
Rajmund (10 years old, Gönyű)

I have been a voluntary for some weeks and I hardly waited for my first present giving to an ill kid. Some days ago Misi - one of our wish- coordinators in Győr - rang me up and said there was an ill boy called Rajmund in Gönyű who would received his wished present on 22nd September.

After work we went by car to Gönyű with the present with a inflatable electric rubber boat. We met the mayor a journalist and a press photographer in front of the city hall. We got together to the 10-year-old Rajmund’s house.

Rajmund was very surprised at seeing this lot of people. We informed him why we came. Rajmund was a little bit tired of learning but he was happy when he saw the boat in the yard. When the boat was put together he became deeply touched. A lot of photos were taken. We were talking to his mother and his sister called Lolita while the journalist was making an interview with the father.

I was informed Rajmund is a private student at school and he is very clever.

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We wish you dear Rajmund a lot of strength to your operation and hold on!!! Have nice time in your boat!!!

P.S.: It was a good feeling for me to give presents to somebody and I hope I often will take part in present giving in the future.

Zsuzsanna Potyondi and József Nyilas
Győr, 23.09. 2010.

Thank you for the support of

József (13 years old, Zalakaros)

The magic lamp works, or a London dream comes true.

On a sad March day I was lying in the Tűzoltó street children’s hospital. I just had been through a brain surgery, 35 treatments of radiation therapy, and the resulting discomfort.

I was just trying to overcome my nausea, caused by chemotherapy, with the help of Dr. Garami, Dr. Hauser, and the all the nice nurses, when an older lady sat down beside my bed.
She told me about the Csodalámpa (Wonderlamp) Foundation that was brought to life by Eva Patzauer, with the purpose of granting special wishes. Wishes of children who are fighting for their recovery, and who have to undergo many unpleasant but necessary treatments. To make these wishes come true demands lots of joint effort and organization from the members of the foundation.

So it happened that I could make a wish.

I “rubbed the lamp” and was pronouncing my long-time secret wish: to meet the adventurer Bear Grylls, host of Born Survivor on the Discovery Channel.

Without my knowing a group of volunteers with the guidance of Éva started making phone calls, sending out e-mails, until one day in mid-September I found out that my dream was going to come true, and I was going to meet Bear in London.
From the plane tickets to the hotel everything was organized for us. At the airport I met Andrea Molnar, a volunteer of the the foundation, who was our escort and guide for the time we spent in London.

London was wonderful, and fascinating. But I could only think of my upcoming meeting with Bear Grylls. We had to be at the Holy Trinity Brompton Church at 7 PM on September 22nd where Bear was invited to talk about his life and his faith.
When we got there two of the organizers, Keira and Alice were waiting for us at the entrance. From that moment time sped up. We were escorted into a big tent and offered food and drinks, but I was unable to eat even a bite. Only this time it was not the chemo, but my excitement that spoiled my appetite.
A journalist arrived who asked me to tell her my story. Then I was led into the church, where pictures were taken. People started arriving and my excitement rose even higher. Then I was led into a room, where Bear was already waiting for me.

I almost started crying from happiness, but I did not come here to cry, right? He hugged me and asked me many questions. Then he gave me his signed book, a few pictures, and many more hugs.
I also gave him some presents: a bottle of walnut pálinka, a real Hungarian “survivor drink”, and a little movie on DVD that I had made for him about myself. The title of this movie “I won’t give up”, because I know that this is the only way to get better, as I had learnt it from Bear’s adventurous life.
Then we had our pictures taken, he hugged me again, and told me that my strength gives him strength as well.

At the end of our meeting he promised me that after his talk he was going to give me his shirt that had been especially made for him. He said that the only reason he could not do it right away was that he could not do his speech without his shirt!
After our meeting I watched his interview with the reverend from the first row, seated amongst Bear’s wife and friends. Afterwards he came up to me and gave me a final hug.

And he really gave me his shirt, with “Jozsef the Hero” written on its back. We said our goodbyes, and I left floating two meters above the ground.

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My wish came through and this experience has given me lots of ammunitions that I can use on my road to recovery if I need something to cheer me up. I would like to thank Eva Patzauer, Andrea Molnar, all the Csodalámpa volunteers and sponsors for their help.

