Anna (3 years old, Hodász)
Anna is a sweet, talkative little girl who really loves Minnie Mouse. What else could she wish other than a Minnie – bed with accessories?
And one day her present arrived.
Anna’s eyes were happily shining when I visited her and she showed me her super bed and furniture.
I hope you will have lots of sweet dreams in this beautiful bed!
I wish you good health !!!
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Hodász, February 12, 2015
Bence (9 years old, Bőcs)
Bence is a 10-year old boy. He is treated in GYEK in Miskolc. Bence loves to play online games. Many kids in the hospital have a laptop, so Bence’s wish was a laptop of his own in order to play as much as he wants ... or as much as her mother allows :-))
And the djinn of the Magic Lamp brought him the highly-expected laptop. Due to the surprise and joy, at first Bence couldn’t tell any words but his mother said, if everyone leaves the room, he will jump for joy.
Dear Bence, we wish you many joyful moments while using the laptop.
Miskolc, February 02, 2015
Vanda (8 years old, Napkor)

On the east part of Nyíregyháza in one of the family there was great joy when the furniture delivery truck arrived.
Who was happier: Vanda or her mom? Probably both of them! They got a double sofa, now they can sleep comfy together - and healing together.
There is no better medicin than the hugs!

wish koordinátor
Napkor, 03/02/2015
Bence (10 years old, Istenmezeje)
Bence is a real "big boy" and a computer expert, but so far he did not have a laptop of his own. Unfortunately he could use only the PC of the Tűzoltó street Clinic to surf different websites to find some interesting topics.
Bencus is a very inquiring young teenager who will have to spend a long time in hospital, and time of the treatment period passes very slowly. So he asked the "Magic Lamp" for a laptop, and not particularly for playing, but for corresponding with his schoolmates, to get the news, and to find answers to lots of interesting questions by using the internet ... and of course sometimes, to try some popular games as a "relaxation".
The "Gini of the Magic Lamp" gave Bence the "surprise" at the hospital. It was an elegant and really "manly" laptop.
Unfortunately, due to the treatment he had fever at that time, but when he held the "dream come true" in his hands, he was so surprised that he could only say "thank you" very quietly but with a wide smile.
He set up the beautiful laptop excitedly but in a professional way in a few minutes and it could be seen on his face that he had been already engrossed in mysteries of the online world.
Bence, we wish you a full recovery as soon as possible and a lot of joy in the use of the laptop.
Budapest, 04. February, 2015.
Anna (3 years old, Hodász)
Anna is a nice little girl, who loves Minnie Mouse very much. What else could she wish for than a Minnie bed and matching furniture? It arrived on a nice day. Her eyes were glowing from the happiness when I visited her and she showed me her super new bed and furniture. I hope you’ll have a lot of nice dreams in your new bed! I wish you good health!
Thank you to the Hollis Wealth and to the ‘Havervagy’ for the support, which made Anna’s dream come true.
Hodász, 12th of February, 2015
Bobkó Stella
Tibor (17 years old, Törtel)
The wish of Tibor (17) was quite a big challenge for us, as he wished to meet Arnold Schwarzenegger and to have a talk to him.
Tibor said that the celebrity was his role model, so it wasn't a great surprise when he told us that he had become a bodybuilder for a few years.
We were a bit worried about how to fulfill this desire, as Mr. Schwarzenegger lives in America and our foundation can fulfill wishes only in Europe.
But suddenly everything was solved, since one of our volunteers and our supporter, Mr. William Benko introduced us to the chief organizer of the "MVM Success-day 2015" Mr. Gergely Kiss-Török, who offered his help from the first moment. The only thing we had to do was anxiously waiting for the meeting...
Tibor and his family spent the Sunday, 22 February with us. As they live in Törtel, they stayed overnight at Corinthia Hotel Budapest, courtesy of the Hotel management. After a fantastic lunch and a tour of the amazing hotel we left for the Arena Budapest, where the special meeting was organized.
During the show we heard a lot of interesting presentations about personal successes, and as the hours passed, we all became more and more excited...
Finally in the evening Mr. Schwarzenegger stepped on stage and told his own success story, from which we learned a lot of interesting information. He said that his life had been started in a small town in Austria and he also told us about his goals he reached until now and then he shared his "six advices" about the secret of success with us.
At the end of the performance Gergely asked Tibor to go on the stage and while exchanging a few words with Governor he gave Mr Schwarzenegger "his and Magic Lamp's" present a special ginger bread magic lamp.
Tibor could directly talk to his ideal, then he showed him a fantastic drawing that was made by one of his friends about the star.
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The governor dedicated it and added with a smile that his biceps on the drawing were much bigger than what he ever had. As for the gingerbread magic lamp, he really liked it, but added with a smile: "I will have to start doing at least 250 sit-ups, if I eat it to burn that much calories..."
Tibor will put the framed drawing on the wall of his gym.
It was good to see how glad Tibor was to have met the governor and the governor too was really touched.
We wish Tibor that all his dreams should be fulfilled so fabulously, and following the advice of Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger he should become such a successful person as his ideal.
We honestly admit that the realization of such wishes always means hard thinking and work. Many people think that such requests can’t be fulfilled at all...
However, we – members and volunteers of the Magic Lamp Foundation - always do our best for the success because we believe in our mission and we are sure that we will succeed. And we do!
Tibor said smiling that he was very glad, and that he had known that his wish would be realized because he came from a deeply religious family. He said good-bye by telling us the following "angelic quote" of an unknown author:
"Thank you too, but you have to know that faith can see the invisible, can believe the incredible and can reach the impossible." This sentence sounds, as if volunteers and supporters of our foundation would have said.

