Ferenc (8 years old, Nagybajom)
Since the little boy didn't have a mobile, he had to use his mother's phone when he wanted to talk to the other members of the family.
Feri's wish was fulfilled within a few days by the Magic Lamp Foundation, so now he can use his own mobile! Of course, he can not make just phone calls, but he can play, listen to music and watch movies, that will help him to make time pass faster in the hospital.

wish- coordinators
Pécs, 07.04. 2021.
Donát (17, Győr)
Donát is a happy high-school boy who just started his treatment in the hospital. Because of his illness it became even more important to have the appropriate tools for the online studies. He wished for a laptop from Magic Lamp so he will not get behind his studies. Naturally he will also have games on this laptop like Frontline, so he can play in his free time.
He was very grateful when he received his gift right before a new treatment started in the hospital.

Budapest, March 05, 2021
Liza arrived at the clinic for a medical treatment on Monday, so it was a perfect time to fulfill her wish.
She was really surprised when we met and I gave her a gift box, containing the desired new phone.
Liza was very happy with the gift. As a secondary school student, she has already had an idea how to continue her studies. Her aim is to find a creative job.
Szeged, 08 February, 2021.
Viktória is a brave, wonderful 6 years old little lady. She loves to talk and do some girly chit-chat.
She loves to be near her mum in the kitchen or play some type of logic game with her older siblings. It was her long-cherished dream to have her own play kitchen very much like the adults have. So, it did not come as a surprise when she told Magic Lamp about her wish.
Since then, Viki cooks enough for an entire kindergarten every day. She cannot be lured out of
her own kitchen...

Debrecen, February 1 ,2021
We agreed on a Thursday morning with Eszter, to get her signature to "something".
She wanted to have a laptop for quite a long time now, so it could help her with her language studies. We could hide our true intention of fulfilling her wish with the signature request. When the laptop came out from the shelf she nearly jumped out of her skin in happiness. It was a great timing as we were nearing her birthday. We wish Eszter a Happy Birthday, stay healthy and use this laptop to its fullest.
We are grateful that we could join in the joy and happiness of a child, and we hope we could make Eszter’s 18th birthday memorable.

Gyulafirátót, August 13, 2020
Virág is an 8th grade student of the Mozgasjavító School (Rehabilitational school for physically disabled children).
Her favourite hobbies are reading, watching movies, and going for walks in nature. She is very serious about school and studying. Currently she is preparing for her high school entrance exam.
When she found out that Magic Lamp would grant her wish, she asked, without any thinking, for a laptop because she had been worried for weeks that she would not be able to keep up with her studies if schools switched to online learning due to the coronavirus outbreak.
A letter received from her family conveys best how much happiness our gift brought to Virag:
“The laptop has arrived! It brought huge joy and relief to Virag. Her anxiety has disappeared. She is so dedicated that she was terrified that if schools closed down, she would not be able to study. She loves information technology, and she excels at school. Finally, she can do her work at home on her own laptop! Thank you so, so much! Virag and her parents “

Budapest, November 20, 2020
Why did a few months old puppy travel nearly 300 km?
Lili loves animals and one of her biggest dream was to have a dog whom she can play with at home. So, it was not really a question what she would like to wish for from the Wishlamp Foundation. One of their relatives has a French bulldog that she loves, so it was easy to guess that she would like to have the same type of puppy. While we were looking for the puppy Lili has not been idle either. She drew herself with the dog, already thought of a name and even composed a song for it. With a small WONDER we were able to find a dog breeder who could sell -with a large amount of discount- a French bulldog puppy, so we can make Lili’s dream come true.
One Sunday morning, we have arrived at Lili’s house with a giant package. She had no idea why we are there, and what a big surprise is awaiting her. She went excitedly to open the dog carrier from inside Zara shyly peeked out. After a few minutes, the dog felt like home, she was walking around the house, tried out her new bed and with the leash Lili could even take a walk with her in the house. The little girl couldn’t believe that this little puppy is now hers, as she was asking us again and again, „Will you really not take it away? Can it really stay forever? „ She promised that she will be a caring owner and will play and teach it with love.
We wish Lili an enormous amount of happy moments with Zara.

