
Gergő András (16, Orosháza)

Gergő wished for a laptop for himself and had a great desire to get it.

As he said, a laptop is a truly useful present, he can use it for studying, watching movies, and playing online games.

His joy was great when we arrived with exactly the same laptop the boy had been dreaming of!

We are grateful for the support of the CHARITIES AID FOUNDATION OF AMERICA , which made it possible for us to fulfill Gergő’s wish!

Dr. Ferenc Kapás and Csilla Kapás
wish coordinators
Orosháza, 24 February 2025

Dalma (14, Tiszanagyfalu)

Dalma loves watching TV, especially English series, which is also useful for her language learning. She also enjoys watching TV as a family activity, so she was very happy when she received her long-desired smart TV as a gift.

Enjoy your new TV set, Dalma!

Thank you to the CHARITIES AID FOUNDATION OF AMERICA for their continued support!

Adrienn Sipos
wish coordinator
Tiszanagyfalu, 28 February 2025



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