Gábor (11 years old, Magyardombegyház)
It was a rainy Sunday when we gave the 11 year-old Gábor a great pleasure with a PC.
When we arrived to Magyardombegyház Gábor and his sister and brother were watching TV. Our arrival was a secret so he was shocked and he forgot to greet us. He was standing there with a seriously face .His sister and brother began to unpack the boxes but Gábor didn’t move he was standing only. Suddenly he ran to us and he clasped in our arms and gave a kiss. His face was glowing with a happy smile and he went to the boxes and unpacked the PC.
We helped to set up the computer and Gábor began to play games with pleasure.
When we said good-bye to the family Gábor ran again to us saying thanks for the fantastic present to the Magic Lamp and he clasped in our arms, again. We left a very happy boy there.

Dr. Batári Péterné
Magyardombegyház, 20.03.2011.
Magyardombegyház, 20.03.2011.
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- Szabina ( 18 years old, Kecel )
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- András (Sopron 11 years old)
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- Gábor (11 years old, Magyardombegyház)
- Dóra (9 years old, Nagykőrös)
- Krisztián (11 years old, Nagyvenyim)
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