
Emma Boglárka (6 years old, Orosháza)

Emma was already getting close to the end of her treatment and it was a great surprise to her that her wish was fulfilled! She was happy about the timing for several reasons. First of all, she could go home for the weekend, second, the Easter holidays were coming up and lastly, she was going to celebrate her birthday at the end of the month.

She welcomed us and Edina Lakatos, the representative of Natural Gas Transmission with surprise in her eyes. We brought in together the box containing the requested Playmobil toy.

The little girl opened her gift with the help of the people present, and checked it out to the last detail. The toy contained every important, precise and small detail that belongs to a well-built doll house.

The nice surprise was followed by a little chat.

Many thanks for the support of Natural Gas Transmission!

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Andrea Lengyel and Edit Túri


Szeged, 4th April 2010

Roland (17 years, Geszteréd)

Roland is being treated in the Miskolc Hosptial, I learned from his mother that he was being released to the Ronald House. It was an excellent opportunity to present him with a laptop.

He was very surprised when I arrived, he couldn’t believe his eyes. When I gave him the present at first he couldn’t say anything, then just couldn’t thank it enough. He opened it right away.

He also got an internet subscription from the Ericsson company – this extra surprise really made him blush. His eyes sparkled, he was as happy as one can be.

I hope you’ll have lots of fun with it during the difficult days in the hospital. Don’t give up, you’re the strongest of all!

Thanks for the laptop and the support of the Ericsson Hungary Ltd,

with which we can make the dreams of even more kids come true!

Stella Bobkó

Dániel (16 years old, Budapest)

BUGATTI Dream Trip

It was 20th of March, 1 o'clock when we arrived to the airport. We were very excited to meet Vili Benko and his son David, whom we only met over the phone. We could not have wished for better companions. The experience of flying and the excitement during the landing was unforgettable. We traveled by a huge car from Zurich to Molsheim France. During the 2 hour trip we got to know each other better and we laughed a lot. At the end of the road we arrived to a beautiful hotel next to the Bugatti factory. Our room was completely clear from obstacles. Everyone enjoyed the dinner at a fast food restaurant.

And then the next day has arrived, we were all very excited during the breakfast. After finishing breakfast we started off to the factory. At the barrier we were asked for our passports and we were given visitors cards. Slowly rolling into the courtyard of the factory the excitement got to the peak. We were in the park of a castle, surrounded by exquisite buildings. They were already waiting for us at the showroom.

Stepping into the saloon two marvelous cars were waiting for us a Bugatti Veyron 16.4 and a Buggatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport. Wow!

We were tweaking each other’s arms, just to be sure we were not dreaming. After we pulled ourselves together we headed off to the workshop of the factory. Here we had a guided tour in Hungarian, while listening we learned many interesting facts and some secrets about the process of production and assemble. Some data about the Veyron: it has 4 turbochargers, 16 cylinders, 8000 cm3. It takes 2,6 seconds to reach 100km/h and the maximum speed is 407 km/h. If someone would like to have this car, then a prepayment of 400 000 Euros is required only for some car components. For example we saw a Grand Sport ordered by a Chinese buyer, who requested for a unique porcelain dragon between the two seats. Anyone who'd like to drive his/her Bugatti with 400 km/h could do that on a test motorway for 40 000 Euros. If someone would like to drive with a speed above 300 km/h then a special course has to be fulfilled and then he/she gets an extra key for the Bugatti. From the workshop we went to an office located in the castle. When we stepped into the hall we noticed the Bugatti logo on the ceiling. Here we saw photos about the reconstruction of the castle and the factory.

We went to a smaller building, where we found two cars. This was the first time we could hear the sound of Bugatti motors. We could even hold a real Bugatti ignition key. It was such a great feeling... Next to the showroom there is the Orangerie, which is a wonderful orangery, redolent of citrus. This was also found by Ettore Bugatti.

