Máté ( 5 years old, Szeged-Kiskundorozsma )

5 year old Máté sat nervously in his chair. He felt something was about to happen. During his lengthy stay in hospital he had already developed a shrewd sense for when something was wrong. Then he caught sight of an enormous box hiding the LEGO city he longed for. He sat up wearily in his chair and together with his mother tried to work out from the pictures on the front of the box what treasures might be hidden inside.

“Máté,” said his mother, “it looks like there’s even a prisoner in it.”

The little boy was absorbed in the pictures, and leaning back in his chair and with a weary smile on his face he gave thanks for the toy that would brighten up the days of his long stay in hospital.

Máté’s wish has been granted from the donation of the pupils, parents and teachers of the Budapesti Angol Nemzetközi Iskola.

Thank you for your support!

Erzsébet Veres
Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 2 April 2010


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