Viktor (10 years olt, Budapest)
Viktor is an always smiling, happy little boy who is interested in lots of things.
We talked about many things and I think he would like to experience all the wonders of life in one go. He loves stories. When he was still the inhabitant of the Tűzoltó street hospital he always participated in our story telling days with his fellow friends. He is enthusiastic about sports, animals and even for magic tricks, but his biggest love is for music. He has fantastic ears for music and one of his oldest dream was to learn how to play the drums.
Viktor is now over with all of his medications, he goes to school and since he regained his strength he wished for a drum set, from our genie. He made this a doubtful wish, since he couldn’t believe that the genie would have enough power to grant such a big wish.
He didn’t know the power of our Genie!
So, thought our Genie, let’s look around, where can we find the best drum set for our aspiring new musician. He found a very important supporter, a true legend in the drummer world: Mr. János Szanyi.
The FirstMed Centers Kft. wished to help in realizing the dream of Viktor and to help to make his first steps in the world of music.
I think we were able to surprise Viktor.
Mr. Péter Szanyi, the drum teacher of Viktor asked him to attend a class, and later on he guided him to another room, where we set up the new drum set for him. Without realizing it was his granted wish he already started to play it enthusiastically!
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Ms. Kinga Málnási, the representative of FirstMed Centers Kft. came with us to fulfill a dream, couldn’t believe her ears. After only 2 months of drum practice Viktor was already on a different level then any beginners.
After we told him that from today on this is going to be his MAGIC set of drums, which the First Med Center Kft. got for him, the only thing he could say:
- Oh... my... is it really true?
Yes it’s true Viktor.
But the day still wasn’t over. In gratitude of his new present Viktor with the vocal solo of his sister Anka provided us the best surprise in the form of a little concert. It was a wonderful experience, thank you for the wonderful time!
We wish you Viktor wonderful time with you new drum set, and we would like to ask you that as a man in a great band please remember to this small group of people who was able to help you realize your first dream, and help you start you way to stardom.
We would like to give an extra thank you, to the FirstMed Centers Kft., because without their help we wouldn’t be able to see such a big smile on Viktor’s face!
Budapest, November 26, 2012

Previous posts
- Botond (5 years old, Nagyatád)
- Milán (3 years old, Budapest)
- Adrienn (6 years old, Monor)
- Evelin (10 years old, Tét)
- Szabolcs (10 years old, Kisköre)
- Viktor (10 years olt, Budapest)
- Dávid Ferenc (9 years old, Csajág)
- Levente (15 years old, Pusztadobos)
- Borbála (9 years old, Budapest)
- Dániel (9 years old, Erdőtelek)
- Levente (5 year old, Zalagyömörő)
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