Mark (13 years old, Budapest)
Mark is a big fan of computer games, he specially likes the Nintendo Wii, because here during the game he can exercise a bit as well. He already had the game, but he longed for a FITT game for a long time. The Wonderlamp started organizing the boy’s present and on the 8th of May on a charity swimming day they raised enough money to fulfil the boys wish.
Thank you for the help and sponsor of the Városmajor street swimming center, and also for the 100 giver, who on this day helped fulfil Mark’s and a few other children’s dream.

2010. 05.08., Budapest
Margareta ( 13 years old, Miskolc )
Margareta is being treated in the GYEK. Her dream was a laptop, but because she knew she had to wait for a long time for her request to come true she didn’t suspect that straight after her CT examination a miracle will happen with her.
Margareta received her present with the help and support of László Adorján the representative of the Földgázszállitó. Margareta was touched when we handed the present over to her, wich she so longed for.
I would like to say thank you for the Földgázszállitó Zrt. on behalf of the grateful parents!
Dear Margareta we hope you get well as soon as possible!

2010 May 20, Miskolc
Levente (17 years old, Nyírzápony)
Levente is a 17 year old teenage boy who knows a lot about computers and his dream was to get a laptop. He unwrapped the gift as fast as he could he turned the machine on, and immediately started playing with it.
Statisfaction swept across his face, and I was happy to see him so delighted as well.
We hope this machine helps his recovery as well!

2010.03.25. Budapest
Krisztián ( 14 years old, Hódmezővásárhely )
Krisztián’s looking forward to long and difficult weeks! He’s going into the steril box next week. His dream was to have his own laptop. With the help of the sponsors his wish could be fulfilled just before the bone-marrow transplantation.
The wish came true at the Miskolc Roland House. Everybody- parents, children, workers knew that today Krisztián’s dream will come true, only he himself didn’t suspect anything! Everybody kept their secret.
Krisztian was really surprised, and first he couldn’t say anything. After you couldn’t move him from the laptop he stuck to the screen.
I’m going to sleep with this said Krisztian. We hope you get well as soon as possible!

2010.04.21, Miskolc
Kira Vivien ( 4 years old,Szentes )
Making sure Kira doesn’t see our present before time, with Lilla we hid the two huge boxes of puzzles under the chairs. Beforehand I rung Kira’s mother and she said, they had just got of the train.
We were very excited because we knew we would get to the clinic fairly fast. Soon everybody arrived and we went into the consulting room with Kira who didn’t suspect anything.
Lilla showed Kira the puzzles one by one. Kira received all with huge pleasure. Previously Kira put every single puzzle out over and over again that she could find in the hospital. Our presents will have the same fate, they will be put out over and over again.
We wish here good luck, and hope that she stays this friendly and happy forever!

Katrine Rebeka (6 years old, Salgótarján)
When we arrived to the Bokay street children’s clinic Katrine’s mother was trying to convince her to drink the not too appetising medicine. However, when she saw us she immediately knew we are carrying her present so she quickly drank the daily medicine portion, before the Wonderlamp’s genie disappeared.
Katrine received her portable DVD player which she asked for because, she had just been through a serious kidney transplantation, and she knew that she had to spend weeks in hospital, but with the help of this new present the long days would fly past as moments.
We talked with her a little bit showed her how to use the machine and when she got enchanted by the world of Süsü the dragon we quietly slipped away!
On behalf of our Foundation, Katrine and her parents we would like to say thank you for the help of our sponsors!

2010.07.07, Budapest
István ( 6 years old, Újléta )
Pistike asked from the Wonderlamp Foundation a real boyish toy, he wanted a land rover. When we arrived with the huge box he was really excited he could hardly wait to open the package.
The wonderful black land rover was a real boyish toy although it came in pieces so before Pistike could try it he had to wait for the assembling. But it wasn’t a problem Pisti helped his father with everything he was so overwhelmed.
Dear Pistike! We wish you have a lovely time playing with the car and hope you get well as soon as possible!

2009.08.26, Újléta
Iringó ( 3 éves, Arló )
Iringó is a happy beautiful three year old little girl. Her dream was a pink car. When we arrived she suspected that int he huge boxes it was her car. The happy ceremony when we gave her the present was on Saturday. On her face there was undescrisable happiness and joy! I felt proud that I work for the Wonderlamp Foundation and that yet again we fulfilled a dream.