After that came the most important day, year even better my hole life's moment, I could actually sit in a wonderful Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport car. They even took me for a 20 minutes joyride. Words cannot describe what I felt. The feeling was unsurpassed for me. The feeling of acceleration, the speed, the braking will always stay with me. We were racing with 230 km/h. I could and did not want to get out of the Bugatti. In addition they even served us with a meal. We could taste the world's best sandwiches and hand-made sweets. Everyone was extremely kind to us. Before leaving the factory I even got presents! I got a real Bugatti baseball cap and beautiful catalogs. I got a PS3 game as well, which obviously contains a car race game and has a Bugatti in it.

Vili handed over the presents to our hosts, hand-made sweets with the Bugatti logo on and wines from Hungary. They were very happy about the creative presents. We were full of experiences, but we where sad to leave. At the exit we took a last look and said goodbye to the nine dears of the park. There were many crows in the park, so every time when I'll hear one, this dream trip will always come into my mind.

Our hosts in the Bugatti factory gave us tickets to the National Automobile Museum of France, in Mulhouse. The museum fell en route. In this museum we could see couple of hundred cars, from cars with wooden frame until the latest Formula 1 race cars. In a separate show room there was a short film about a Bugatti racing with 407 km/h. Standing before and exposed Bugatti we were proud to discuss how it felt to actually sit and race with a car like this. Not that anyone would have believed us. At the shop of the museum Vili offered to buy me something, I would like. I chose a Bugatti perfume and after shave so this fragrance will always remind me of this trip.

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After getting back to Zurich we went to the Crown Plaza, which was a huge and beautiful hotel, where we had an exquisite room for ourselves for a whole day. After resting a bit we headed off to walk around the city and to have dinner. We ended up in a nice little restaurant crowded by buzzing people. Our schnitzel was so huge it couldn't fit on our plate. We spent our evening talking through our experiences and happily chatting.

The morning after we had a regal breakfast Vili told us to sail on the lake of Zurich. We went to the port by train, but what kind of tram. With my wheelchair I usually cannot travel on the BKV, but this was not a problem in Zurich. Almost every tram was beautiful and clear of obstacles. It was a wonderful feeling travelling on this tram. When we arrived to the port we soon sadly realized that the next ship will depart in an hour. Vili offered us to buy some sweets to bring home. (Vili paid for this as well.) After walking down on Bahnhof street , (this is like the Andrassy street in Budapest) we saw that the passengers were already assembling. The ship was huge! We could get on it without having any problems even with the wheel chair. We had a marvelous one and a half hour on the lake. The weather was wonderful. We had lunch in this luxurious environment on the ship. After that we took the tram again. Unfortunately our way led to the airport after this. On the airplane we recalled our experiences and we were quite sad, because we knew that the trip was over.

On the airport my dad was waiting for us, who never stopped asking questions. He could not believe that these things happened to me! I got to know the family of Vili as well. They were very nice and kind persons, who lend me Vili and David for these three days. I only have a few grown-up friends, but I hope that from now one I can call him one of them. I'm very thankful that I got to know him and that he worked very hard to give me an unforgettable experience. He even had the patience to polish my beginner and weak English knowledge.

Gratitude and appreciation for the Csodalampa, Eva Pautzer, Andrea Mocsonoki, Vili Benko and for all the Genies who helped my dream come true. I live my life in a wheel chair, the love for fast cars and the getting to know them is everything for me. There aren't too many people who can say that they already sat in a Bugatti, or even rode in one. From now on the world has changed a bit for me.

Today I can appreciate the fact that unfamiliar people are willing to do good unselfishly, without sparing money and effort. From now on if I am sad or something hurts, I just close my eyes and race again with the fastest car of the world, a Bugatti.

Thank you for the experience, this will forever be mine, only mine.

Thanks again, I'm forever grateful for the Csodalampa!

Kinga (18 years old, Lenti)

With Csodalámpa at headmaster’s class!

Another desire undertaken by Csodalámpa, just as usual, has been fulfilled at Kinga’s class at school.

The girl after a severe disease and post-treatment would like to become a healthcare professional herself so this way she has not only experienced the disease but has also learned about it. How different is it to learn about a disease and then experience it?!

