Vilmos (16 years old, Budapest)
The first time I met Vilmos at the Tűzoltó street Pediatric Clinic he told me, he had a laptop. He told me that it was lent to him and his great wish would be to have an own "machine" that was only his.
He asked wether Csodalámpa could grant his wish... I told him that I think so, but he must probably wait a bit, until a sponsor or donor turns up.
His wish was granted in his home - hopefully the pictures can show his joy.
Many thanks for fulfilling Vilmos's wish to the mangement and colleagues of Horváth & Partners DLA Piper Law Offices and the management of Hilton Budapest Hotel.

Dr. Jenei Tiborné
March 4, 2013
March 4, 2013
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- Vilmos (16 years old, Budapest)
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