Nikolett (16 years old, Gyula)
Although Niki is from Gyula, she spends her weekdays in Dunaujvaros, because she became a student at the Handball Academy there.
Since she spends her life in two distant towns, her wish was to get an iPhone, which could make it easier to stay in touch with her family and friends. As the long weekend was getting closer, we discussed with Krisztina Szoboszlaine Buvar, an associate of Invitel, to grant that wish as soon as possible. We visited Niki in her home at Gyula.
We were welcomed by quite a company, as Niki’s friend was also there to spend the weekend with the family. Her little brother accompanied us in the handover with a smile on his face.
Niki was really happy that her wish was granted so quickly, as this phone will make it much easier to stay in touch with her handball team when she is at home or at the clinic.
We were happy to make a wish come true for this adorable, smiling big girl.
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Wish coordinator
Gyula, 23/05/2015
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- Annamária (15 years old, Budapest)
- Richárd (3 years old, Budapest)
- Fanni (9 years old, Mosonmagyaróvár)
- Dávid (12 years old, Budapest)
- Tünde (12 years old, Hajdúböszörmény)
- Nikolett (16 years old, Gyula)
- Mátyás (7 years old, Isaszeg)
- Máté (9 years old, Nyársapát)
- Levente Ákos (13 years old, Sóshartyán)
- Levente (4 years old, Miskolc)
- Hanna (13 years old, Dorog)
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