Budapest, Februar 22, 2015
Károly (16 years old, Vésztő)
Karoly is a grievously ill young man. His only desire was a smartphone, which was granted incredibly fast by Magic Lamp Foundation and HollisWealth.
Thanks to the surprise Karoly stood speechless when he saw us carrying the little package.
While standing still astonished, his father thanked for the wonderful present. The previous day he had a little surgery what left him so weak even smiling was too hard for him. But not for his heart and seeing this, filled ours with warmth.
We are happy that we've been part of this wonderful Christmas miracle.

Szeged, December 20, 2014
Botond (12 years old, Dunakeszi)
12-year-old Botond has wanted a tablet for a long time so he could play games and stay in touch with friends.
Sadly, he has to spend a lot of time in hospital lately and despite having his loving parents taking care of him, he believes that having this item would greatly improve his well-being and the make boring hours during treatment easier to bear.
This Wednesday he had no clue where he was about to go with his parents so late in the afternoon. So he was a little bit awed when they entered Corinthia Hotel Budapest where we were waiting for him.
After a short talk, we quickly handed over his present to make him feel more comfortable. As you can see on the picture, we made him very happy and we hope that this present will help him recover more quickly and he will spend joy-full time.
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Dear Botond, we wish you quick recovery!

wish co-ordinators
Budapest, 25th February 2015
Lelle Anna (10 years old, Budapest)
Lelle Anna (Anna means soul, mercy) is a 10 years old sick little girl, who has had a longstanding dream of meeting Pope Francis.
This dream came true in the 28th of January, 2015. Anna spent a few days in Rome, in "The Eternal City", where she saw all the wonderful monuments.
The best part of the trip was when she met with Pope Francis, who spoke with Anna for 4-5 minutes. Anna’s face was glowing with happiness.
This meeting has given her extra strength to fight her illness.
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Rome 28th of January, 2015
Olga Izolda (9 years old, Budaörs)
Izolda asked for a laptop. With the help of Mr. Andrew Jackson we could make this wish happen. Because of her serious illness, there’s a lot of surgery ahead of Izolda. She will use the laptop in the hospital for studying, listening to music and to watch movies.
Izolda is a private student, and this laptop is a huge help for her. Izolda doesn’t have any siblings, but she has two dogs. She loves them. In her free time she can use her laptop and play with her dogs.
Dear Olga, we wish you good health, recovery and a lot of happiness!
Budapest, 28th of January 2015
Róbert (13 years old, Vésztő)
Robert is a 14 years old seriously ill boy. He asked a laptop from Csodalámpa Foundation to make his hospital days easyer.
His wish could be fulfilled soon thanks to the MAVIR Zrt's help.
Robert got a treatment in his ward and he didn't know about our arrival - it was a total surprise for him.
From now on it is not so boring for him to stay in the hospital anymore. Robert's mood has been much better since that day.
Special thanks goes to Ms. Mónika Hackl, for she fulfilled Robert's wish in person.
Szeged, December 20, 2014
János Bálint (7 years old, Kaposvár)
We coordinated our visit with Bálint's father in total secrecy, even the big red toy car arrived to their place in secret.
When I arrived the car was already charged and assembled. We took it into Bálint's house.
As his father said they thought out this present for the seriously ill Bálint to allow him to play inside their home.
When the little guy first saw the car he couldn't belive that his dream came true. He immediately sat into it and drived it as a profesional driver.
I wished Merry Christmas to the family and left the house.
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Kaposvár, December 17, 2014.
Krisztián (16 years old, Budapest)