I have two advices for all the kids and especially for those at the Tűzoltó street Pediatric Clinic:
  1. Rub the magic lamp because it works!
  2. Never give up!

József *****

This wish was fulfilled by the support of the following companies:

Thank you very much toHoly Trinity Brompton, to Mr Peter de Groot, president ofHungarian Oxford & Cambridge Society and Mr Péter Somodji

Kristóf (6 years old, Üllő)

Thomas is one of Kristóf’s favourite toys, so it gave him much pleasure to see real engines at the traction site of the Children’s Railway.

We were received by the head of the railway who was very patient and helpful. He told us lots of interesting stories from the history of railway engines and cars and about their maintenance. However, Kristóf was rather interested in the scenery and driving the engine. He also received some gifts; a flag, a calendar, etc., all that would remind him of railway and of this particular day.

Next we boarded a train with children in charge of many tasks and rode to the János Mountain. We had a walk there and switched to the Chairlift that was also quite something for Kristóf and he enjoyed it indeed. After some walk and riding the train again we returned to our start and I called the day by handing over to Kristóf his other, transport-related toy favourite: a Duplo set or Cars.

He squeezed them tight and was filled with joy as they took off home after this day that gave him so much pleasure.

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We would like to thank to Mr Tibor Kollár and the staff of the Children’s Railway for their help.

Without them, Kristóf’s dream would not have come true.

Judit Halmos
29 August 2010, Budapest

Dávid (14 years old, Csömör)

I met with David and his family at the Heim Pál children’s hospital.

He is a happy, nice boy despite the fact that due to his serious illness he is in a wheelchair. Dani spends a lot of his time in bed so from the Wonderlamp Foundation he asked for a laptop, so he can keep contact with his friends and the outer world.

Of course the Foundation happily fulfilled the request, and we were glad to have helped by doing the thing we love the most: giving.

Réka Barabás
Budapest, 26.08. 2010.

The laptop is a donation of . Sincere thanks, in the name of David too.

Tina (15 years old, Monor)

Despite the fact that not only Visegrád but the whole country was suffering from the flood, we were on a time-travel on that bright early summer day.

The wish was fulfilled at a bikers’ reunion, and those couple of hours were just about Tina. Venue was the Salamon Tower of Visegrád, with Tina as queen of the Castle in a gorgeous saddle. A tournament ensued by a feast was crowned by a ride on a Harley. No one would have been able to paint anything more beautiful and heart-warming.

But instead of further details, let me quote a couple of lines from the letter of the sponsor, Mr György Kreskai:

"I have been thinking since whether it was us who fulfilled Tina’s wish or perhaps she did ours, giving us the opportunity to become a better man and getting right our values derailed in the everyday rat-race."

Thank you very much to Mr Kreskai and to Mr Csaba Zsemlye,

president of H.O.G.South Hungary Chapter Club and to all members of the team.

Noémi Lusztig
5 June 2010 Visegrád

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Vivien (17 years old, Makó)

Vivien is very interested in fashion, and loves everything that is connected to fashion. She always had been dreaming about going to the fashion capital of the world, Paris, and fill her lungs with its chic air. Finally, this year her dream has come true.

During our three-day trip we not only managed to see all the major sights of the city, but also had time to visit the famous department stores, and admire the beautiful shop windows.

Since getting around with a wheelchair was an unexpectedly arduous task, we had no choice but to set out on foot to discover the city. We marvelled at the Eiffel Tower, and the Arch de Triomphe, and let the crowd carry us down the Avenue des Champs- Élysées. We discovered several delightful tiny cafes and restaurants. Our cruise on the Seine was simply unforgettable; every minute we passed yet another beautiful sight, while relaxing comfortably on the boat.
On the second day we took a train to Versailles. We wandered around the beautifully maintained garden of the palace completely spell-bound. This feeling of amazement returned in the afternoon, when we arrived to the Notre Dame Cathedral.

Afterward, however, the time had come to satisfy or passion for fashion, so we went shopping! We happily browsed the wonderful shops, and of course could not resist visiting Louis Vuitton's amazing multi-storey flagship store.