We arrived as a surprise at the headmaster’s class with the school leadership. The headmaster talked about the existence of miracles and then we described the activities Csodalámpa team does. Later on we handed over the laptop and the one-year’s mobile internet subscription to Kinga, both provided by Ericson. She took over the presents with adolescent confusion and unpacked the laptop with beating heart. She happily showed the machine to the camera.

After we have left we got to know from the headmaster that they kept talking about volunteering and helpfulness during the class.

In the evening I called Kinga to ask her if she could manage to start the laptop, although these days it is not such a big deal for young people. Her voice sounded so happy, it felt like she was a whole new person.

Kind of a farewell thing she also had a surprise when she said she would like to join the Csodalámpa team to help others. I think this is when someone really knows and understands the value of our activity. I know it is a cliché but it goes well here because it is true that „it is not only good to receive but to give”.

Thank you for the laptop and for the support of Ericsson Magyarország Ltd. CENTER that helped us to make more children’s dreams to come true!!!

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Andrea Varga and Ágota Veres
Zalaegerszeg, 2012.02.22.

Norbert (4 years old, Kiskőrös)

Norbi was approaching the end of treatment when he had the wish for an electric car with built-in radio.

He chose a two-seater convertible and could hardly wait for the wish to come true – he expected it from the angels but we told him this wish will be fulfilled by a djinn.

He was a tad disappointed, however the surprise was only bigger when the fantastic car arrived when he expected it the least.

He drove the gift happy and proud.

Thanks for the gift to the Foundation for Videoton Employees and to Videoton!

Andrea Lengyel

Anna (15 years, Budapest)

Dear Csodalámpa,

My wish was fulfilled at the beginning of February, since when I am a happy owner of an X-BOX KINECT.

Finally I can feel my muscles again, because since then I’ve been doing exercise, dancing with all the games. I would like to thank for the help of all the FŐTAXI-employees, who made it possible for me to spend the days of recreation with more fun and active excercise.

A million kisses to everyone and thanks !!!


We thank to the management and employers of FŐTAXI FŐTAXI for the help in fulfiling this wish.

Tihanyi Sándor
Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 2012.02.10.

Tibor (7, Gyula)

We arrived to Tibi and his Family one day before Christmas, therefore he got Csodalampa Foundation’s surprise present under the Christmas Tree as well. Even though the trip went a bit haltingly due to the streets in Gyula, finally we arrived with kind cyclists showing us the way.

We surprised Tibi with a huge box of LEGO, who opened it immediately and started unpacking the content of the package and playing.

We did not stay to see how the millions of tiny little pieces came together to build the model of a really lively and bustling harbour.

We did stay long enough to see the heart of the matter on Tibi’s face.
We wish Tibi to remain the happy boy he was whilst he was playing.

We thank LEGO Manufacturing Kft. For their assistance,

with their aid, another dream came true.

Ágnes Tatár and Andrea Zámbori
wish coordinators
Gyula, 22/12/2011

Noémi (14 years old, Budapest)

The 25th January will become a remarkable day for Noémi. This day me and aunt Lívia arrived at the hospital in her room as the volunteers of the Csodalámpa.

Noémi opened the little box with pleasure where she could glimpse at the white Sony XPERIA mini PRO mobile, which she has longed for for a long time. It was a great pleasure for us to see her beaming face!

After setting up the mobile Noncsi called the office of the Csodalámpa and said thanks for the present.

We hope you will get over your illness soon and our present also helps you in your recovery.

Noemi's wish has been realised with the help of the students of theBritish International School of Budapest! Many thanks!

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László Márta
Budapest, January 25, 2012

Márk (6, Budapest)

Two young ladies, Klaudia Sümeghy and Violetta Gerencsér have decided that on their joint birthday party, their wish would be that they get help to make a Csodalapa kid’s wish come true instead of their own ones.

They had passed round a „magic box” to collect the price of an X-BOX that they would give to six year ol Mark.

