Fanni (17 years old from Miskolc)
Fanni is a lovely and pretty teenager. She wished to see and have first hand experience on the making of an international film. As a grownup she intends to work in the film industry. She is preparing hard for this, she knows quite a lot about films, media and already speaks German and English.
We asked her to write down in English why this is her wish and what exactly she hopes to see at a film shooting.
We made a little "conspiracy" with her parents in order to surprise her: she had no idea, why on earth shall they meet us Tuesday morning outside of Miskolc and why are we travelling to Kassa. Her parents told her only, that she should come in order to clear a few points concerning her wish.
Of course, arriving in Kassa we told her the truth, that just after lunch she would meet the producer of the film "Until the end of times" Mr. Howard Ellis.
He soon arrived with two of his colleagues, After the introductions they told Fanni, that she is in for quite some surprises: she can meet many of the actors, the production manager and many other "insiders". She can see the shooting itself, meet the makeup people, the costume designers - in short whatever she wishes...
Fanni then gave Mr. Ellis the letter explaining why-s and what-s and thanked him his kindness and help. Mr. Ellis then asked her, what did she think the most interesting and her answer was: "everything".
Our tour started at the St. Cathrine church. We took our time at the shooting of one scene: after the crumbling of a stone bridge (this scene was shot somewhere else), the walk on actor's task was to care for the wounded. Of course the wounded people were also walk on actors.
They were sprinkled with water all the time: they were expected to be soaked as they were just pulled out from the river. The makeup crew worked hard to create wounds on their arms, faces, and in between they practiced their short, few sentences long roles. They were a crowd of around 200...
Fanni was seeming enchanted by the shooting and all the information she got: who, what and how should solve, who should be ready for action and where, the makeup should put more mud on the face of this or that actor, who should and how cry...
We could follow the whole procedure of the preparations and the shooting itself and then we were allowed to wander around the area as well. Then we were shown the mobile homes, the tents and met a few dozen people from the crowd actors as well.
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To our big surprise we recognised among the actors Mr. Argus Filch, the somber mood caretaker of Hogwarts from the Harry Potter films -Mr. David Bradley. Mr. Bradley even kindly let us shot a common picture with Fanni. Was this the magic lamp's magic?!?
Then we took our time with the makeup team - Fanni too got pretty makeup, and she was given an official pass that allowed her to enter the premises of the shooting. We could only thank many times all the people we met, they were so kind, answered patiently Fanni's questions...
After a while we needed some rest, so we drunk some hot chocolate in a nearby sweets shop.
This gave enough strength to Fanni to join again the film crowd and "check" the situation. As a souvenir she got a coin too.
We said our goodbyes and thank you-s late afternoon to the film makers, a bit tired but very happy. We expressed our thanks to Mr. Howard Ellis and his crew - without his support it would have been almost impossible to make Fanni's wish come true.
We wish Fanni a fast recovery and that in a few years time we should meet her as a professional at another film shooting.
wish coordinators
Kassa, Octobet 25, 2011.
Many thanks to Mr. Howard Ellis and his colleagues for the kind help in realising Fanni's wish an to Ms. Maria Kocsis of Budapest Marriott Hotel, without whose kind support we would have never met Mr Ellis.
Previous posts
- Kinga (17 years old, Budapest)
- Zsolt (10 years old, Sarkad)
- Péter (5 years old, Kaposvár)
- Kinga (16 years old, Székesfehérvár)
- Bence (6, Budapest)
- Fanni (17 years old from Miskolc)
- Vanessza (7 years old; Olaszfa)
- János (13 years old, Miskolc)
- Dalma (16 years old, Siófok)
- Tamara Boglárka (16 years old, Gyöngyössolymos)
- Rita Erzsébet (9 years old, Tatárszentgyörgy)
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