Botond (5 years old, Nagyatád)
We were a little bit puzzled when we learned that Botond wished for a "ponycycle".
A short research on the internet revealed what it was, and we were relieved to learn that it can be purchased in Hungary.
Botond - who had a cold - was very happy when we surprised him at the hospital. He and his twin brother both rode the horse up and down the corridors and in the common area. We had to rescue them from various corners as the ponycycle does not move backwards.
Dear Botond, we wish you many hours of happy riding on your new ponycycle!
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Budapest, Nov. 30, 2012
Milán (3 years old, Budapest)
The 3 years old Milán’s favourite passtime is naturally playing with cars. He loves to watch the cartoon "Cars" and his favourite character turned out to be "Lightning McQueen".
His face lighted up as soon as he saw the big Csodalampa package, that contained the miniature version of a "Lightning McQueen" red racing car, that he can steer with a controller even from the far end of his room.
We wish him a wonderful time with his new red toy car!
Budapest, 2012.12.18.
Adrienn (6 years old, Monor)
Adri was asking her mother when her aquarium will arrive. She had a concrete wish from the Wishing Lamp’s “genie” when it asked her what she wants: An aquarium, just like the one in the hospital. Well, it wasn’t an easy wish, little mermaid.
After a long search we came by the perfect aquarium - with the help of the young students from the American School -, and shortly it arrived to the family’s house. Adri was very happy when the manufacturer and his son brought the huge aquarium into the living room.
Despite the missing residents inside, there was no need for a big imagination to see how good it will look filled with the little fishes. For the time we were happy to put a real mermaid into it, watching her enjoy the water.
We hope that the fishes make you happy Adrienn, and don’t forget to take care of them!

Monor, 28.11.2012.
Evelin (10 years old, Tét)
The 11 years old Evelin wished for an LCD TV.
Evelin’s eyesight was very bad, but from now on, she can enjoy her favourite cartoons on a big screen.
On a sunny Wednesday, we went to grant her wish, accompanied by two teachers and three students of the International American School. The family was excitedly waiting for us when we arrived to Tét.
Henrietta, Evelin’s mom showed us around their nice little house and garden. Evelin had no idea why we were there, and she was surprised breathless, when we gave her the present.
Evelin loves Hello Kitty, so the children from the American School brought her a big box of Hello Kitty toy. Evelin was so happy with her new things; she was just sitting on the couch, watching them with a huge smile on her face.
But it wasn’t over yet! The children gave her a huge Hello Kitty cake with an enormous sparkler. Evelin’s mom quickly got plates and cut the cake, so we could all have a slice. Everyone enjoyed themselves, the kids were eager to find out everything about Evelin, so they came with a long list of questions, and Evelin and her mother took turns on answering them. Sadly, we had to say goodbye shortly, because the students had to get back to school.

22.11.2012, Tét
Szabolcs (10 years old, Kisköre)
Szabolcs’s wish was a laptop, and his dream came true on the 28th of November. He was very surprised, when the little group visited him.
The American International School of Budapest granted his wish, the school’s teachers and students accompanied the representatives of the Wishing Lamp Foundation on their trip to visit Szabolcs. They brought a chocolate cake beside the present, which we tasted, and found very nice.
Szabolcs enjoyed being among the children, and started to play with his new computer immediately, knowing expertly how to use it. The kids gave him advices on games to play and where to find them. Our boy was very happy and couldn’t believe that his wish was granted so fast. This day will be never forgotten, for all of us.
Thank you for everyone at the Wishing Lamp Foundation, and for the generous donation of the American International School of Budapest. You brought joy into my little boy’s life, and made him forget about the everyday struggles for a while.
I wish you all the best with life and work, because there are a lot of little faces needing you to put a smile on them.
Kisköre, 2012. 11. 28.