The next day brought new experiences. We toured the Louvre Museum. We especially liked the Manet exhibition at the Musée d' Orsay. In the evening we returned to the Champs-Élyées and the Arc de Triomphe one last time to say good-bye.
We hope though, that this farewell was not final, and Vivi will return in the future.

We would like to thank the Embassador and the Embassy of Finnland in Budapest for organizing the charity fashion show that raised the necessary money that made for us possible to fulfill Vivi's dream.

We would like to thank the Helsinki office of MALÉV for their support.

We would also like to thank the Renaissance Paris La Defence for providing us the magic accommodation, and their wonderful hospitality.

Csákváry-Sarnyai Eszter and Sebestyén-Berta Györgyi
Paris, April 17-21. 2011

The original wish of Vivien included take part in a fashion show as well. To crown her wish, Mr. Tamás Náray, the famous designer has invited Vivien to one of his luxurious fashion shows in Budapest. Many thanks for his support!

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At the fashion show at the Embassy of Finnland, Mr. Robert Ésik, director of Nokia Siemens Network kft. has offered to Vibvien a brand new handy.
Unfortunately Vivien could not be present at the show, so I brought her the present.

It was a funny coincidence, Vivien's phone went wrong a few days before se her happyness was even bigger. She was really happy to have the Nokia "wonder".

Andrea Lengyel
Makó, July 26, 2010

Adrián ( 16 years old, Zaránk )

It was dubious until the last day if we can surprise Adrian with the video camera he wished for. The weather was really nice and the doctors allowed him to be outdoor for some hours on the Axa Family Day.

When we met he was quite tired but he immediately told us that he really liked the organisers’ red t-shirt. His wish came true and not just he got the shirt but Liza, his friend from the hospital, as well.

The moderator of the day invited Adrian to the stage where he asked the boy what his wish was and what he would like to use it for. After some minutes he had the blue Panasonic camera in his hands.

We wish Adrian to use the camera for a long time and make interesting movies with it.

We would like to thank the employees of AXA Bank Europe SA that they helped to please a child again.

Dr. Tímea Kiss and Márta Felkai
Budapest, 26.06.2010.

Nikolett Ágnes ( 10 years old, Érd )

Although Niki is only ten years old, she’s already a real woman. So what could be more important than to redecorate her room?
Instead of the inherited old dark heavy furniture she dreamed of new snow white ones with a comfortable and huge bed.
In the IKEA store we found all the bits and pieces she dreamt of and Niki „flew” around joyfully between the more and more luxurious things, we hope she stays this happy all the time.
After the shopping it was up to the strong men to fix and build the furniture together.

Thank you for the support of KOGART.

Joli Bakonyi
Érd, 2010.06.30

Zsolt (11 years old, Buj)

Zsolt is a serious, 11-year old boy who likes nature and taking pictures as well. His wish was to get a camera in order to record the unforgettable moments and events.
Handover of the present took place in the hospital of Miskolc, because Zsoltika was still waiting for very serious and important medical treatments. It was a great surprise and joy. Zsolti immediately took the present and he put the pieces of the camera skillfully together. He was delighted to get to know that the camera was also suitable for shooting video films. It’s sure that the camera got in good hands and we hope that one day we will have an opportunity to see Zsolti’s art photos.

Thank you for the support of

Dr. László Lordovics,Dr. Judit Magyar
Miskolc, 16. October 2010.

Róbert (7 years old, Esztergom 2. p.)

Little Robi likes video games and he is specially keen on PSP games. However Robi hadn’t got a PSP on his own, so if he wanted to play with it in the hospital, the little room-mates had to lend him a game. During our conversation he could hardly wait to tell me that he would ask for a PSP game from the Wonderlamp.

We were meeting several times in the hospital as the little boy was keen on the afternoon tale events. Every time we met, he hoped that I came to give him the expected present. Today, when I went to the hospital and sat down by Robi’s bed, the little boy looked at me with big, wondering eyes. He didn’t understand what I was doing at the Tűzoltó Street Hospital early in the morning, since the afternoon tale events usually started much later. Then he suddenly stood up and asked me with a playful smile whether I really came to see him.
We went to the hall and that time I already let him know that his desired dream – a beautiful and serious PSP – had just come true. Robika asked me excitedly whether it was really true, whether he really got the PSP. When I gave him the present along with the motor-game as accessories, he cuddled it and his face shone with happiness. He was touched and he could only say: „I have already got it, it’s so good that from now I can play with my own PSP and I can play as much as I want.”
We wish you Robika to take pleasure in your present.

