Bernát (16 years old, Budapest)
We were today at the Madarász street Children Hospital, where we gave the laptop to Bernát, which was desired by him for a long time.
Bernát is 16 years old; he is doing boxing in his free time, and fighting with leukemia since February. His condition improves well, so now he is at the hospital only for the treatment periods.
Bernát was very happy of the gift, and he will use the laptop for language learning and for family history research as he told.
The wish has been granted from the donations of the employees and guests at the Christmnas party of Bunge Zrt.
In the name of Bernát we thank you for your support!
Budapest 10/04/2012
Tamás (14, Dunavecse)
I met Tomi and his father at Budapest airport Friday night. This was the first time they ever flew apart from Tomi's father flew with a helicopter once. We got in Hotel Marriott Airportba in Manchester by late night.
Marriott Hotel Budapest arranged that this hotel sponsored Tomi and companions' stay in Manchester. They were very kind and helpful at the reception. Next day, after the tipical full English breakfast, my father, Tamas Barabas, who lives in England, took ust to the Chester Zoo.
We saw very exotic animals those captured Tomi's interrest for he loves animals. We were also lucky with the weather as we got some rain only in the afternoon. After the Zoo, we wondered around in Chester visiting it's attractions. Finally we had a traditional "fish and chips" which however Tomi and his dead found a bit too faty.
Sunday was the big day of the long awaited match. We were all excited, and the event could not have been more in our favor as Manchester United bet Aston Villa 4-0 in Old Traford.
Tamas put this exceptional experience this way:
When I first got to the Stadium, I was struck by the size of it. It is much bigger than it looks on TV. It was full of people, great atmosphere, and I could see many things that are usually not broadcasted. The 90 minutes flew without me even realizing it. And of course, the match was fantastic, more over, MU won 4-0!
Monday we visited the Old Trafford Museum and joined the special stadium tour. The best is to here from Tamas about this:
On the third day we visited the stadium. We saw the trophies on display, visited the changing rooms, sit in the coach chair, and we had dinner there. In the morning of the fourth day we had a break after the eventfull first three days, and in the afternoon we flew home.
It was a pleasure to travel with Tomi and his dad and I hope I'll be able to help make others' wishes come true in the future.

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wish coordinators
Budapest, 22/04/2012
First of all, I'd like to say thank you for making my wish come true, and help me get to Manchester to see my favorite team playing.
We first met Wonder Lamp voluntare, Bence Barabas at the airport, and it turned out he was just as big fan of MU as myself. This was the first time I flew ever, but I was not afraid at all. It was late night when we got to Mariott, a very nice and elegant hotel.
First day we visited a small English town, Chester. Bence's dad joined us, so we had a doctor to keep an eye on me. We went to the Zoo, then we spent the rest of the day with sight seeing. Second day we visited a historical museum called IWM World. In the afternoon my big dream came true!
I'd like to say thank you again to Wonder Lamp, Bence and his dad, Tamas Barabas.
Emma Boglárka (6 years old, Orosháza)
Emma was already getting close to the end of her treatment and it was a great surprise to her that her wish was fulfilled! She was happy about the timing for several reasons. First of all, she could go home for the weekend, second, the Easter holidays were coming up and lastly, she was going to celebrate her birthday at the end of the month.
She welcomed us and Edina Lakatos, the representative of Natural Gas Transmission with surprise in her eyes. We brought in together the box containing the requested Playmobil toy.
The little girl opened her gift with the help of the people present, and checked it out to the last detail. The toy contained every important, precise and small detail that belongs to a well-built doll house.
The nice surprise was followed by a little chat.

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Roland (17 years, Geszteréd)
Roland is being treated in the Miskolc Hosptial, I learned from his mother that he was being released to the Ronald House. It was an excellent opportunity to present him with a laptop.
He was very surprised when I arrived, he couldn’t believe his eyes. When I gave him the present at first he couldn’t say anything, then just couldn’t thank it enough. He opened it right away.
He also got an internet subscription from the Ericsson company – this extra surprise really made him blush. His eyes sparkled, he was as happy as one can be.
I hope you’ll have lots of fun with it during the difficult days in the hospital. Don’t give up, you’re the strongest of all!

