Veronika (15, Piliscsaba)
Veronika is a quiet and very nice little lady who was in dire need of a new phone, as her previous device was broken.
She was very happy about it, because it allows her to keep in touch with all members of her family, even those she has seen for a long time.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 05.02.2025.
Sándor Tamás (14, Tatabánya)
The volunteers of the Magic Lamp Foundation brought joy again today: they gave Sándor his long-desired gift, a special toy. The moment of surprise was unforgettable – the boy's face lit up when he opened the package.
Volunteers and family members rejoiced with him, as this moment was not only about receiving a toy, but also about hope, support and a little magic that makes everyday life more beautiful.

wish coordinator
Tatabánya, 30.01.2025.
Liliána (10, Tura)
Liliána's wish was a laptop with which she could study and take part in education online. It is extremely helpful for her to acquire the right knowledge.
Liliána is a really hardworking little lady, for whom it is very important to be able to learn, and we hope that the device will also be useful for entertainment.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 04.02.2025
Scarlett Letícia (5, Zalaszentgrót)

Scarlett asked for a fabulous princess bed and wardrobe, her wish was a real ’dream furniture’.
With the help of her parents, the furniture was quickly put together and now she is happy to use it.

wish coordinator
Zalaszentgrót, 21.12.2024
Abigail (15, Budapest)
Abigail's original wish was to meet the members of the band 21 Pilots. Unfortunately, despite all our efforts, we couldn't make the meeting happen, but we were able to arrange a visit to their concert in Vienna.
Abigail has been a fan of the band for many years and was looking forward to the concert. We didn't know who the opening act would be, but we hoped she would be pleasantly surprised.
The young lady has undergone many treatments, and we were very hopeful that fulfilling her wish would cheer her up and give her strength to overcome the final obstacles.
After the concert, we were happy to see her smiling and visibly enjoying the evening. And as a surprise, in addition to acquiring some memorabilia, with the help of a kind employee of the Wiener Sporthalle, Julia, we also managed to get a concert poster. The surprise was a great success, and the poster will surely find a worthy place.
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Wish Coordinator
Vienna, February 17, 2019
Tamás Sándor (9, Rácalmás)
Tomika dreamed of a huge LEGO set, LEGO® City - Downtown. His wish was fulfilled at a special location, at the charity evening of our foundation, in the elegant ballroom of Corinthia Hotel Budapest. The little boy happily walked up to the stage to receive his gift.
A few days later, we received the following kind message from Tom's mother:
"Dear Magic Lamp Foundation!
Thank you very much for bringing such joy to our little boy! It was great to see the happiness on his face when he got the lego. The next day we put it together and have been playing with it ever since. Thank you very much again!
Sincerely, XXX family"

wish coordinator
Budapest, 15.11.2024
Mátyás (16, Budapest)

Matyi wants to be an interior designer and his wish was an iPad that would also be useful during his studies.
His gift was handed over at a special location, at the charity evening of our foundation, in the elegant ballroom of Corinthia Hotel Budapest, where Matyi was happy to receive the coveted device.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 15.11.2024
Eliza (13, Budapest)

Eliza's wish was for a larger monitor so that she could comfortably play her computer games with more pleasure. She was very prepared for the handover, which took place at our foundation's charity evening in the elegant ballroom of the Corinthia Budapest. She was only worried about how he was going to get the huge box off the stage, but of course we solved it, she got help.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 15.11.2024.
Vencel (14, Szigetszentmiklós)
Vencel has two brothers. His parents work in the social sector and in the municipality. Soccer has always played an important role in his life, but he had to stop playing football after the first operation.
Now, at the age of 14, he has completed the soccer referee course and is doing this in his spare time. He likes it very much. He is the youngest football referee in Hungary in the MLSZ Federation!
He had to pause his beloved occupation for a while because he broke his arm, but now he is fine and will be able to resume his referee career in January.
He wished for referee equipments (T-shirt, trousers, warm top and bottom, stem, whistle, flag). He needed several sets, by color.
He was very happy to see the jerseys and equipment.
We wish him good luck with the football matches and hope to see him leading interenational matches later on.

wish coordinator
Budapest, November 29, 2024
Zsófia (3, Kistarcsa)
Zsófia really likes dolls, storybooks, she likes to play. She would have liked even more different toys, dolls and story books.
She looked with great enthusiasm at the many beautiful new toys and dolls that we could give to her.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 25.11.2024.
Zétény Huba (3, Budapest)
It was Zétény's big dream to be able to ride a bicycle like children of a similar age, as he really likes to play outdoors.
The Genie of the Magic Lamp surprised him with a tricycle that he could "ride".