Thank you for the support of

Zsuzsanna Sipos
Wish co-ordinator
Budapest, 08. November, 2010.

Zsolt (5 years old, Taktakenéz)

Zsolti is a five year old boy who unfortunately because of his serious illness is a constant visitor of our emergency department. Since he knew that one day his dream will come true he was more and more inpatient. We surprised him after breakfast.
Mother what’s in the box- he asked suspiciously.
It’s my present! His face lit up and he was delighted. He immediately started studying the new machine.
Zsolti submerged into his own little world and we quietly left him in peace.

Thank you for the support of FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt.

Erzsébet Veres
2010.04.30, Budapest

Virág ( 7 éves, Nagykanizsa )

Virág is a smiley, happy seven year old girl from Nagykanizsa, her dream was a playground.
The representatives of the FGSZ Földgázszállitó Zrt. helped us fulfil the request. We found a perfect playground with a slide, swing, and monkey bar sin Balatonkeresztúr. We arranged the transporting with the parents. Originally we were to deliver it on the 17th of May.
Unfortunately the weather interfered. So the next date was the end of May, but then again we woke up to the bad weather. But this time we didn’t give up, we set of waited half an hour in the car for the rain to stop and finally we could hand the present over.
Virág was at her grandmother’s when we arrived, so exploiting her absence our colleagues fixed the toy together. Luckily while they were working it wasn’t raining. Finally, Virág arrived with her grandmother. The little girl could hardly speak at first she was so shocked, but after a few minutes passed by she took into possession the new playground.

Dear Virág have a happy time playing with your new present, and we hope you get well as soon as possible.

Thank you for the support of FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt.

Ölvediné Fehér Mária
2010.05.31. Nagykanizsa

Tamás (15 years old, Nagykarácsony)

I had a pander, Thomas’s mother who secretly helped me organise his present. So on the 14th of April when I finally handed over the machine I could see on Thomas’s face the happiness, loving and joy. I am sure this present is going to be really useful to him and he’s going to have a great time playing with it.

When I fulfil another person’s dream and I see the delight and honesty of a little boy, my whole life becomes happier that again I could help somebody accomplish their dream.

Thank you for the support of E.ON Hungary Zrt.

Ildikó Tomaj

Szilveszter ( 13 years old, Szőke )

We visited Szilveszter in his home on a cold, snowy Sunday night, in the village of Szőke not far from Pécs. We rang his grandmother for help to find out which is the safest road to take, to avoid the new-fallen snow.

He was really surprised to see us. He didn’t think we would go in the big snow, and he would get the Play Station 2 which he so fondly required. Besides the machine we also took a joystick because this was part of his wish as well.

He unwrapped the presents happily. He was glad for every item and also for the game he got with the Play Station. He told us the reason that he asked for this was because one of his cousins have one as well and they usually play together. After this they don’t have to take the appliance to one another, and they can also switch games.

We hope you have an unforgettable time playing on the PS 2, which helps you forget your illness.

Thank you for the support of Brithis International School.

Tünde Bezdánné Végh and László Szabó
Wish coordinator

Roland ( 15 éves, Fót )

Roland (15) had so many small dreams, it was really hard for him to choose the one that he would like to get from the Wonderlamp Foundation. He thought for a long time what would be the most unobtainable request for him, that he could ask from the foundation. At the Movement Development center where he lives during weekdays, a few of his friends had already asked for laptops, so not long after, he finally made his decision.
He longed for a laptop as well which ment the world to him, in his tiny little room.
When he saw us approach him with a box, he asked us who are you taking the present for this time? We didn’t reply, we just handed him the gift, and then with a smile from ear to ear he said: it’s my birthday tomorrow this will be the best birthday present ever.
By the time the laptop came on stream all Roland’s friends gathered around him, and they were enjoying the new present together. We had a wonderful time with Roland and we hope all the best for him.

