Bálint (5 years old, Rózsaszentmárton)
Bálint had a really unique wish: he wanted to ride his own horse as "Zorro".
He has been dreaming about it ever since he began school, because the school is too far away and he would get there more quickly, not to mention the feeling when he would ride into the schoolyard...
A serious organization was started, because Bálint didn’t wish to have just a common horse but a real nice color hucul horse.
Our kind supporters, Dr. Zsombor Magyar and his wife, Ursula bred that kind of horses in Tahitótfalu. We visited them several times and we also had a discussion with Bálint's parents about the right pony.
While we were seeking and checking, Bálint were taken riding lessons. Attila Rónai taught him how to take care of a horse, how to ride it... Attila didn’t think that the initial tasks would be increased day by day, because the kid wanted to learn lots of things, as archery and fencing with swords. He wanted to to know everything, as Zorro did.
On a nice autumn day Bálint put on his Zorro costume, but he still did not know anything about the surprise. His mother, Edit and his father Zsolt just told him that someone from the Magic Lamp Foundation wanted to meet him, to see his Zorro custome and to talk about the pony request.
When we arrived, Bálint came as a real brigand, dressed in black with a gold belt ... but luckily there was not time to get frightened, because he and his brother, Nimród warmly welcomed us.
After giving him the Zorro hat - that was sent by Efraim, another „Magic Lamp” kid – we went for a walk to the grass to see the horses. We all knew that a little farther, even invisibly Mandula was impatiently waiting for his new owner.
As we were coming near, Bálint was talking about the horses and the riding. As soon as he saw Mandula, he couldn’t say anything, but a little bit later he told us: „You know, this is the color I wish for!”
Mandula had been already saddled and Zsombor was standing next to it and suggested Bálint to get on the horse if he liked and to go a few laps in the equestrian field. Bálint became very excited, then he swung into the saddle with a little help and was riding a few laps, of course, led by Zsombor.
We asked Bálint whether he would keep Mandula if he could, and he answered with a big smile "Yes."
That was the moment we told him that this cute horsy would be his. Certainly we knew that although he said „yes” he could not even apprehend it…
...And at this moment his parents also had a sigh of relief, they would not keep the secret any longer, they would not try to explain why a "parking shed" was built in the centre of their garden, that in fact became the place of Mandula.
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After the "test riding" Bálint led Mandula to its temporary place to have a rest after the excitement of the transport. Bálint offered his trainer, Attila, to ride Mandula.
We do not know who was more excited, Mandula, Bálint, his parents or we...
We wish that Mandula should heal Bálint for ever and they should be good friends for many years.

Rózsaszentmárton, October 19, 2014.
Previous posts
- Gergő (16 years old, Szederkény)
- Botond Zoltán (6 years old, Budapest)
- Dorottya (13 years old, Pomáz )
- Bence (10 years old, Tiszabercel)
- Laura (14 years old, Nagykanizsa)
- Bálint (5 years old, Rózsaszentmárton)
- Ivett (10 years old, Hódmezővásárhely)
- Brenda (9 years old, Mór)
- András (15 years old, Balinka-Eszény p.)
- Domonkos (17 years old, Egerszalók)
- Efraim (11 years old, Budapest)
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