Wish coordinators
Budapest, 11.10.2024.
Gergely (4, Nyíregyháza)

Geri loves to watch fairy tales, so he is very happy to have his own tablet, on which he can take his favorite fairy tales everywhere, even to the hospital when he goes for treatment. In addition to the fairy tales, there are also countless interesting games waiting to entertain Geri.

wish coordinators
Debrecen, 08.11.2024
Bence (7, Baja)
Bence's wish was a garden playground.
I arrived at the family in the afternoon. Bence was dressed and we went out for a swing. He felt so good that he didn't want to stop.
The playground also has a climbing frame and a slide, which not only gives him the joy of playing, but also helps develop his motoric capabilities.
Last but not least, we put a big smile on the face of another sick child!

wish coordinator
Baja, 2024.11.06.
Krisztián (16, Szeged)

Krisztián goes home every weekend because he studies in Budapest. His wish from the Miracle Lamp was a PS5 game console.
I made an appointment with her mother, but Krisztian did not know about it. I visited him on Saturday, the first day of the autumn break, and fulfilled his wish. The surprise and then the joy was huge when he saw the package. Krisztian is a very communicative and cheerful young man, full of plans and he gave me an insight into his everyday life, for that I am grateful.

wish coordinator
26th of October 2024
Anna (14, Eger)
Anna is a devoted heavy metal fan, along with her whole family. One of their favorite bands is Powerwolf.
As soon as the band announced their world tour dates in 2023, they immediately bought tickets for the Budapest concert. A few weeks later, unfortunately, Anna’s illness was discovered…
It’s no surprise that her wish was to meet the band members at the concert. And thanks to the Magic Lamp genie, her wish came true!
After the massively successful concert, Anna and her family were able to meet and greet the "wolves" in a private setting.
The band members even surprised Anna with personal gifts, which was an incredible surprise. After getting over her initial shyness, Anna’s questions began to flow. The meeting was wonderfully informal and will remain an unforgettable experience!
wish coordinator
Budapest, 22.10. 2024.

Alex (16, Nyíregyháza)
I met the 16-year-old boy from Nyíregyháza, who studies here at the high school, at the EGYMI School for the Disabled. The serious-minded, very nice, ambitious young man actively plays sports in addition to studying and learning languages. He attends wheelchair basketball and ice hockey training and is a member of the Parahockey team.
Alex travels from Nyíregyháza to the college in Budapest every week, the training also takes a lot of time. For a long time, he wanted a PlayStation, with which he could relax in his little free time.

wish- coordinator
Budapest, October 24, 2024.
Imre (8, Létavértes)

Imre is a student in the 2nd grade of primary school and enjoys playing outdoors with his siblings. His wish was to get a playground where they could swing, slide and climb together.

wish coordinator
Létavértes, 19.10.2024.
Vince (4, Budapest)
Vince is a direct, chatty little boy who loves to play Legos.
He already has many, many Lego at home, but one or two pieces are still missing from his inventory.
His wish was the Freight Train Lego from the Magic Lam, which was given to Vince by two kind lovely teachers of the American School. According to Vince, he will put together this huge Lego with the help of his dad. Vince is fond not just of trains, he told us that as an adult he would like to drive a garbage truck or ice cream car.

Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 17.10.2024
Roland (14, Székesfehérvár)

In his free time, Roland roller skates or plays board games or reads poetry. His favorite subject is informatics, in the future he would like to work as an informatics librarian.
What he wanted from Magic Lamp was a laptop, which would be a great help for his studies, but of course he could also watch movies on it, for example his favorites, Intouchables and Bridget Jones movies.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 18.10.2024
Laura (12, Pápa)
Laura has been "enjoying" the hospitality of the hospital for a very long time. She knows every place, she has visited every floor, not even once. And she was already impatiently waiting for the Genie of the Magic Lamp to arrive.
She really wanted a smart-watch that would always be with her and that she could watch and measure everything on it. She was very happy when finally received it and was excitedly waiting for his father to arrive, who would help her to delve even deeper into the possibilities offered by the watch.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 18.10.2024
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