Thank you for the support of D&B.

Márk Judit, Tunyogi Orsolya

Richárd ( 17 éves, Tatabánya )

Ricsi without suspecting anything merged into the wonders of maths like he does every morning,but what he didn’t realize was that this wasn’t just an ordinary morning.
Suddenly people started moving in from the hall. Ricsi didn’t understand anything. During maths lesson who would want to visit him????
When we entered the half-sterile room,and the supporters introduced there selfs,and gave him the so fondly waited laptop Ricsi had a huge smile on his face. He quickly opened it and turned the machine on,wich worked perfectly.
Ricsi, because of his bone-marrow transplantation can not take part in community for months but with the help of this newly recieved laptop he can keep contact with all his friends,family and also the hole world.

We wish for Ricsi to use his laptop at home as soon as possible!

Thank you for the support of Güntner - Tata Kft.

Erika Bíróné Pallag
2010.March 29. Budapest

Péter ( 8 years old, Biatorbágy )

Peter is a big music fan his favorite singer is Micheal Jackson, so he didn’t have to thing long what he would like from the Wonderlamp Foundation.

When I went to visit him at the Tűzoltó street clinic I didn’t find him in his room, but then I realized the only place he could be is in the playroom. Peti looked at us surpisedly,and when he found out I was from the Wonder lamp Foundation he smiled.

First we talked a bit then, he told me all about his favorite music bands, and then I handed over the present witch he so longed for. All of the CDs were Micheal Jackson ones.

Peti held the CDs so tightly as if they were Micheal Jackson himself. The little fan immediately told his dad to bring the CD and DVD player in so he can listen to the new CDs.

We wish that all these new CDs help Peti forget the hard time he’s gone threw.

Thank you for the support of Dr. Tesics György who helped us fulfil another little boys dream.

Thank you for the support of AAA Klinikák Dent.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
2010 March 30. Budapest

Örkény (12years old, Gyöngyös)

I met Örkény and his mother on the 25th of May 2010, when I gave them the most wanted LEGO game.

When I have Örkény the present two voluntary workers where there as well, Maria Takáts and Anikó Csányi.

We all saw how happy and joyful the 13 year old boy was when he received his big dream!

We would like to say thank you for the help and support of the International Women’s Club Foundation of Budapest!

Ildikó Tomaj
Wish coordinator
2010.05.25. Budapest

Mercédesz (12 years old, Berzék)

Mercedes was coming for a medical check-up to our hospital and that’s when se received the new computer with the LCD monitor.

She could hardly believe her eyes when she saw the boxes. Her eyes were sparkling from excitement and astonishment.

Dear Mercedes, we hope you have a lot of fun playing with your new computer and hope you get well soon!

Tatárné Csonka Zsuzsanna
2009.05.27, Miskolc

Márton (4 éves, Tárnok)

The always happy and gossiping four year old little Marci told us he loves every kind of jego toy. He has all sorts of jego toys at home, but what he doesn’t have and what he longed for was a jego Farm. When I asked him what a jego is, he looked at me astonished with wide eyes, couldn’t believe me that I don’t know what a jego is. Then, he explained and I realized that the jego is actually a Lego.

We knew that Marci was looking forward to a hard day, so I arranged with Dr. György Tesics that by the time he wakes up from the surgery we fulfil his secret little dream.

I arrived a bit earlier than our sponsor so I went over to the half awake little boy and wispered into his ear that if he rubs his hand hard enough, then the Foundation’s genie will arrive.

Marci was overwHelmed with all the different toys lying on his bed each piece one of his dream. But then came the big question: who’s going to put all this together?? But obviously Marci quickly solved the problem, he put the toys into our hands and asked: will you help me?

Little Marci we wish that your Lego Farom gets put together as soon as possible, and we hope you have a wonderful time playing with it!

We would like to thank Dr. György Tesics for his help and support, without his help Marci’s dream couldn’t have come true.

Thank you for the support of AAA Klinikák Dent.

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Zsuzsanna Sipos
Wish coordinator
2010.02-08, Budapest


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