Krisztián asked a for white Samsung Galaxy S4 smart phone from the Magic Lamp foundation. He knew exactly what he wanted when we asked him what his wish was.
The 16 years old boy from Budapest could not wait to get his great phone. He was really happy, when on an autumn afternoon we walked in his hospital room with the telephone. He opened the box right away,turned the phone on, and immersed himself into the various features and apps immediately.
In the name of the UNHCR Global Service Centre's workers, Csongvai Kristóf, Szamosi Krisztina and Kondorosi Zsuzsanna joined us too, to give him the phone personally.
Dear Krisztián, we hope you will enjoy using your new phone.

Budapest, 21.11.2014.
Dóra (14 years old, Derecske)
Dóri would have never thought when she asked for a violin from The Magic Lamp that when her dream comes true won’t be just a miraculous day for her, but also a celebration for the Foundation, because hers was the 2500th granted wish.
We met Dóri and her parents in the small Paganini Music workshop across Zeneakadémia, where the owner Mr. Pál Rácz Gold-laurate violinmaker master welcomed us. It felt like walking into a fine jewellery store. We were surrounded by musical instruments, displayed in glass cabinets, one more beautiful than the other.
Dóri’s eyes started sparkling when she saw the masterpieces. She started studying music when she was 8, and she is considered very talented. She often performs solo at music festivals. Unfortunately, until now she did not have her own violin, she always had to borrow one to practice and perform. Her teacher believes that in order to develop her full potential, she needs a serious instrument.
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Thus, she tried the two over hundred-year-old, professionally restored violins offered to her with great joy and excitement. We felt that we landed in the middle of a concert when she played a Händel piece on both instruments. Eventually Dóri chose a 19th century Louis Otto violin. No wonder, because it had a magnificent sound.
Finally Mr. Rácz gave Dóri a few tips on how to care for her new violin. Then we slowly got ready to leave.
Ms. Gabriella Boda and Mr. Ádám Honvéd from the Hilton Budapest City invited all of us over for a delicious lunch at the hotel.Before heading home Dóri, now as a proud owner, opened the case again, to show off her wonderful instrument.
and the colleagues of HollisWealth from Canada for making Dóri’s wish come true.
Budapest, January 21, 2015

Dóri, her parents , Mr Pál Rácz, Mr Ádám Honvéd and the representativers of Magic Lamp Foundation
Xavér Leó (3 years old, Nagyszekeres)

Xaver is a three years old boy, who wanted an elephant patterned sheets, because he spends most of his time in the hospital.
The nurses gave him a toy harvesting machine, because he likes agricultural machines very much.
Despite Xaver is very sick, he was very happy with the gifts.

wish coordinator
Debrecen, 07/10/2014.
Leonard (9 years old, Piricse)

Leonard likes the playground in the hall of the Tűzoltó street hospital, where you can play hide and seek and you can go down the slide. His wish was a playground like this to their garden where he could play with his siblings.
Because of the rainy weather it was hard to build the playground, but on a Saturday it happened. A car appeared and a little time later you could recognize the swing, the slide and the monkey bars. It took a few hours to finish it, but after that the boys could start playing.
We hope that they will spend a lot of time there.