Szolnok, November 15, 2020
GRÉTA (12 years old)
Gréta’s greatest wish was a laptop, so she can increase the quality and quantity of her online learning. The arrival of the gift came as an unexpected surprise to Gréta. After opening the package
she immediately started to use the new computer. Her doctor also helped in the delivery and
fulfilling her wish.

Budapest, November 12, 2020
I was talking to an incredibly glamorous little girl at Tűzoltó Street Hospital whose wish was a tablet. After the final examinations, we met in a cafe shop where Dóra’s wish came true and she was super excited about it.
Dóra would like to follow her favourite teen team, Tesók’s videos on social media, also spend time with her brothers and watch cartoons during nights. The rainbow, unicorn tablet case was a perfect choice cause Dóra loves colorful and palmy things.
We wish you a fast recovery and all the best in the future!

Budapest, November 15, 2020.
Emma’s wish was not usual, which did not come as a surprise after talking with the little lady a bit. She told us that she tried many different sports since she was 3 years old, and finally she settled down with triathlon.
When our volunteer in the hospital asked for her wish she said maybe a laptop, or a tablet would be nice... However, when they were going back home from the hospital, they saw a company that printed personalised T-shirts. At that point, her decision was made! Emma wished to compete in a jersey - designed by her!
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The little “designer” created a five-piece set of jersey, which with its vibrant colours and shapes would make even professionals envious. After this, the genie of Magic Lamp only needed to find help to let print the unic design on good quality material and hand it the owner and designer.
Emma was overjoyed which is shown on the pictures even though the mask might obscure this. Emma, we wish you many victories in your own wonderful jersey.

„Dear Kriszta and the entire Magic Lamp Team,
You might not believe how nice it feels to get so much praise for something we basically do every day, as it is our job.
I even got goosebumps for a second: Why if not for these things does it worth to work scrupulously. We thank you for the highlight. We wish Emma and you lots of luck, as you help so many children each day. Keep up Emma and Magic Lamp Foundation!!!
We wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”
Budapest, December 9, 2020
I went to visit Cintia after Christmas, so I can deliver her wish.
I asked her mother that if possible, she should not mention my arrival to her, so we can surprise her. I was also very
nterested to know what type of girl someone with such a lovely sounding name. I was not disappointed. Cintis is a smiley girl with beautiful face. She was not entirely surprised when she invited us inside her home, but she is not a little kid anymore. She received the wonder of wish lamp with a warm and happy smile.
She never had her own smart phone before, so she was ecstatic when she could hold her own new iPhone SE.
After the initial set up she put in her new earphones and opened the world of the teens: she started using the net, listened to music, played a game, and can now do whatever she wishes

Budapest, December 31, 2020

Emília loves to spend time in nature and to play in playground. She would wanted to have her own playground and this is what she wished for.
After a short time of organization the playground has arrived which was occupied straight away by her and her little brother. They spend hours in the garden every day, laugh and play a lot with their parents.
Mili's wish was fulfilled, we are very happy that we were able to cause so much joy! 😊

Budapest, 29.11.2020.
Gergő is a sweet big boy, who really desired to go home after a long and tiring hospitalisation.
His wish was an Xbox, so he can play exciting building or car games together with his siblings or alone. There came a time when his doctors finally released him home. Even though the biggest happiness for him came a few days later, when surprise of Magic Lamp has arrived.
I believe there isn’t a day now that Gergő or his siblings are getting bored...
We received a thank you letter and several pictures from his mother after a few days:
Dear Foundation,
Today we received your gift. You brought such a great amount of joy to our son! We would like to sincerely thank you!
Miskolc, November 13, 2020