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Viktor (10 years olt, Budapest)
Viktor is an always smiling, happy little boy who is interested in lots of things.
We talked about many things and I think he would like to experience all the wonders of life in one go. He loves stories. When he was still the inhabitant of the Tűzoltó street hospital he always participated in our story telling days with his fellow friends. He is enthusiastic about sports, animals and even for magic tricks, but his biggest love is for music. He has fantastic ears for music and one of his oldest dream was to learn how to play the drums.
Viktor is now over with all of his medications, he goes to school and since he regained his strength he wished for a drum set, from our genie. He made this a doubtful wish, since he couldn’t believe that the genie would have enough power to grant such a big wish.
He didn’t know the power of our Genie!
So, thought our Genie, let’s look around, where can we find the best drum set for our aspiring new musician. He found a very important supporter, a true legend in the drummer world: Mr. János Szanyi.
The FirstMed Centers Kft. wished to help in realizing the dream of Viktor and to help to make his first steps in the world of music.
I think we were able to surprise Viktor.
Mr. Péter Szanyi, the drum teacher of Viktor asked him to attend a class, and later on he guided him to another room, where we set up the new drum set for him. Without realizing it was his granted wish he already started to play it enthusiastically!
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Ms. Kinga Málnási, the representative of FirstMed Centers Kft. came with us to fulfill a dream, couldn’t believe her ears. After only 2 months of drum practice Viktor was already on a different level then any beginners.
After we told him that from today on this is going to be his MAGIC set of drums, which the First Med Center Kft. got for him, the only thing he could say:
- Oh... my... is it really true?
Yes it’s true Viktor.
But the day still wasn’t over. In gratitude of his new present Viktor with the vocal solo of his sister Anka provided us the best surprise in the form of a little concert. It was a wonderful experience, thank you for the wonderful time!
We wish you Viktor wonderful time with you new drum set, and we would like to ask you that as a man in a great band please remember to this small group of people who was able to help you realize your first dream, and help you start you way to stardom.
We would like to give an extra thank you, to the FirstMed Centers Kft., because without their help we wouldn’t be able to see such a big smile on Viktor’s face!
Budapest, November 26, 2012

Dávid Ferenc (9 years old, Csajág)
Dávid wished to share his secrets, surf the internet, send mails on his own laptop for a long time, while he has to spend the long days at the hospital. He is already a teenage boy who doesn’t believe in fairy tales and magic anymore.
However the always enthusiastic genie showed Dávid that there are still wonders in our days.
Dávid was in the hospital at Tűzoltó utca when the long awaited present arrived.
We stopped at his bed and told him that we arrived from Csodalámpa. He smiled and then looked at her mother with some doubts in his eyes: "Why are they here, I already told them my heartfelt wish?"
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Moments later his doubt vanished and his eyes changed to a happy and shining one as Kinga Málnási, the representative of FIRSTMED-FMC Kft. handed him his new laptop. He accepted it with a flushed face and trembling hands. After a few seconds he gave the new machine a gentle stroke, then there were nothing left to do just to start it up. With the professional help of Kinga, Dávid was able to surf the well-known websites, and still with the impact of surprise and happiness he shouted out every second: "Woooow this is super… so cool!"
We saw that Dávid started to get tired from the too much excitement. We started to say our goodbyes, when Dávid suddenly turned to Kinga, whispered something in her ear, and then gave a big smooch on her face to thank her for this wonderful surprise. I think this was the biggest present anyone (Kinga or the Csodalámpa) could get before Santa’s Day, from such a gentleman.
We wish you Dávid the quickest full recovery possible, and that you will find happiness in using your new laptop.
We wish to give a special thank you to the FIRSTMED-FMC Kft. for their patronage in realizing this dream. We wish to give an extra thank you to Ms. Kinga Málnási who was kind enough to make Dávid smile with her presence.
BudapestNovember 30, 2012

Levente (15 years old, Pusztadobos)
Levi is a very friendly and highly intelligent boy, who has lots of friends back at home. Some of them even came to visit him at the hospital although they live 300 km away.
That’s why his wish was to have his own laptop so he can keep in touch with all of his classmates and friends while he has to be away from them. His commitment to his classmates is so strong that, he decided to keep up with his school studies in order to remain in the same class with them after he goes back to school. Luckily with his new laptop he will be able to consult with his teachers and classmates about homeworks, and the stories of the everyday life in school.
This wouldn’t have been possible if there weren’t 800 hundred enthusiastic students at the American International School of Budapest, who contributed to Walked-the-Wish charity program so they can realise sick children’s dreams - including Levi’s wish! The representatives of the students arrived as „Ben’s angels” to the hospital to bring happiness and joy and even an American School T-shirt to Levente’s life.
We hope that Levi will be able to keep up with his studies, so after getting better he will be able to join his classmates for another year in high school!

