Ádám (14 years old, Túrricse)

On a beautiful sunny spring Sunday with two of our new voluntary workers we set of to Túricsere to the 14 year old Adam. His request was a portable DVD player which he needed because of the many many travelling and medical treatment. Adam loves story films and also children’s films.

He was really surprised because he didn’t know we were coming. He was over the moon and very delighted with the present. After we assambled it, and watched a short film we said goodbye and set of.

This was an unforgettable day for us as well!

We hope you to have a great time watching the films and also we wish you to get better as soon as possible!

Thank you for the support of Fornax.

Georgina Beregi, Emese Csahoci and Anett Sáska
2009.04.05 Túricsere


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