Péter (15, Galgahévíz)
Peter is a great football fan. Valencia is his favorite team. He and his friends have been planning to cheer on top of their voice for their favorites in their home land for a long time. It seems that everything is ready for their trip to Valencia next spring. One last „mandatory” prerequisite, Peti’s dream, came available with the help of Csodalampa.
Peti asked Jinny for a Valencia T-shirt, but not for an ordinary one! Speaking to this young man I learned (Jinny always learns) that the team always wares white, playing home for this used to be the original colour of Valencia. Knowing this, it was not an option that Peti would cheer in a red, blue or yellow Valencia T-shirt. No, and no. At home it is only correct to cheer in white. And if the name and lucky number of the biggest fan -Peter- happens to be printed on the back of the T-shirt, then the final score of the match is unquestionable.
Dear Peti, the whole team of Csodalampa whishes you the quickest and full recovery. We wish that next spring you cheer for the golden legged team in your T-shirt under sparkling sunshine and enjoy an exciting match.
wish coordinator
Budapest, 18/07/2012

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- Emese (14 years old, Dunaegyháza)
- Reports/2012-08-03 Balint
- Ádám (16 years old, Szombathely)
- Benedek (8 years old, Hatvan)
- Bence (13, Kiskunmajsa)
- Péter (15, Galgahévíz)
- Brenda (4 years old, Kecskemét -Hetényegyháza)
- Balázs (3 years old, Nyírbogát)
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- Bence (9 years old, Téglás)
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