They fulfilled this wish on the 20th of Januarry.
Mark –with a big smile on his face – immediately started to assemble the kit. It was not long before everyone realized that he was the most experienced from a „technical” point of view amongst everyone present.
The donators also gave Mark a signed red heart to make him remember who sent this present to him

This day was dominated by the youg, we volunteers were just witnessing what was going on and we were moved to see that the younger generation is just as helpful as we are.

There and then we all get a lot, not only Mark.

We would like to say thank you for our private sponsors.

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Mrs Tibor Jenei Dr. and Mrs Ákos Beöthy
Wish coordinators
Budapest, 20/01/2012

Sándor (3 years old, Kazincbarcika)

Sanyika is 3 years old and he is being treated at the Children’s Medical Centre in Miskolc.
Since he saw that one of his friends got a red car from the Wonderlamp Foundation, he has longed for a same one. And the djinn of Wonderlamp made a miracle again.

Sanyika got the long-desired car and the whole family was very happy. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Dear Sanyika,
Get well soon and enjoy playing with your nice red car.

Many thanks for the support of Videoton Holding Ltd.

Zsuzsanna Tatárné Csonka
Kazincbarcika, 14 January 2012.

Edina (12 years old, Polgár)

It was a Wednesday early morning when Edina had to weak up again to be there for her check-ups at 8 o’clock at the clinic. Although this day went on a bit different from the usual. After her check-ups the family was heading to a shopping mall instead of just going home. We were already waiting for them.

Together we went to a shop to buy her that particular wonder phone, Samsung Galaxy Ace, that she really craved for. At first she was a bit overtaken and she didn’t speak too much, but she was smiling a lot. Later on she became more relaxed. After she chose the right color and the phone number she liked the most from the available ones, she could finally hold and fondle her brand new phone. She couldn’t stop speaking about it.

We spent another pleasant half an hour with the family. We talked about the obstacles in their lives as well as about this little girl, who handles her disease in such an adult way and successfully faces difficulties in life.

We wish you Edina to remain such a smiling and brave person as you are today!

We thank for Videoton Holding Zrt. for their support!

Ildikó Palásti
Wish Coordinator

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Linda Dzsesszika (7, Monor)

Linda is a little lady, therefore she wished to have her room made up nicely, so she requested from Csodalampa a bed with baldachine.

As soon as a kind supporter applied, we immediately started the discussions about the furniture.

We managed to find a beautiful bed and after purchase, we scheduled the delivery to be a complete surprise for Linda.

She was on control at the hospital, so her dad was able to assemble the bed in her room in total secret, so when Linda reached home in the evening, she was so much surprised seeing her room changed and jumped on her new bed, what became the jewel of her room too.

Thanks for the big help for our regular supporter Brigitta Tuboly.

Péter Biczó
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 2011.12.21.

We would like to say thank you to our sponsor and Csodalampa Foundation, who made Linda's dream come true.

Her happyness was immense - the surprise was a complete success.

When we got home after the control, Linda was totally unsuspicious, so when she first saw the beautiful bed se only could say "This will be good"!

She immediatelly tried the bed, played in it for a long time. Since then every time she goes to bed is a happy time.

Thanks you again: Linda's parrents

Diana (12 years old, Tereske)

Diana is 12 years old, and she lives in Tereske. She spends a lot of time on the kidney unit of the I. Pediatric Clinic.

Her wish was a laptop that she can use while she is in the hospital for her treatments, and during her long travels between her home and the hospital.

The generous donation of the students and teachers of the American International School of Budapest made it possible to grant Diana's wish.

We gave the laptop to Diana on November 25th. With the help of a teacher and 2 students of the American School we were able to surprise Diana and make her a very happy girl.

Many thanks for the support of AISB Walk-the-Wish program!

Zsófia Lángh

Roland (16 years old, Murakeresztúr)

Roland lives in a tiny village in Zala county with his parents and siblings. Since he really loves listening and playing music he asked the Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation for a synthetisator.

