József (16 years old, Kisfalud)
József wants to be an architect.
Certainly, first he has to finish his studies at the secondary school, he has to pass the final examination, and after that he can aim the architect or static faculty of the Budapest University of Technology.
Several months were missing from József’s studies due to his illness but he is about to compensate the time lost and the missing the school-work. He has already passed many exams because he doesn’t want to repeat the school year.
He really needs a well-functioning laptop for his studies, so it was evident that he would ask for a laptop. Beside this he will also have different computer science exams, exatly seven times...
Luckily a nice sponsor appeared very soon to fulfill his wish, so we had to arrange only the personal meeting.
His father, also József told us, that they had medical examinations in the hospital only once in every two months and the last one was a few weeks ago, so the next trip to Budapest is due in July. When he found out why we had asked it, he told us that they would come to Budapest with pleasure at one of the weekends as it would not be possible on weekdays due to the exams.
We were looking forward to the date of our meeting. The sponsor of the wish was represented by Zsuzsa and Zoltán. We met at the Szamos Confectionary to have some nice cakes and to fulfill the wish.
Józsi was very happy to get the laptop, and he specially liked its silver-grey colour. He was talking about his plans and his hobby which is folk dance.
The time was flying quickly, we were talking for almost two hours.
We hope that the laptop will be a great help in his studies and his forthcoming exams. We wish Józsi a speedy recovery.
and for the presence of Mr. Zoltán Scrivener at the fulfillment of the wish!
Budapest, 31. May 2014
Gergely Béla (13 years old, Bicske)
Gergely’s desire was to get a really good telephone. When we asked him about his wish, he answered that he would need it in order to keep in touch with his mother, his family and his friends.
Geri had no idea about the surprise that was prepared for him by the students and teachers of the Britannica International School. His mother, Szilvia told him that they would go to visit a school, but she didn’t say anything else.
The usual weekly meeting for students and directors began with an interesting announcement, namely that a new student would come for a short time.
The students handed over the much awaited telephone to Geri and he was greeted with applause. The boy couldn’t say any words but his smile and shiny eyes showed that he was touched.
We wish you to get well soon and have lots of friends by using your new phone.

Budapest, May 26, 2014
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