Although Zsolt is on a waitinglist for a serious operation, we did not think that he would get back so soon to our hospital plus almost immediately taken to our ICU...
We wanted to do something to cheer him up, as his treatments will lats quite some time ... and in the perfect moment arrived the present of Magic Lamp, the "wish" of Zsolt.
When I presented him the package, he opened it and happily shouted: "Wow, that is fantastic! And so thin..." He swithched on the tablet he wished for and started to study it's features.

Budapest, November 14, 2017
Ramona wished for a "playhouse" that in wintertime can be erected in her room and when spring comes one can use it in the garden too.
The little girl was very happy seeing the huge box - at the hospital it was impossible to unpack it - her parents promised to assamble the playhouse as soon as they arrive home.

Debrecen, December 6, 2017
Krisztofer (16 , KISKUNHALAS)

Krisztofer must regularly came to our clinic for medical checkups. His wis was fulfiled on one of this occasions.
He was rellay happy to recieve his "wish", a brand new laptop computer - it arrived on time to become a real Christams surprise. He is very much interested in music; he will use his new computer for listening and also mixing tracks.
Dear Krisztofer, we wish you a fast and total recovery.

Szeged, December 20, 2017
Levente is a fan of mobile phones like many of his teenage friends. When he learned as a patient of the National Cardiology Institut, that he can wish for "something" as his first thought came the word "handy".
After some reflections he wished for an iPhone 6 and the Genie of our Magic Lamp rushed to get one for him...

Budapest December 8, 2017
Gyuri arrived to our clinic for a scheduled treatment. As at each occasion he asked us, when his wish will be granted...
This time the treatment was rather burdening for him, but when I entered his ward with the package he immediately sat up and started to open it with the help of his father.
The laptop was switched on and we hope that browsing the Internet and playing games will make his days at the hospital seem much shorter...

Pécs, November 15, 2017
András (4, Pécs)
András, like many of his age group is a real LEGO fan. No wonder that he asked fro a LEGO Police Station.
He was really excited, not knowing when a Genie will bring him his "wish"...
Well, in the end it was not a Genie, only me, who gave him the many boxes containing the many pieces of the police station, but he was not at all disappointed.
His somehow michievous smile radiated such great joy!

Pécs, December 13, 2017
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