Piricse, 6th of December 2014.
János (4 years old, Igrici)
The four years old János, who is being treated in GYEK, is a very quiet little boy. He told us, that he likes tractor, his favourite is the John Dere tractor. His wall in the hospital was covered with pictures about tractors. After this, it is obvious that he asked for a John Dere tractor from the Wonder lamp. And since the genies of the Wonder lamp don’t know the world impossible, János hot his beautiful green and yellow, two-speed, rechargeable, wireless John Dere tractor, with a trailer.
The little boy couldn’t say a word, he was so happy. His cheeks blushed because of the surprise and joy. In the moment he sat on it, he disappeared from us quickly. It was good to see János’s, and his parents happiness.

wish coordinators
Miskolc, 2014.11.26.
Benjamin (16 years old, Miskolc)
Benjamin goes to treatments to GYEK in Miskolc, and he asked a smart phone from the Wonder lamp.
It was a beautiful winter day when the genie of the Wonder lamp bought his present. Benji didn’t know why he had to go to the hospital.
He was nervous, because he hadn’t had a lot of good experiences about hospitals. His mother told us that he had gone through a lot of unpleasant and painful treatments.
He couldn’t say a word when he saw the little white package.
He was whispering “Oh my God! I can’t believe it! Did I really get it? A phone like this?“
After this there were no eyes left dry in the room.
Dear Benjamin, we hope you will have a good use of the phone.

Miskolc, 18th of December 2014.
Gergő (16 years old, Szederkény)
Dear Magic Lamp,
I’m Wenczel Gergő, a 17 year-old, simple guy, who had a huge dream. And one day this dream came true. I’ve been playing football since I was a little kid, it is my life.
Like everyone, I have my favourite team too, which is Chelsea. When the volunteers of Magic Lamp came to me I didn’t believe that these kinds of things exist, but after that everything has changed.
In the beginning of the spring I said that my dream was to see a Chelsea match. I thought that it could come true 2 or 3 years later. However, they told us that the match will be on the 1st of November.
It felt amazing when my mom told me. The end of October came. We flew to London on the 31st of October. This was the first time I travelled on a plane, so it was a huge experience.
On the night of our arrival we went to the Shard, which is the highest building in Europe. The view of London at night was amazing.
The next day we got up early and we started the day at the British Museum, which is a huge building, full of interesting exhibitions, but we only saw the half of it with Miss Éva. After this came the best part of the trip.
We went to the match with the underground. This time Annamari accompanied us. The match started at 3 pm but we were there at 1 pm because I wanted to see the warm-up of the teams.
Watching the warm-up was amazing! You can’t describe it what it feels like to be in a stadium, which was the dream of your life. It would be worth going just for the stadium.
But it was nothing compared to what I felt when the players came out. I can’t describe it with another word, I was totally buzzed. It was unbelievable that until four days ago I had only seen them on television, and now they were playing 30 meters away from me.
The game started, the fans were ecstatic just like me. There is nothing similar to 41 842 fans cheering together. A game lasts for 90 minutes, but I felt it was 20 minutes. This was the best, most beautiful and greatest day of my life.
I can’t find words for it. I was cheering for my team till the end and it wasn’t for nothing. The result of the match: Chelsea Queens Park Rangers 2:1.
After the match we went for a walk in the centre of London. We visited the main squares, they were beautiful.
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On Sunday we went for a sightseeing tour with Brigi. It was raining but we didn’t care. We went to the Big Ben, to Westminster Abbey, to Buckingham Palace. After that we went for a guided stadium tour.
It was amazing to see the locker room, where the players prepare for the matches every day. We learnt a lot of things, for example that Adidas gives 300 million fonts to the club every year.
I could sit into the chair of José Mourinho, where he holds his press conferences.
After the stadium tour we went back to the city to see the Tower and the Tower Bridge. It was awesome; I recommend it to everyone who goes to London.
I would like to say a big thank you to the Magic Lamp Foundation, and to the supporters for making this possible for me. I would also like to thank Miss Éva, Joli and the two volunteers, Annamari and Brigi.
I didn’t think that this such good hearted people exist, who give up their free time for other people’s happiness! Every time I think of this trip I feel excited, sometimes I even cry, it was so fantastic.
I hope they can help a lot of other kids. Thank you very much!

Budapest, 2. November 2014
Botond Zoltán (6 years old, Budapest)

It was a grey Thursday afternoon when I arrived at the hospital in Madarász Street carrying a huge box. I knew that a very sweet little boy, Botond was waiting for the remote-controlled Lego train, which was hidden in my package.
Even though the treatment, Boti's face brightened up immediately when I said that I had something for him ... We opened the box on the spot, and we checked all the small parts. Finally his mother and I found out, that only boys should fit parts together.
And we were right. At night the train was magically put together (with a significant help of Dad), so next day when I went to visit him with Santa Claus, we could admire the running train.
It was amazing to see the enthusiasm and joy of Boti, and I wish him to play with the super train for a long time.
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