Dániel (16 years old, Budapest)
It was 20th of March, 1 o'clock when we arrived to the airport. We were very excited to meet Vili Benko and his son David, whom we only met over the phone. We could not have wished for better companions. The experience of flying and the excitement during the landing was unforgettable. We traveled by a huge car from Zurich to Molsheim France. During the 2 hour trip we got to know each other better and we laughed a lot. At the end of the road we arrived to a beautiful hotel next to the Bugatti factory. Our room was completely clear from obstacles. Everyone enjoyed the dinner at a fast food restaurant.
And then the next day has arrived, we were all very excited during the breakfast. After finishing breakfast we started off to the factory. At the barrier we were asked for our passports and we were given visitors cards. Slowly rolling into the courtyard of the factory the excitement got to the peak. We were in the park of a castle, surrounded by exquisite buildings. They were already waiting for us at the showroom.
Stepping into the saloon two marvelous cars were waiting for us a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 and a Buggatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. Wow!
We were tweaking each other’s arms, just to be sure we were not dreaming. After we pulled ourselves together we headed off to the workshop of the factory. Here we had a guided tour in Hungarian, while listening we learned many interesting facts and some secrets about the process of production and assemble. Some data about the Veyron: it has 4 turbochargers, 16 cylinders, 8000 cm3. It takes 2,6 seconds to reach 100km/h and the maximum speed is 407 km/h. If someone would like to have this car, then a prepayment of 400 000 Euros is required only for some car components. For example we saw a Grand Sport ordered by a Chinese buyer, who requested for a unique porcelain dragon between the two seats. Anyone who'd like to drive his/her Bugatti with 400 km/h could do that on a test motorway for 40 000 Euros. If someone would like to drive with a speed above 300 km/h then a special course has to be fulfilled and then he/she gets an extra key for the Bugatti. From the workshop we went to an office located in the castle. When we stepped into the hall we noticed the Bugatti logo on the ceiling. Here we saw photos about the reconstruction of the castle and the factory.
We went to a smaller building, where we found two cars. This was the first time we could hear the sound of Bugatti motors. We could even hold a real Bugatti ignition key. It was such a great feeling... Next to the showroom there is the Orangerie, which is a wonderful orangery, redolent of citrus. This was also found by Ettore Bugatti.
After that came the most important day, year even better my hole life's moment, I could actually sit in a wonderful Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport car. They even took me for a 20 minutes joyride. Words cannot describe what I felt. The feeling was unsurpassed for me. The feeling of acceleration, the speed, the braking will always stay with me. We were racing with 230 km/h. I could and did not want to get out of the Bugatti. In addition they even served us with a meal. We could taste the world's best sandwiches and hand-made sweets. Everyone was extremely kind to us. Before leaving the factory I even got presents! I got a real Bugatti baseball cap and beautiful catalogs. I got a PS3 game as well, which obviously contains a car race game and has a Bugatti in it.
Vili handed over the presents to our hosts, hand-made sweets with the Bugatti logo on and wines from Hungary. They were very happy about the creative presents. We were full of experiences, but we where sad to leave. At the exit we took a last look and said goodbye to the nine dears of the park. There were many crows in the park, so every time when I'll hear one, this dream trip will always come into my mind.
Our hosts in the Bugatti factory gave us tickets to the National Automobile Museum of France, in Mulhouse. The museum fell en route. In this museum we could see couple of hundred cars, from cars with wooden frame until the latest Formula 1 race cars. In a separate show room there was a short film about a Bugatti racing with 407 km/h. Standing before and exposed Bugatti we were proud to discuss how it felt to actually sit and race with a car like this. Not that anyone would have believed us. At the shop of the museum Vili offered to buy me something, I would like. I chose a Bugatti perfume and after shave so this fragrance will always remind me of this trip.
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After getting back to Zurich we went to the Crown Plaza, which was a huge and beautiful hotel, where we had an exquisite room for ourselves for a whole day. After resting a bit we headed off to walk around the city and to have dinner. We ended up in a nice little restaurant crowded by buzzing people. Our schnitzel was so huge it couldn't fit on our plate. We spent our evening talking through our experiences and happily chatting.
The morning after we had a regal breakfast Vili told us to sail on the lake of Zurich. We went to the port by train, but what kind of tram. With my wheelchair I usually cannot travel on the BKV, but this was not a problem in Zurich. Almost every tram was beautiful and clear of obstacles. It was a wonderful feeling travelling on this tram. When we arrived to the port we soon sadly realized that the next ship will depart in an hour. Vili offered us to buy some sweets to bring home. (Vili paid for this as well.) After walking down on Bahnhof street , (this is like the Andrassy street in Budapest) we saw that the passengers were already assembling. The ship was huge! We could get on it without having any problems even with the wheel chair. We had a marvelous one and a half hour on the lake. The weather was wonderful. We had lunch in this luxurious environment on the ship. After that we took the tram again. Unfortunately our way led to the airport after this. On the airplane we recalled our experiences and we were quite sad, because we knew that the trip was over.
On the airport my dad was waiting for us, who never stopped asking questions. He could not believe that these things happened to me! I got to know the family of Vili as well. They were very nice and kind persons, who lend me Vili and David for these three days. I only have a few grown-up friends, but I hope that from now one I can call him one of them. I'm very thankful that I got to know him and that he worked very hard to give me an unforgettable experience. He even had the patience to polish my beginner and weak English knowledge.
Gratitude and appreciation for the Csodalampa, Eva Pautzer, Andrea Mocsonoki, Vili Benko and for all the Genies who helped my dream come true. I live my life in a wheel chair, the love for fast cars and the getting to know them is everything for me. There aren't too many people who can say that they already sat in a Bugatti, or even rode in one. From now on the world has changed a bit for me.
Today I can appreciate the fact that unfamiliar people are willing to do good unselfishly, without sparing money and effort. From now on if I am sad or something hurts, I just close my eyes and race again with the fastest car of the world, a Bugatti.
Thank you for the experience, this will forever be mine, only mine.
Thanks again, I'm forever grateful for the Csodalampa!
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