Maja (8 years old, Budapest)

Maja has had several surgeries and now she has to be home schooled for a while, since she is not allowed to go back to school just yet. Her wish from the Wonderlamp Foundation was to get a notebook so that she can keep in touch with her classmates via the Internet and get her schoolwork done.
Children’s Day was around the corner and a TV presenter invited us to her show where we handed over Maja’s present live on air. She was a little shy in the limelight but once she caught sight of her new netbook there was nothing else she could think about – she could hardly wait to hold it and to get online!
Maja, you are a very brave girl – we wish you all the best and we hope you will use your netbook to learn and play a lot!

Wish coordinator
Budapest, 05.28.2011.
Kornélia (17 years old, Sárvár)
The Csodalámpa Foundation fulfilled the 1500th wish in the spring of 2011.
We have changed this young girl into a fashonable girl with the help of a professional stylist. This was her wish and it was our 1500th wonder.
Kornélia - whose nickname is Nelly is - keen on the fashionable dresses but she is not sure of her taste yet.
She wanted to meet a stylist who could give her some usuful advice what how to wear. Mr. Robi Már accepted immadietely this task. We agreed with him to spend a whole afternoon with Nelly and they would speak only about fashion and dresses.
Nelly arrived from Sárvár with her parents in Budapest. It was very warm that day it could be about 35C... We sat at a table of a coffeehouse dowbtown with a glass of cold drink in our hands under a parasol speaking about fashion pleasantly and peacefully. Robi praised Nelly’s bonnet and her style. He promised to help Nelly how to pick together the different accesories. Nelly tried on different kinds of dresses through hours, for example an elegant dress to the school-leavers’ ball. She seemed to be very happy. I think we women get some "happiness hormones" when we buy something... It proved true with Nelly, too.
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Budapest, May 26, 2011
Vivien Ibolya (12 years old, Budapest)
I talked to her mum the previous day and asked her to keep the secret: Monday Vivien's wish will come true. I knew this won't be easy to her...
Viven woke up a few minutes before our arrival, she blinked almost half-asleep on the two strangers who entered her ward with a big brown box.
The other "stranger" was Mr. Ben O'Brian, teacher of the American International School of Budapest, or AISB .
The present for Vivien, the brand new laptop computer has come from the AISB art students and teachers.
:Each year, the Art students organise an exhibition, where a few of the best works are sold for charity. This year all the students voted Csodalámpa as the beneficiary of the art auction.
While we were telling Vivien who we are, why are we here and Ben explained in perfect Hungarian about the AISB and art fair Vivien started to smile.
I suggested to open the box at last.
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In the middle of struggling with the package I have seen her smiling doctors peeping in through the door... Yes, they deserve to be part of these small wonders...
Seeing and touching the notebook Viven's smile became even brighter: it is so pretty and it is HER's!
She started to plan immediately how she should use it for watching films, browsing the net...
This day proved te be very exceptional not only for Vivien and her Mother. Ben and me, we were also really moved by their intense joy.
Budapest, June 20, 2011

Hajnalka (14 years old, Úri)
Hajnalka wished to swim together with dolphins. By our knowledge the only place in Europe, where this can be done is in Nice. It took good deal of work and some time too to organise everything but with our friends and supporters we managed at last to realise Hajni's wish.
There is no direct flight to Nice, so we flew from Budapest to Paris where we had to change for an other plane to Nice.
We could stay in downtown Nice in the wonderful Hotel Le Meridien Nice - many thank for the Starwood Hotels!
Next day was the big day: we went to Marineland.
The park itself was amazing! We visited the polar bears,seals and whales, as well.
Hajnalka was keen on the dolphin show of course. The main attraction - the reason we came - began at 5 pm when Hajnalka could go to the pool in a special neopren cloth to the dolphins. She followed the caretakers' instructions. She made friends with the dolphins in a record time. She found soon a favourite dolphin whom she gave the name "Flipper". It even preferred swimming around Hajni instead of listening to it's trainers commands...
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Hajnalka enjoyed a short swim in the sea next morning.
We went for a walk downtown on our last afternoon and we admired the beautiful Nice.
We said goodbye to Nice late in the evening and flew back to Paris, where our accommadation was in the pleasant Sheraton Paris Hotel.
We thank to the Le Meridien Hotel Nice and of course to Sheraton Paris Hotel for their support and hospitality which was given to Hajnalka during the trip.
Many thanks to MALÉV Hungarian Airlines and the kind members of MALÉV Duna Club for their support.
Nice, 10-13/06/2011

Hajnalka hes just written to us
I am Hajnalka and I am 14 years old.
The volunteers of the Csodalámpa visited my school the so called Motion Correcting Elementary School.
They asked me if a fairy granted my wish what it would be. I like swimming and I like the animals, as well. I always wanted to see and caress a dolphin. I knew it was a great wish.but I was told I could ask for it, of course. It was said me it would take a lot of time to organize this wish and they would do their best. My dream came true on 10th Jun when I could travel with my mum to France for 4 days.
We stayed at two beautiful hotels in Paris at Sheraton Airport Hotel and in Nice at Le Meridien Hotel.I saw the sea from my beautiful room being in my bed or from the balkony being in the deck chair. Everybody was so kind to me!!! I shall never forget these fantastic days.
We stayed only for one night in Sheraton Hotel in Paris. I could see from my window to take off the planes. It was also great. What a pity I could stay there only for one day. I learnd, our accommadations were gratis. Many thanks to the hotels.I had many unforgettable experiences.!!!
And the dolphins!!! They were fantastic!!! Our day at Marineland was wonderful. We have seen a dolphin-seal show. The greatest attraction was the killer-whale show...
We became very tired at the end of the day. I have got so many new impressions that days that I have not been able even to think over and I have not ha time to speak about at home. I will do it later.
Many thanks to the Csodalámpa Foundation, the hotels and my attendents for the help and support. I will never forget it. I hope they will not forget me, too.
Petra (6 years old, Érd)