On the quiet we arranged an appointment with his mother to grant his wish. At first Roland was surprised when I arrived, but when I told him that I was representing the Csodalámpa Wish Fulfilling Foundation, he started smiling. He was very excited when he opened his present. After the synthetisator was configured, he started playing right away. It was lovely listening to the music of this silent and nice boy while he was playing his new instrument.

We are grateful on Roland’s behalf as well!

The Földgázszállító Zrt. helped granting Roland’s wish.

Extra thanks to the Syncopa Hangszerbolt for the technical help and for Zita Hegyi for wrapping the gift!

We wish you Roland to get well as soon as possible!

Veress Ágota

Wish Coordinator

Murakeresztúr, 17.12.2011

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Viktória (8 years old, Tiszavasvári)

Viktória lives in Tiszavasvári. We prepared her wish in great secret.

By 1 in the afternoon, when unsuspecting Viki got home from school, the carpenter set up and assembled the beautiful white furniture in her room.

This wish was sponsored by Tchibo with the representatives of which, Ms. Szijjártó Ágnes and Mr. Baricska Csaba and with Viki's mom we were waiting for Viki to come home.

We were all so overwhelmed by the exultant joy of this kind and clever girl, that no eye remained dry. When she was over the first surprise, she kept hogging us, saying thank you, and she also told us some parts of the tale she presented at a school competition.

If happyness can heal, then Viki is just on the right path towards getting better, as she is so capable to embrace happyness.

Many thanks to the employees of Tchibo Budapest Kereskedelmi Kft.,

that they made this wish come true.

We'd like to say thank you to carpenter Kórik László for his help in transporting and assembling.

Olga Nagy
Tiszavasvári, 19/12/2011

Elizabet ( 3 years old, Gérce)

Elizabet went through many treatments. Fortunately, nowadays she spends more time in her room, where she enjoys to play. She enjoys to pack and organize her things, but there was no wardrobe in her room. So she asked for a girlish wardrobe from Csodalámpa.

Then a really pretty piece was made for her that she started to use right away. She put every toy and book on the shelf, and the wardrobe part was big enough for all her clothes. Elizabet, we wish that you can use this furniture for many years.

We thank for the Deák Diák Kft. from Söjtör not only for making, but also for delivering and setting up this furniture.

Katalin Huszárné Török and Dénes Lampért
Wish coordinators

Balázs (15, Budapest)

Balázs likes to spend his time modelling and have lately been working on a railway plotting board. Some of the railway lines have already been placed, buildings are being prepared but the train is missing.

Balázs had absolutely no idea why I visited him and was astonished to find the train model set. He was showing me with an expert’s confidence what a locomotive is capable of.

We hope that the plotting board can now be finished soon so that the locomotive and it’s carriages can set off.

We would like to say thank you to our private sponsor.

Ildikó Újfalusi
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 09/12/2011.

Tamás (15 years old, Baja)

Such reports are difficult to start, as the trips are always the most exciting at the beginning. Meeting at Ferihegy at 4.15 in the morning promised noting good – I expected tired, crabby kids and grouchy fathers. In contrast with it, I found two brilliant, smiling and exated guys as I met Tomi and Bence. There was no trace of blues, sleeplessness - and certainly not the disease.
And to jump right to the end to summarize one of the most fantastic results of the work of Csodalámpa: it is able to achieve something that neither medicine nor therapy nor doctors can do – it can make the children and moreover their parents forget for a few hours or a few days about the disease of their lives. Even the journey was a special experience, because as it turned out, none of the children had ever gone by air, so from the security check to the duty free shops, every moment meant a whole new world. Then when we left the terminal at Barcelona and we felt in our faces the warmth of 20 C in December (I put it in writing that everyone can understand: a twenty-degree heat), that time we all knew that we would have a great time there.

We took a taxi to get to the hotel, and a few minutes later we were already on the way towards Barcelona's famous zoo. A bit later we found the first orange tree, from which we could get a couple of oranges with the help of a stone – somebody growing up in Hungary can never get used to such an experience...