This wish was accomplished with the help of the American International School of Budapest. We would like to give a big thank you for all of you.
Budapest, November 21. 2012

Borbála (9 years old, Budapest)
Bori really is a "cool" always enthusiatic and lively girl.
It wasn’t a big suprise then that her wish from our genie was a big springboard where she can jump around anytime she wishes, even in this cold autumn weather.
Even though the wish itself wasn’t too complicated, it was really challenging to build such a big structure in a garden at autumn. But the family was more than happy to accept this challenge, and with the father’s enthusiastic work the springboard got ready in one weekend in November.
But how did it end up in the garden of the family?
It happened because hundreds of dedicated students of the American International School of Budapest decided to "Walk-the-Wish", in order to collect money to realise several sick children’s, including Bori’s dream. This was all it was needed to make a small child happily jump around in the air happily doing flips and twine in the process.
We shouldn’t forget about the lovely card, that held all the warm wishes of the students, and was given to an extreamly happy Bori by Adrienn, teacher of teh school).
We wish Bori lots of blissfull hours on the springborard!
This wish was fulfilled with the help of The American International School of Budapest. We would like to thank you in the name of Bori too!
Budapest, Noveber 21, 2012

Dániel (9 years old, Erdőtelek)
The new target of our genie was Dani who has already spent long months in the hospital at Miskolc.
He wished to get a smart phone from Csodalámpa.
Then the magic happened in Dani’s life too.
Even if it was not the genie himself who came to deliver the mobile phone, we were still able to bring happiness to another hospital room for a while.
As soon as the little boy saw the phone in our hands, the only thing he said: "Oh my God! I knew he will be able to get me one!"
The smile of Dani empowers us more than any story we would be able to tell about it.
We would like to give our special thanks to FirstMed FMC Kft, because without their help this wouldn’t have been able to happen.
Miskolc, 7. November. 2012.

Levente (5 year old, Zalagyömörő)
The five-year old Levente is truly a fond of old cars - sometimes he used to drive one of Grandpa 's car - so his wish was to go to an old timer car exhibition.
Fortunately in mid-October such a major event was held in Budapest Syma Hall. Hence after many phone calls and discussions Levente’s dream has come true.
The boy arrived in Budapest from Zalagyömörő with his mother and grandmother by the help of family Szabadics. They quickly occupied their rooms on the fifth floor of the Art'Otel where they enjoyed the view for a while. They could see the Danube, boats and motor boats, the Parliament and the tram on the Pest side from their windows, which was all new to the little boy.
We went to the Old-timer Show by taxi, which again was a great experience for Levi. At the show he ended up not knowing where to go among the many attractions. There was everything a boy could ask for such interests: "ancient" auto mobiles, young timers and old-timers, old, old motorbikes, bicycles, ambulances, Ikarus buses, and from World War I. and II combat vehicles, tanks and military equipments.
By the time we saw these hundreds of interesting vehicles, Levi got a little tired, so we went back to the hotel, where the chef was waiting with a delicious dinner for the evening and a surprise cake as a closure to our eventful day.

