Emma Boglárka (6 years old, Orosháza)
Emma was already getting close to the end of her treatment and it was a great surprise to her that her wish was fulfilled! She was happy about the timing for several reasons. First of all, she could go home for the weekend, second, the Easter holidays were coming up and lastly, she was going to celebrate her birthday at the end of the month.
She welcomed us and Edina Lakatos, the representative of Natural Gas Transmission with surprise in her eyes. We brought in together the box containing the requested Playmobil toy.
The little girl opened her gift with the help of the people present, and checked it out to the last detail. The toy contained every important, precise and small detail that belongs to a well-built doll house.
The nice surprise was followed by a little chat.

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Andrea Lengyel and Edit Túri
Szeged, 4th April 2010
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- Emma Boglárka (6 years old, Orosháza)
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