Soon we managed to get in the famous dolphin show and I have to admit that I – as an adult who has already seen a lot – was also clapping with an open mouth and shining eyes along the program. Kids were full of experiences as we were walking along the palm-lined downtown and we slowly reached the La Rambla (Vaci street of Barcelona), destination of all self-respecting tourists, where you can get everything but really everything. Certainly we were mostly interested in shirts and scarves of Barcelona because we couldn’t go to the evening match wearing simple civil suits...
It was already dark, a few minutes after 7.00 pm when, following the crowd, we arrived at Europe's biggest stadium, the Nou Camp to be held in reverence by Barcelona fans. Thanks to our generous sponsors, we had the opportunity to go into the monumental building, and after walking about 8 floors we reached our places and we could finally see the stadium in its full size. After the match started and Barcelona FC got the first goal - well, I think that was the time when the boys could realize that they were really there. And all their friends were just sitting and watching TV at home as usually, but they were sitting in the stadium...

Barca had another three (!) goals, so the final result was 4:0, which exceeded even the wildest dreams. We were so tired that evening that there was a fear we all would fall asleep in the tiny elevator. But that time we had no idea what kind of experiences would await us next day. We planned our daily program together as the day before and of course nothing could be more important than to return to the scene of the brilliant victory and to pay for a stadium tour. We couldn’t even reach the gate when we got in the official gift shop - there was really everything that a Barca fan could ever desire - and even much more!

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And the highlight of the whole journey arrived - the stadium tour. It was so professional, so rich, so fascinating, as the trip showed us the club’s more than 100 years of history and all the important and interesting moments. I am sure that people who are not interested in football at all, can also enjoy the "sanctuary".

We spent nearly five hours in the stadium - and I can tell you honestly, we all wished we would have more time... but we didn’t have because we didn’t want to miss either the Sagrada Familia nor the beach. So we took the metro again, then we were running, eating, taking photos, laughing a lot and talking about how incredible that they were there: those two boys from Baja and Szombathely, who had already spent hundreds of times in different hospitals than an average man throughtout his life. And now they were running free from care on the sandy beach of Barcelona, leaving their winter clothes at home and talking about the goals that were shot last evening by their favourite football team – in front of their eyes, only a few meters from the place where they were sitting.

This journey was an incredible gift - to the children, their parents - and of course to me too. The Wonder Lamp works, it makes magics, and it is really a miracle - not just fulfilling wishes, but changing lives - and in fact this is the greatest miracle.

Viva Barcelona!

István Madarász
December 8, 2011, Barcelona

Many thanks to the WORLD FOOTBALL Tickets, Messrs. János Szövérfi and Zoltán Bartos for the match tickets.

Many thanks to the colleagues of Comgame "576" kft for their support to help us to realize the wishes.

This wish has been realised from the benefit of the CookingSchool event supported by the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest.

Bence (11 years old, Szombathely)

Such reports are difficult to start, as the trips are always the most exciting at the beginning. Meeting at Ferihegy at 4.15 in the morning promised noting good – I expected tired, crabby kids and grouchy fathers. In contrast with it, I found two brilliant, smiling and exated guys as I met Tamás and Bence. There was no trace of blues, sleeplessness - and certainly not the disease.
And to jump right to the end to summarize one of the most fantastic results of the work of Csodalámpa: it is able to achieve something that neither medicine nor therapy nor doctors can do – it can make the children and moreover their parents forget for a few hours or a few days about the disease of their lives. Even the journey was a special experience, because as it turned out, none of the children had ever gone by air, so from the security check to the duty free shops, every moment meant a whole new world. Then when we left the terminal at Barcelona and we felt in our faces the warmth of 20 C in December (I put it in writing that everyone can understand: a twenty-degree heat), that time we all knew that we would have a great time there.

We took a taxi to get to the hotel, and a few minutes later we were already on the way towards Barcelona's famous zoo. A bit later we found the first orange tree, from which we could get a couple of oranges with the help of a stone – somebody growing up in Hungary can never get used to such an experience...

