Noémi (15 years old, Olasztelek-)
Our flight departed early Monday morning to take us to the place of our dreams: Rome.
After the pleasant flight we excitedly boarded the bus that took us to our hotel.
We were very pleased with the hotel, we had a beautiful room with a view of the swimming pool.
Our first day was fantastic. We visited many beautiful old buildings of the city, the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and the Piazza Navona. The next day brought even more wonderful experiences. We saw the Colosseum, the Castle of the Holy Angel, and enjoyed a delicious dessert. On Wednesday we took the subway and a bus to go to Zoomarine, where the dolphins were waiting for us. As soon as we arrived, we were told all the important information about the dolphins. Then we had our picture taken with one of them and got them perform a trick for us. I chose Marco for my photo.
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Meeting these fantastic animals will remain a lifelong experience for me. We stayed at Zoomarine until late afternoon, so we had plenty of time to watch a dolphin show, see the penguins, seals, and try the many water slides. On Thursday we visited the Vatican Museums, the Saint Peter's Basilica, and the Sistine Chapel. After all these we still had time in the afternoon to do some shopping and try the real Italian pizza. On our last day we managed to squeeze in a little swimming in the pool of the hotel, then headed to the airport. When we got back home, we were sad to say good bye to each other, but we will always remember the beautiful experiences we shared.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Mr. Vilmos Benkő, our guide and chaperon on the trip for catering to our every whim and making this trip unforgettable for us. I would also like to thank the Magic Lamp Foundation for their tireless efforts, organizing this trip, and making our wish come true.
With love,

Budapest, August 16, 2015
Annamária (15 years old, Budapest)
We met our fellow-passengers and our attendants in the early hours on August 10, 2015. We quickly talked throgh, what we would like to see in Rome.
Right after we landed, we went to the elegant Mariott Park Hotel. We were amazed by the hotel’s swimming pool and georgeous restaurant. And we admired our room, which contained two bathrooms...
Before we started discovering the city, we had a pizza for lunch in a real Italian restaurant.
It is almost unbelievable that we saw so many sights just on the first day. We saw the Spanish steps, the Trevi fountain, and the Angels bridge.
And of course, we had a lot to see on the other days as well. The Colosseum, the Vatican and the Saint Peter’s Basilica.
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One of the best experiences was the zoo and the aquapark, which were in the city’s neighborhood. We saw the dolphin show, we fed the animals, and we tried the water slides too.
On the last day before noon, we just relaxed in the pool.
We got home pleasantly tired and with lots of unforgettable experiences.
Thank to the supporters and to Vilmos Benkő volunteer for this extraordinary trip.

Budapest, August 16, 2015.
Richárd (3 years old, Budapest)
Ricsi loves dogs. Since there is room only for a small dog in his home, he wished for a male yorkie puppy. It was not not easy to grant the wish because the puppy had to fullfill many "requirements", but after a long search, and with the help of the Hungarian Yorkshire Terrier Association, we found Barbara Varga breader, and her lovely six-months old puppy, Carlos.
The wish was sponsored by the always generous Corinthia Hotel Budapest, which meant that Ricsi and his family were invited to the courtyard of the hotel for the big surprise.
Barbara Varga personally delivered the very cute puppy. We took care of the accessories so that the family does not have to wory about them. We bought a soft fluffy pillow, bowls, toys, and a carrier.
Ricsi was couriously looking at Carlos through the door of the carrier bag. At first Carlos was eying his new owner with a little apprehension, but soon they get to know each other and we could already see the beginning of a great friendship.
Barbara told every important information to Ricsi’s dad. And then there was only one thing left, take Carlos home and introduce him to the rest of the family.
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We would like to thank also Hungarian Yorkshire Terrier Association, and Barbara Varga breader for their kind help in order to make Ricsi’s wish come true.

wish coordinators
Budapest, July 16, 2015
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