Yesterday morning a little girl's wish was fulfilled. It would be hard to define who was the Giver and who was the the Given as both of us got something and gave something very special.
In August I was surfing on the net and somehow I came across the Magic Lamp Foundation's homepage where I found a young girl, called Renáta who lives in Hajduböszörmeny. She wished for a tablet and I decided to get in touch with the genies of the foundation. The "Genie's centre" redirected me to Eva, one of the wish-coordinators.
She told me that Reni did not specified any need concerning the tablet so I asked myself the big question: If I were in her position what kind of tablet would I like to receive? So after I figured out my dream tablet I went in "Tabletcountry" where I asked whether they had the right gear with 32 Gb memory and a well-designed case.
After that I only had to wait for Reni's family to inform me about when will they be at the hospital in Debrecen where Reni would got the next treatment, so that I could jump on my magic carpet with my parents to deliver this present to it's new owner.
When we met Eva she told us that Reni is a shy girl who does not like to talk much. Can we imagine how hard was it the find out what she really wished for? So me and my family agreed on that I will go alone into her ward not to scare her too much with our unknown faces.
Stepping into her room we found Reni hiding under her blanket. We asked her mom, Gabi what was the matter and she replied that the doctors were afraid of letting Reni home today so they should stay here for a couple of days more. I recognised two little eyes observing us and looking at me uncomprehending and trying to figure out what was going on. Eva reminded her of the Genies of the Magic Lamp so she was surprised and was very curious about what was going to happen next.
I asked her whether she remembered what she wished for and her answer was a quiet yes.
Than I told her to look into my bag as maybe there will be something in it that she would like. She looked at me as I was a little crazy, which anyways was true as I was crazy to make her happy. When she touched the box of the tablet it was obvious that she didn't dare to believe that all of this was really, so we cheered her to open the box and look inside of it. So when she pulled out the 10 inch Huawei MediaPad T3 WiFi + 4G/LTE tablet, well that was the moment when her face lighted up. To make the machine work I tset up the tablet with the assistance of her mom, Gabi. So when it finally worked we gave it to Reni who fell in love with her little new friend - the brand new tablet. And from that specific moment she got into a brand new world we were not part of, well, at least not yet. 😉

But there came my farewell. It was time to say goodbye. Reni raised her head on me and smiled at me with sparkling eyes. That was the nicest gift I could ever wish for.
For a bit of time in the hallway I was chatting with Eva when Gabi came to me with my bag which I left in Reni's room. And she didn't came empty handed, I mean obviously she had my backpack but in a metaphorical way she told us about some new miracles:
- Reni was all smiles
- Reni said to her that she was hungry - that has not happened for a long time...
Thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to be part of a miracle like this. I feel like I become addicted to one of the healthiest drugs in the world: the power of giving someone joy and I don't feel like I should ever let go of this kind of addiction. So this was not the last time you heard about me.
We hope with me parents that we were able to help Reni to her full- recovering.
Reni, I would like to wish you strength to hold on until a full recovery.
Keep up the good work, Magic Lamp foundation and do not hesitate for even a second to continue doing what you do and the spread the joy on the ill children's faces.
Much love,
(practicing aunt and fairy godmother)
Debrecen, August 18, 2018
Krisztian has been a patient of the children's hospital in Miskolc for month, stucked between four walls.
No wonder his hobby is playing video games on the internet. He wanted to play with his
friends and that is how he came to the idea, that he would like to receive a laptop from the Magic
Lamp foundation.
The day his present arrived he was not feeling very well. But as soon I stepped into Krisztian's room his face lit up without even knowing what a special day it was going to be. He was very excited and when finally he unwrapped the gift everyone could see how happy he was.
At first he said how gorgeous the laptop looked and then he switched it on, checked what kind of operation system it had and as he found it adequate for his needs he started playing with his favourite game. As the minutes went by his smile became wider and wider and it was obvious that he is going to remember this day for the rest of his life.His bad mood from half an hour before has disappeared entirely.
We have seen again that the joy caused by a fulfilled wish helps so much the kids, parents and medical teams to cope with these sever illnesses.
We hope that Krisztian gets well soon and will be able to use his laptop for many years from now.

Miskolc, July 17, 2018
The young Zalán’s dream was to invite for a ride his friend from the nursery, Olivia in his own car.
So I went on a nice sunny afternoon to Zalan’s family to surprise the little boy.
Earlier that day at the hospital he got some serious treatment, so he was tired and his mood was not too bright when I arrived.
To cheer him up I decided cut my visit short and gave him the police car without much fuss. I thought that he will be less shy with only his family around him.
And I was right as since then he has been racing with the car all around and has taken his little girlfriend for some rides too.
I received pictures from his mother which was taken while he was sleeping in his car, so its has multiple functions too...

