Levente (17 years old, Nyírzápony)
Levente is a 17 year old teenage boy who knows a lot about computers and his dream was to get a laptop. He unwrapped the gift as fast as he could he turned the machine on, and immediately started playing with it.
Statisfaction swept across his face, and I was happy to see him so delighted as well.
We hope this machine helps his recovery as well!

Joli Bakonyi
2010.03.25. Budapest
2010.03.25. Budapest
Previous posts
- Örkény (12years old, Gyöngyös)
- Mercédesz (12 years old, Berzék)
- Márton (4 éves, Tárnok)
- Mark (13 years old, Budapest)
- Margareta ( 13 years old, Miskolc )
- Levente (17 years old, Nyírzápony)
- Krisztián ( 14 years old, Hódmezővásárhely )
- Kira Vivien ( 4 years old,Szentes )
- Katrine Rebeka (6 years old, Salgótarján)
- István ( 6 years old, Újléta )
- Iringó ( 3 éves, Arló )