Vanda is a three and half years old girl who wanted to get a DVD player with two monitors from the Magic Lamp and some films about horses.
The American students have fulfilled her wish in Nagykovácsi with their chariteable walk. The young students with their teacher Ms Adrienn Pintér visited Vanda in the „Tuzoltó utcai” Hospital on 04.November , where she took part in a controll.
When we gave the small girl the present, her face became bright and seeing an extra present from the teacher became more happier. Vanda surprised the students with an English song . She showed her favourite horses on her mother’s mobile to us.
Saying good-bye she thanked to the students of the Amrican School for the presents.

Budapest, 04/11/2013
Bence (16 year old, Debrecen)
Anita and Bence, two nice and kind kids from different parts of Hungary had the same wishes: they wanted to visit London. And on a nice autumn day their wishes came true.
Their experience began with the flight because it was the first time that they had gone by air.
Above London the pilot announced that we had to wait 15 minutes for landing because of the heavy traffic of the airport. During this time, the plane was slowly circling over the sunny city, so we could see all sights from bird's eye view.
By the time we arrived to the hotel it became dark, so we took a taxi and went to Piccadilly Circus to see the illuminated city and enjoy the bustle of the night.
Next day we had a sightseeing tour by double decker. We got off at the Buckingham Palace and watched the changing of the guards. Our next program was the London Eye. Fortunatelly it was a lovely sunny day and we could enjoy the panoramic view of London. Children, as well as the adults were also impressed by the 4D movie about the city. We planned many other interesting programs for that day, so after lunch we had a short boat trip on the River Thames, we saw the historic buildings of the Tower, then we were walking through the famous Tower Bridge. It took quite a long time, because the kids stopped every minute to take photos. They were impressed by the awe-inspiring sight. And moreover, another interesting program came: we went to discover the Belfast Warship which is now a museum. As we left the museum, evening fell, the lights went up and we were amazed by watching the illuminated city, including the Tower Bridge, which - probably in our honour – was lifted. The cameras were often clicked again. And the kids still did not get tired, they asked us to go back to the hotel on foot in order to enjoy the cavalcade of the London’s night.
Next morning we began the day with a stadium tour. Visiting the Chelsea Stadium was a special request of Bence. Then we went by underground and double decker to get to the long-awaited Madame Tussauds Museum. Certainly the kids enjoyed it very much. Then a short shopping tour was organized in Oxford Street for the shake of Anita. The day - and also our journey – was finished by a fine dinner in a typical English restaurant.
I am sure Anita and Bence enjoyed themselves and they are going to talk about their experience for a long time.
Budapest, 03.11.2013.
Many thanks to BWSP Gobert and Partners Law Office and the Jet Travel for their support to fulfil these children’s dreams.
Anita (12 year old, Nagyvenyim)
Anita and Bence, two nice and kind kids from different parts of Hungary had the same wishes: they wanted to visit London. And on a nice autumn day their wishes came true.
Their experience began with the flight because it was the first time that they had gone by air. Above London the pilot announced that we had to wait 15 minutes for landing because of the heavy traffic of the airport. During this time, the plane was slowly circling over the sunny city, so we could see all sights from bird's eye view.
By the time we arrived to the hotel it became dark, so we took a taxi and went to Piccadilly Circus to see the illuminated city and enjoy the bustle of the night.
Next day we had a sightseeing tour by double decker. We got off at the Buckingham Palace and watched the changing of the guards. Our next program was the London Eye. Fortunatelly it was a lovely sunny day and we could enjoy the panoramic view of London. Children, as well as the adults were also impressed by the 4D movie about the city.
We planned many other interesting programs for that day, so after lunch we had a short boat trip on the River Thames, we saw the historic buildings of the Tower, then we were walking through the famous Tower Bridge. It took quite a long time, because the kids stopped every minute to take photos. They were impressed by the awe-inspiring sight. And moreover, another interesting program came: we went to discover the HMS Belfast warship which is now a museum. As we left the museum, evening fell, the lights went up and we were amazed by watching the illuminated city, including the Tower Bridge, which - probably in our honour – was lifted. The cameras were often clicked again.
And the kids still did not get tired, they asked us to go back to the hotel on foot in order to enjoy the cavalcade of the London’s night.
Next morning we began the day with a stadium tour. Visiting the Chelsea Stadium was a special request of Bence. Then we went by underground and double decker to get to the long-awaited Madame Tussauds Museum. Certainly the kids enjoyed it very much. Then a short shopping tour was organized in Oxford Street for the shake of Anita. The day - and also our journey – was finished by a fine dinner in a typical English restaurant.
I am sure Anita and Bence enjoyed themselves and they are going to talk about their experience for a long time.
Budapest, 03.11.2013.

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