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Budapest, October 20, 2012
Viktória (16 years old, Keszthely)
Viktória's longtime wish was to get a driving licence. When we asked why is this her wish, she answered: well, this is a good "long lasting" wish...
The students, their parents and professors of the American International School of Budapest have helped us to realise Viki's wish.
It was a Friday when Viki visited the American school. She was shown around then she was greeted by the school people at the theatre of the AISB. The students prepared her a huge "driving licence" - a happy symbol of their support.
What Viki felt amid the cheers? Please read her own words:
Hello everyone!
I would like to say a bit thank you for wellcomming me with such a big love and have cooperated for a girl’s wish somewhere in the world. I would like to thank „Csodalámpa” for making my dream comes true.
Let me tell you some words about myself.
My name is Viki, I’m 16 years old. I live in Keszthely next to the lake Balaton. I have an elder sister and brother. Four months ago I was transplanted with a new liver. The reason of the operation was diseases. It is called Wilson diseases. I have been ill since I was born we just did not know about it. This diseases can be found in my genes but it cannot renew again. My brother who is not here at the moment inherited as well but his one can be controlled by medicine treatment.
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I received the new liver on the 6th of July, 2012 which was life saving. I got the organ from someone who is unfortunately not with us anymore. The operation took 9 and a half hours. I was in hospital for about one month after that. My mom was with me every day and held my hands. I owe my mom and the medical team who were with me quite a lot...
I have seen the world differently since my operation. Before I do something, I consider everything 3 times whether it is worths doing or not. I’m able to see the wonder and beauty in people, nature and life.
I would like to finish my story with a quotation:
"You can find the Hero and Angel and the shadow in everyone. The Angel who lives his inncent young life once gets lost in the dark noise of the shadow which is tempting him from the goodness but here comes the Hero, who proudly with his strong soul take back the Angel to the right road and sends him toward his goal to the house of love and insistence."
I wish all of you to find the Hero in itself towards complete and happy Life.
Thanks for listening!
We hope to see Viki next spring again, and hopefully she will arrive in a car, driven by herself.
Many thanks for the generous help of the students, their parents and professors of the AISB!
November 16, 2012

Gábor (3 years old, Nagykörű)
I was suprised to see that everything around me turned to white when I woke up Monday morning. At this wintery autumn day there was a boy, who was waiting for me, and who wished a nearly real car from Csodalámpa.
Slowly but surely I arrived to Nagykörü, where there was absolutaly no sign of the coming winter. Gábor waited for me without a word, but when I asked what was his wish, he immediately replied: an electric car.
When his father brought in the car, he hopped in – the car nearly swallowed him whole - and started the "engine". Sadly, because of the bad weather he was only able to try out his new car inside, but I hope since then he explored all the hookes and crannies of the garden.
It was really wonderful to see that small boy roam around just like a real chauffeur.
We hope you will be able to drive for a long time, and that your destination will be healthy and happy!
Nagykörű, 29. October 2012

Zita (18 years old, Alacska)

"I am Zita Budai. I am 18 years old. I live in a small village, Alacska, in Borsod County.
I had always dreamt about visiting London. I have been studying English for a few years now, and I wanted to know how people live in England, and wanted to learn more about their culture.
And now Csodalámpa Foundation granted my wish, and I had a chance to travel to London and spend three fantastic days there.
Unfortunately our flight to London was delayed by 5 hours, so by the time we got to our hotel the fabulous Hilton London Kensington Hotel,it was already 8 pm. We received a very warm welcome, our luggage was whisked away and taken up to our room on the top floor. We were even given free internet access, which made me very happy, because I was able to share my fantastic experiences with my family and friends right away.
We started every day with a delicious buffet breakfast. I tried the traditonal English breakfast, and really enjoyed the sausages, baked beans, and potato cakes. The first day we went to the London Eye. There was a huge line-up to get on the "giant wheel", but the wait was well worth it, the awesome panorama was an unforgettable experience. We spent the rest of the day shopping on the Portobello Road market. I bought gifts for my friends and family, a really cool watch, and of course a London t-shirt.
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The second day brought cold and rainy weather, but this did not damped our enthusiasm. We jumped on the red sightseeing double-decker bus and headed to the Tower. It was so interesting to learn more about English history, and see how the kings and queens lived. Of course the hightlight of the tour was seeing the splendid crown jewels. Andrea took many pictures of me with the huge Tower bridge in the background. Later, on our way to our next stop, the HMS Belfast, we walked across the bridge,and I had a chance to see it from close.
Soon it got dark, and the city lit up. We admired the gorgeous lights of the Tower bridge as we walked along the Thames and then crossed the river on the Milleneum Bridge.
The third day welcomed us with a beautiful sunny weather.
We hurried out to get on our red sightseeing bus to go to se the magnificent Westminster Abbey. After lunch we visited the London Aquarium, where we marveled at the many species of fish, the huge turtles, and of course everybody's favourites, the penguines. The next day was already time to go home. These three days were absolutely fantastic, and I had a really great time.
I would like to thank Csodalámpa for making my wish come through, and Andrea Molnar for accompanying me on my trip.
And last, but definitely not least a huge thank to Hotel Hilton for the wonderful accomodation in the heart of London.
Thank you,

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Hilton Budapest Hotel and the Hilton London Kensington Hotel for their generous help in fulfilling of Zita's wish.
Budapest, October 29, 2012.