The young lady wished to get her driving licence the soonest... Her words mirror her immense happiness:
"Dear unknown Gini,
I would like to thank you for your kind help that made it possible to realise my dream that seemed so far in the future...
That you has found me and presented me with this opportunity gave me so much energy, happiness and motivation, that studying the KRESZ (Highway Code) made the two last chemo session just fly by almost unnoticed!
I promise to do everything to become a good driver - I want to make sure, that if you happen to be behind me at a red light sometime in the future, you won't need to honk because my engine stalls...
WIth grateful thanks

Pécel, November 12, 2020

Márk is interested in every kind of technical innovation, so it is not a surprise that he wished for a 3D printer.
The big boy arrived for a medical check to the Tűzoltó street hospital, when we called him that a heawy box had arrived for him and it can be taken home from the Office of the Magic Lamp Foundation. After the check up, they hurried to our office and took the printer for a longer journey, back to their home.
We are looking forward to all the wonderful things Márk will create with his new printer.

wish coordinator
Budapest, 02.11.2020.
Zolika was just recently diagnosed. He comes from very hard living conditions where his mother raises him alone, so we wished to put a big smile on his face even more.
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He would never be able to afford a mobile phone, something he was dreaming about, he would never have had a smart watch he couldn’t even dream about... I knew that it is a big gift for his age, but I just couldn’t resist those smart and wonderful eyes, that could talk.
Zolika thought he must come for a blood test to the hospital. I cooperated with his mother, so our white lie was easily believable. He did not suspect anything. I did not draw too much time as I could see in his big eyes that he was worried, so I quickly went to the cupboard and brought the smartphone and watch he always wanted.
You can imagine his surprise! He immediately opened the gift and started to use it. Although we could not hug me because of the current COVID-19 situation, even a blind mand would see the happiness and his bright smile.
He was indescribable happy and grateful. He could not stop saying thank you. He told us to tell his best wishes to the donors: "I hope that all of your days will be as happy as my day was today!"

Miskolc, November 04, 2020
Dóri would spend all her time on the playground, but due to her illness, now she is not allowed to play with other kids.
We could make the little girl overwhelmingly happy with the small playground to be built in their garden. She could not believe that she would have her own swing, slide, and monkey bars that she can use whenever she wants. If the weather is nice, she is always on her new playground. She is outside in the fresh air, climbing, sliding and if she gets tired relaxes on the swing. The healthy time outside will surely help her to get better and recuperate from her illness more quickly.

Gyula, August 23, 2020
Alexandra arrived for her regular check-up to the hospital in Tűzoltó street.
Because of the current cases with the pandemic we could only meet in front of the hospital, where the girl received her gift with great joy. Her dream was a smart watch, that not only shows the time, but it can be connected to her phone to show many other smart functions as well. Alexandra was very happy and could not wait to get home to connect and set up her new watch and try out all the smart functions.

Budapest, Sept. 14, 2020
We started off from Nyíregyháza to deliver a wish for the 17 year old Klára, who was waiting for us eagerly.
We were lovingly welcomed as the laptop is much needed for Klára, as she spends a lot of time at the hospital. After unwrapping the gift – supervised under the inquisitive eyes of her siblings- she happily put the new laptop into her lap. We wish her lots of healthy hours an fun to spend with the gift.
The face of klára tells us everything. She is very grateful for the Magic Lamp Foundation and its supporters for the gift.

Piricse, 2020. august 14.

While hospitalised and under constant treatment Anna could only lay in a bed. She was not even allowed to stand up. The all-day resting made the time in the hospital long and uncomfortable...
A laptop can be used in many different ways. It can help you to bear with the time you have to spend in the hospital. It can help you with your studies, you can read or watch a movie with its help.
There were smiles on all the faces around when Annas wish became reality. The rest of the days at the hospital will hopefully became much shorter and much more entertaining.
The happy smile on Anna’s faces tells everything. She was more than gratefulfor her beautiful brand new laptop.

Kazincbarcika, August 3, 2020
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