Soon we managed to get in the famous dolphin show and I have to admit that I – as an adult who has already seen a lot – was also clapping with an open mouth and shining eyes along the program. Kids were full of experiences as we were walking along the palm-lined downtown and we slowly reached the La Rambla (Vaci street of Barcelona), destination of all self-respecting tourists, where you can get everything but really everything. Certainly we were mostly interested in shirts and scarves of Barcelona because we couldn’t go to the evening match wearing simple civil suits...
It was already dark, a few minutes after 7.00 pm when, following the crowd, we arrived at Europe's biggest stadium, the Nou Camp to be held in reverence by Barcelona fans. Thanks to our generous sponsors, we had the opportunity to go into the monumental building, and after walking about 8 floors we reached our places and we could finally see the stadium in its full size. After the match started and Barcelona FC got the first goal - well, I think that was the time when the boys could realize that they were really there. And all their friends were just sitting and watching TV at home as usually, but they were sitting in the stadium...

Barca had another three (!) goals, so the final result was 4:0, which exceeded even the wildest dreams. We were so tired that evening that there was a fear we all would fall asleep in the tiny elevator. But that time we had no idea what kind of experiences would await us next day. We planned our daily program together as the day before and of course nothing could be more important than to return to the scene of the brilliant victory and to pay for a stadium tour. We couldn’t even reach the gate when we got in the official gift shop - there was really everything that a Barca fan could ever desire - and even much more!

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And the highlight of the whole journey arrived - the stadium tour. It was so professional, so rich, so fascinating, as the trip showed us the club’s more than 100 years of history and all the important and interesting moments. I am sure that people who are not interested in football at all, can also enjoy the "sanctuary".

We spent nearly five hours in the stadium - and I can tell you honestly, we all wished we would have more time... but we didn’t have because we didn’t want to miss either the Sagrada Familia nor the beach. So we took the metro again, then we were running, eating, taking photos, laughing a lot and talking about how incredible that they were there: those two boys from Baja and Szombathely, who had already spent hundreds of times in different hospitals than an average man throughtout his life. And now they were running free from care on the sandy beach of Barcelona, leaving their winter clothes at home and talking about the goals that were shot last evening by their favourite football team – in front of their eyes, only a few meters from the place where they were sitting.

This journey was an incredible gift - to the children, their parents - and of course to me too. The Wonder Lamp works, it makes magics, and it is really a miracle - not just fulfilling wishes, but changing lives - and in fact this is the greatest miracle.

Viva Barcelona!

István Madarász
December 8, 2011, Barcelona

Many thanks to the WORLD FOOTBALL Tickets, Messrs. János Szövérfi and Zoltán Bartos for the match tickets.

Many thanks to the colleagues of GE HEALTHCARE for their support to help us to realize the wishes.

This wish has been realised thanks to a CookingSchool event supported by the Corinthia Hotel Budapest.

Erik Róbert (13 years old, Budapest)

Our "Christmas story" begun like that: Once upon a time there was an amateur musician whose dream was to give a concert for some good cause. He has found the Csodalámpa Foundation and it became clear for him what to do.
He organized a charity concert with the help of two other young rock groups. He has fulfilled Erik’s wish with the money coming from this special concert.

It was a Saturday when we visited Erik. On the way to Erik Balázs wanted to know how did we arrange the wish granting. When we arrived at Erik’s house a young boy opened the door but we knew immediately that he wasn’t our young „prince”.
Erik appeared a few seconds later with a surgical mask on his face. His eyes were bright as stars. It was obvious he knew why we were there. He soon took possession of the mixing console, which was the subject of his wish.
As a gift, Erik presented us one of his own compositions.

I think two people’s wishes have been fulfilled that day. It was the present for Erik, and of course another present for Balázs, too who could help somebody at last with his rock music. He seemed to plan already his new charity concert in his mind…

All's well that ends well.

Many thanks to Mr. Balázs Károlyi and the members of the rock bands Hetedik Bekezdés Arcadia and Tigroszlán and of course Retro Dragon Tattoo Saloon for their support .

Pallag Erika, Takács Anikó
Mr. Balázs Károlyi supporter
Budapest, 2011.12.10.


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