Budapest, July, 16, 2018
June 16th, 2018 was a big day for the 15-year-old Cintia and the 12-year-old Dzsenifer. They and their moms met at the Liszt Ferenc Airport to fly to London, the place of their dreams.
None of the girls had been on an airplane before, thus the flight was a fantastic experience for them. After arriving at Luton airport, we took the train to London. During the train ride, the girls got a little taste of the English countryside and its picturesque towns. After check-in and a little rest, we got on the tube to go to Buckingham Palace. The girls were looking in awe at the beautiful residence of the Queen. Then we walked over to Trafalgar square to admire Nelson's Column.
Sunday morning we got on a sightseeing bus. Our first stop was King Cross Station to see the 9 and 3/4 platform. The girls had their photos taken decked out in Gryffindor scarves and holding wands. Our next stop was the Tower of London. After a short coffee break, we took a boat tour on the Thames. We admired the beautiful buildings lining both sides of the river. After the boat tour, we headed to Leicester square to admire the Lego World store and exhibition, and the world's biggest M&M's store.
We also visited the New Scotland Yard and the Household Cavalry Museum. The gate is guarded by two members of the Mounted Household Cavalry who were sitting on their horses looking very stern.
Our adventures continued Monday morning on the London Eye. Everybody must try it once! We could not stop turning from side to side in the cabin, admiring the awesome panorama. And it is very safe. One of us was a bit afraid of heights, but even she was stuck to the windows, looking out.
Next, we headed to the Parliament and Big Ben. They were very impressive, even though Big Ben was hiding under scaffolding. Since we were in the neighbourhood, we checked out 10 Downing Street as well.
After that, we visited Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral. The abundance of sights, the statues, the windows, the enormous vaults, all the gold, and marble, was almost too much to take in.
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We left Madame Tussaud's for the last day. During the 2 hours we spent there we made numerous pictures and admired the very realistic vax figures. We saw the members of the royal family, and many famous writers, politicians, movies stars, and athletes. And of course, everybody's favourites, the cast of Star Wars. On a small train that was adorned with the logo of our Magic Lamp, we traveled through the streets of London, from the 17th century to the present, getting a little taste of the atmosphere of London in different eras.
Then we returned to the hotel to have a little rest before heading to the airport. (We would like to thank the hotel for their hospitality.) We recalled the countless great sights we had seen and these wonderful 4 days. The girls were talking about the many marvels they had seen and all the fantastic experiences, and how they could hardly wait to share their memories with their families, friends, and classmates.
We arrived back to Budapest just after midnight, exhausted, but full of fantastic experiences.

Budapest, June 6, 2018
June 16th, 2018 was a big day for the 15-year-old Cintia and the 12-year-old Dzsenifer. They and their moms met at the Liszt Ferenc Airport to fly to London, the place of their dreams.
None of the girls had been on an airplane before, thus the flight was a fantastic experience for them. After arriving at Luton airport, we took the train to London. During the train ride, the girls got a little taste of the English countryside and its picturesque towns. After check-in and a little rest, we got on the tube to go to Buckingham Palace. The girls were looking in awe at the beautiful residence of the Queen. Then we walked over to Trafalgar square to admire Nelson's Column.
Sunday morning we got on a sightseeing bus. Our first stop was King Cross Station to see the 9 and 3/4 platform. The girls had their photos taken decked out in Gryffindor scarves and holding wands. Our next stop was the Tower of London. After a short coffee break, we took a boat tour on the Thames. We admired the beautiful buildings lining both sides of the river. After the boat tour, we headed to Leicester square to admire the Lego World store and exhibition, and the world's biggest M&M's store.
We also visited the New Scotland Yard and the Household Cavalry Museum. The gate is guarded by two members of the Mounted Household Cavalry who were sitting on their horses looking very stern.
Our adventures continued Monday morning on the London Eye. Everybody must try it once! We could not stop turning from side to side in the cabin, admiring the awesome panorama. And it is very safe. One of us was a bit afraid of heights, but even she was stuck to the windows, looking out.
Next, we headed to the Parliament and Big Ben. They were very impressive, even though Big Ben was hiding under scaffolding. Since we were in the neighbourhood, we checked out 10 Downing Street as well.
After that, we visited Westminster Abbey and Westminster Cathedral. The abundance of sights, the statues, the windows, the enormous vaults, all the gold, and marble, was almost too much to take in.
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We left Madame Tussaud's for the last day. During the 2 hours we spent there we made numerous pictures and admired the very realistic vax figures. We saw the members of the royal family, and many famous writers, politicians, movies stars, and athletes. And of course, everybody's favourites, the cast of Star Wars. On a small train that was adorned with the logo of our Magic Lamp, we traveled through the streets of London, from the 17th century to the present, getting a little taste of the atmosphere of London in different eras.
Then we returned to the hotel to have a little rest before heading to the airport. (We would like to thank the hotel for their hospitality.) We recalled the countless great sights we had seen and these wonderful 4 days. The girls were talking about the many marvels they had seen and all the fantastic experiences, and how they could hardly wait to share their memories with their families, friends, and classmates.
We arrived back to Budapest just after midnight, exhausted, but full of fantastic experiences.

Budapest, June 6, 2018
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