Petra who is called Kamilla in the reality is keen on Halász Judit and her songs. She was much exited all the week because she could go to Halász Judit’s concert and she could meet the singer personally.
We arrived a little bit earlier so we could watch the actress how she had a rehearsal on the stage. We could go a little bit later to her dressing room where Kamilla had an opportunity to chat to the actress. Kamilla had a present for her it was a drawing. The actress was very glad about it. They spoke about Kamilla’s hobby about free time about songs. She was asked about her favourite song, which was sung by Halázs Judit on the stage. We had taken some photos and left the dressing room.
We took place in the first row. The performance began within some minutes. The concert was great!!! The children sang the songs with the actress together they were given standing ovation to Halász Judit. They were very happy. Of course Kamilla was also very happy and I think it was a great experience in Kamilla’s life.

Budapest, 30.04.2011.
Martin (8 years old, Palotabozsok)
Martin, his sibling and parents were invited to the event Chilren’s Day organized by the Pécs National Theatre together with the County Town Library. Due to his curiosity we tried to keep it a secret, but the child was very suspicious.
He arrived a little scared, but showing curious openness at the same time. Thanks to our Foundation two balloon clowns (representing Happy Balloons Ltd. ) also participated in the event and were the first to give Martin a present; in a circle of children, Martin got a balloon guitar.
The opening ceremony started following this and Martin was called on stage.
The moment has come, and as a representative of the Wonderlamp Foundation I had the opportunity to give Martin his much awaited gift: a remote control car, the kind adults would love to play with as well.
The little boy was very touched, but his face reflected joy and happiness.
In the meantime he was given two tickets for that evening’s performance Snow White by the director of the theatre.
With happy satisfaction we went to have lunch on the terrace of a nearby restaurant. We had a good time, Martin enjoyed talking, and he could hardly wait to get home and try his present, because the next day he had to return to the hospital for his last chemotherapy treatment. The next time we saw each other he was excited to tell us about his “wonder car”. Perhaps it is carefree play which lets one forget about the pain and suffering caused by the illness and treatment the best.
We wish to thank the Pécs National Theatre, not only for the fairy tale afternoons, but also for inviting the Wonderlamp Foundation to their Children’s Day event, strengthening our ties, where we got an opportunity to celebrate and fulfil Martin’s dream, as well as letting former “wonderlamp” kids participate in the afternoon show.

Pécs, 22.05.2011
Lili (3 years old, Kerekegyháza)
It was real magic when Lili’s wish came true!
Lili, a four-year-old girl living in Kerekegyháza, asked for a plastic playground so she could cook in her ‘own house’. After receiving the present, Lili immediately invited us into her small house to eat some cookies. We happily accepted the sweets and made friends with the young hostess.
We wish Lili good health and strength to her family so she could invite lots of friends into her small house in the future.

19 May 2011, Kerekegyháza
Krisztina (9 years old, Dunaharaszti)

Krisztina is a big fan of the hungarian soap opera ’Jóban- Rosszban’ so her wish was to take part on a shooting with her favourite actor Károly Gesztesi. To orginise this took quite long, but it was not the first time that the cast helped the foundation to make a wish come true. Krisztina was really excited. At the beginning we met the hair dressers,make-up artists and stylsts. When the actor arrived he greeted Kriszti as an old friend and invited the girl to his changing room where they could talk and he offered a sandwich to her. Krisztina gave him a painting in return.
The shooting started in the bar called ’Macsek’. Krisztina was peacefully watching until the director asked her to come in the bar,sit down and ask for the menu- just like an actress She played like she waited for this oppurtunity her entire life. After this she could also have some autographs from the actors and actresses.
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Budapest, 2010. 10.19.
Viktória (9 years old, Söjtör)
Viki has always loved horses.
Her mother told us that Viki has been drawing horses since the age of two, so she obviously asked for a horse now. Viki was dreaming about a pony she could play with, look after, feed and water and might be her friend for many years.
After discussing the circumstances of keeping a horse with Viki’s parents, we started to think about a way of finding a horse for Viki.
Fortunately Miklós Szabó, our kind supporter called us when he saw Viki’s wish on our website to tell us that his horse Bendegúz would be ideal for Viki.
Bendegúz is a wonderful black pony with a white star on his forehead.
He is very friendly, especially with children, so I immediately knew that we have found the best horse for Viki.
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To make Viki even happier, she received her present on Children’s Day. How did they like each other? The photos and Viki’s letter might give you the answer:
I have already walked him and even sat on his back after saddling him with the help of a friend of mine. My friend can ride a horse so she could really try Bendegúz and I sat on his back while he was being led.
I will learn how to ride a horse, so I can also do it on my own soon!"
After receiving Viki’s letter I talked to her on the phone and she invited us for a horse riding.
We really hope that we can visit them this year!
28 May 2011

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