Lili (3 years old, Veszprém)

Lilike is a sweet, active little girl who like riding a bike. Her wish was a scooter!

By conspirating with her mum we arrived as a surprise with the magic machine into the Tűzoltó Street Clinic. Lili welcomed the present in a shy way, constantly hugging her mum.

There were some other children who ringed the bell…. Of course Lilike became interested as well. After we left we found out that Lili was staring her new scooter with happiness, all her shyness was gone as it is seen on the picture.

We wish all the happiness when using the new scooter.

Márta Felkai and Joli Bakonyi
Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 17th of February, 2010

Thank you for the support from the E.ON Hungária Zrt.


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