Bence (16 years old, Ötvöskónyi)
Bence had already defeated the serious disease once when he was little, and no one had a clue that it will return again. But it did.
At the moment, Bence is recovering in a sterile room at Saint László Hospital after a medullary transplant. It has been over two months now. He asked for a television, so when he can finally go home, he will be able to watch his favorite shows with – or without, if necessary – his siblings.
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Bence’s wish was granted from the generous donations of the students and teachers at the American International School of Budapest.
They were represented by one of the teachers, Ben O’Brian and we got ready to speak with Bence in person, who was really surprised, because he didn’t know about anything. We are grateful for the secrecy, kindness and helpfulness of the staff, because the TV was delivered there a couple days ago. Ben and I took the TV down, and because it couldn’t be sterilized Ben showed it through the window of the room.
Bence’s parents were there, so there was no problem with getting it home. Ben brought the T-shirt of the American School with him as a side present, and we were able to give it to him, thanks to his good results.
We told him, that the AISB organized a fundraiser event called “Walk-the-Wish” for the seventh time to make the Wonder Lamp children’s dream come true. This year with the help of two Hungarian schools, there were almost one thousand participants. The students got to choose whose wish to grant from the money; they were the one choosing Bence too.

29. 10. 2012. Budapest.
Richárd Bence (3 year old, Budapest)
Richard, a cute boy, wanted to meet with healing dogs.
When asked what kind of puppy, he said he wanted to meet with two dogs: one big one whom he could hug and a smaller one with whom he could play.
Quick organization was started. With the assistance of Richard’s doctor, Dr. Garami, we have found the owners of Mazsola (“Raisins”) and Sam in no time.
Gyorgyi and Silvia, who work for the Animal Therapy Foundation, were very pleased to offer their help. Mazsola is a beautiful golden retriever. Sam is a Shelti.
The moment we arrived, they both knew their task. They kindly approached Richard, played with him and completed different interesting exercises together: clothes had to be taken off and put on Sam 's back. Richard had to crawl under the belly of Mazsola. Snacks had to be put into colored rings from where the dogs were allowed to take them out with their masters' permission.
Richard soon forgot the initial shyness. He was crawling and climbing cheerfully between Sam and Mazsola.
Of course, after a while everyone got tired. So when Mazsola laid down, Richard was happy to go next to him and rest on him. It was a pleasure to see the joy and the tirelessness of Richard and dogs as they were solving more and more tasks together. After a while Richard obviously got a kiss from one or the other dogs. His mother, Orsi and us adults were smiling being touched by seeing and feeling all the love they gave each other. It was discussed as well that the "treatments" will continue. Richard chose Mazsola. He wants to meet with him as soon as possible. We hope that we can repeat our meeting soon.
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We received a fantastic brunch after the big game from a kind colleague of Art’Otel Budapest, Manuela, and even a cake with an image of a dog for Richard. He accepted the gift that looked like Mazsola with a huge smile. He was very happy to take it home.
The morning came to an end soon, Richard was half asleep with a smile waiting to go home as soon as possible, but of course all the while he kept his eyes on Mazsola and Sam. It is clear from what has happened that Sam and Mazsola contributed and will continue to contribute to Richard’s rapid healing.

Budapest, 2012. október 4.
Tifani (14, Maglód)

First of all thank you very much for the opportunity of spending these wonderful days here. I had a great time in the hotel, the food was amazing, the staff was kind and the wellness part was wonderful. The water could be shallower for my 160 centimetres, but it was an absolute blast anyway.
When I arrived on the first day, I met a lovely lady Edina Kovács. She gave us a tour around the hotel and showed us everything. In the afternoon, we went on a little walk around the hotel, before staying in for the rest of the day.
On the second day, we tried the wellness part. After that, we went to Balatonboglár to the Globe-lookout and we saw the amazing view – even better because it was sundown.
On the third day we went on a cruise to Balatonfüred, and the little train called ‘Lili-put’ was waiting for us at the harbour. The sight-seeing was great aswell, and after getting back, we spent some time at the Tagore promenade, we fed the ducks, swans and even the sparrows. Shortly our boat arrived and it took us back to Siófok. We got back to the hotel and even had time for the wellness.
On the fourth day we left the hotel after breakfast and went to Szántód where the ferry took us to Tihany. We saw the abbey and then we went to Örvényes to see the watermill. It was totally worth it! The miller was very kind; he showed us around and even turned on the mill-wheel.
Thank you very much again for this opportunity! I’m grateful for everyone who helped me to make my first family holiday come true. We had very good weather on all the four days. It was over too soon, but they say that ‘time flies when you have a good time!’
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wish coordinator
Dániel (17, Budapest)
When we first met, Dani has not decided wheter to ask for a loaptop or a tandem skydiving.
After some chatting he went for the latter one which made me very happy for there has not been such an extreme wish in the history of the Fundation so far.
We started organizing...
Edina Lakatos, spokeswoman for FGSZ Zrt. Helepd us to get in touch with the members of „Vörös Meteor Ejtoernyos Sport Klub” (a skydiving club) and they helped us to make this wish come true
The experienced skydivers, Varga Péter tandempilot, Váradi Tamás and Petho Attila cameramen excitedly prepared for the event and Kiss György president for the club supported them.
Originally we planned the dive for Saturday morning at 11:00, but due to bad weather we had to postpone it. In the afternoon at 2, we got to kaposújlak airport.
Whilst we were waiting for the good weather, wind, we chated, laughed a lot trying to eas the tention before the big moment.
We checked out the airplane during which Dani and Peter agreed on the moves and signes to be used and carried out while diving. I accompained Dani on the plane, which was a great adventure for me too, for I had the oportunity to experience free fall.
Peter and his two frieds take every second of Dani’s dive on camera in the sparkling sunshine. When they landed, we and Dani’s parents ran to meet the hero boy. You should have seen Dani’s face! It was shining of happynes.
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I think it was an unforgetable moment for all.
On the way back home we travelled together till Siofok. Although Dani was bit tired, he happily reported his experiences during the dive. The almos one minute long free fall made a great impression on him, just like the moments just before landing when he was allowed to controll the parrashute.
Csodalampa wishes all the best for this brave boy.
We would also say special thanks to Peter Varga and Edina Lakatos without whom this wish could have not come true.
Wish coordinator
Kaposújlak, 11/08/2012
Kadosa (5, Érd)
Kada –for they call this boy that– wished for a robodino from Csodalampa. He also specified that he wished for a remotly controlled robot.
On the 24th of August we were accompained with the representative of the donator, Mrs Nikolits, Magdolna, we took the present to Kada. He had no idea why we wanted to see him before his examination with a big box, but when he saw the front of the box he excitedly shouted:
“- I thought about exactly the same dino!!”
Finally he said goodbye to us with a big smile on his face and we hope this toy will help Kada through the process of healing.

Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 24/08/2012
Stefánia (13 years old, Celldömölk)
It began with tha sad fact that Stefi was late.
When she let us know her wish, it was the day after Mr. Satriani’s concert and he had already been far away… However Stefi didn’t wish anything else, she would rather wait. And in the meantime she was assiduously learning to play guitar.
When it turned out that there would be a G3 concert in the summer of 2012, we began to take action. Thanks to the help of the organizer of the concert Showtime Budapest Stefi could meet not only Joe Satriani but his other two world-famous partners, Steve Vai and Steve Morse before the concert began.
All the three musicians were very nice to Stefi, who was slightly embarrassed, but finally she could change a few senteces with them. At the end of the conversation Steve Vai came to Stefi and wished her strenght and good health to fight the illness totally and to play guitar.
Showtime gave Stefi the latest albums and DVD of Satriani, that were dedicated by the musician on the spot and she also got dedicated guitar picks from Mr. Vai and Mr. Morse.
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After that they showed us to our seats and the sold-out concert with Steve Morse’s band soon began and lasted for more than 4 hours.
Many thanks to the management and staff - Kriszta, Krisztina, Gabi and the others - of Showtime Budapest kft. who have organised this special "meet and greet" event for Stefi perfectly.

Budapest, 01/08/2012
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