2010.06.19, Arló
Gyopárka (5 years old, Csíkszentdomonkos)
On the 31st of March 2010 with the donor of Pölöskei Gábor strategic manager (Paradise Solution Kft.) another dream came true. Gyopárka received two portable DVD players. The little girl was really happy with the donation. In the course of time Gyopárka got a few story films for the player as well.
2010.03.31. Budapest
Georgina ( 13 years old, Tiszaújváros )
Georgina wanted a laptop so she could keep in contact with her friends, class mates, during the time she had to be in hospital, and until she can’t go into community. It’s very important for her to finish her studies with her classmates.
When she received her laptop from our Foundation the world opened to her, and know she can keep in contact with all her beloved ones.
It was a huge astonishment for her, she didn’t even suspect that on that day a miracle’s going to happen.
It was good to see her so happy, and we felt delighted as well to have helped another child again.
We hope that our present will speed you recovery up, and that the next time we meet you, you willl be as heathy as ever!

2010. April 25, Miskolc
Fanni ( 13 éves, Dömsöd )
Fanni turning 13 and becoming a mature teenager longed for a laptop.
She looked at the gift with big brown eyes, she was really happy that she received this present right on children’s day. We also wanted to make sure she gets the present before June the 19th, because that’s when her birthday was.
Happy birthday and we hope by the next time we meet you can use the machine as a professional.
2010.05.30, Dömsöd
Bernadett (15 years old, Sóshartyán)
Bernadett longed for a laptop for a long time now, she really wanted a DELL type.
We prepared the surprise thoroughly, and two representatives from the Accenture company brought the gift hided in a gift bag.

Wish coordinator
Beatrix ( 14 years old, Sárbogárd 3p. )
Bea longed for a laptop for a long time, a laptop that only she uses.
I organized with her mother for the laptop to be a surprise, I asked her to keep the secret and not to mention anything to Bea.
So when Bea arrived for the check up she didn’t suspect anything at all, she was stunned when she received the present.
Wish coordinator
2010.05.25, Budapest
Balázs ( 3 years old, Debrecen )
Balázs arrived to the grade crying. He didn’t understand why he had to come up when they only came for one blood test, which luckily turned out to be fine. No matter how much we tried to cheer him up, we couldn’t. So quickly we took him up to the playing room were the surprise was waiting for him. First he didn’t want to believe his eyes, then later he was commanding us to open it.
Have fun with it little boy! Thank you!

2010.03.29, Debrecen
Ákos (3 years old, Adásztevel)
On a gray, cold, rainy day on the first of June we set of to Adásztevel. Where Ákos a lovely three year old little boy, with the intervention of the Wonderlamp Foundation and the support of the Földgázszállitó Zrt., became a happy owner of a storage batterie, two person little car.
The little boy when we arrived was still sleeping. His mother and little sister greeted us with joy. His mother briefly told us about the struggle they had with the little boy’s illness. The moment Ákos received the gift his face lit up. Strenuously and gayly he played with the little car and in a few moments time he learned the usage.
Have a wonderful time playing with it, and thank you for the help and support of Sir László Késmárki the representative of Földgázszállitó Zrt.

Adrienn ( 14 éves, Monor )
Unfortunately Adrienn similarly to her little sister suffer from a croncical illness which they diagnosed in December.
Since winter because of her serious illness she couldn’t even take part in school lessons that is why from our Foundation she asked for a laptop, with wich she could know keep contacted with her friends, study and even send her homework.
Astonishedly and happily she looked at the laptop and with a big smile on her face thanked us many times!

2010.07.09. Budapest
Ádám (14 years old, Túrricse)
On a beautiful sunny spring Sunday with two of our new voluntary workers we set of to Túricsere to the 14 year old Adam. His request was a portable DVD player which he needed because of the many many travelling and medical treatment. Adam loves story films and also children’s films.
He was really surprised because he didn’t know we were coming. He was over the moon and very delighted with the present. After we assambled it, and watched a short film we said goodbye and set of.
This was an unforgettable day for us as well!
We hope you to have a great time watching the films and also we wish you to get better as soon as possible!

2009.04.05 Túricsere
Szilveszter Emánuel (7 éves, Pilisvörösvár)
Silveszter is a seven year old boy, who frequently goes for medical check ups to the SOTE Children’s Clinic kidney grade.
Silveszter lives his mother and sister in Pilivörösvár. He goes to kindergarden, but soon he will attend school.
We found out that Silveszter’s dream would be a two person electrical car, so not only he but, his sister could fit in next to him aswell. Silveszter is a very honest boy and he always thinks about his smaller sister.
We wish him a joyful time playing with the car!

2010.March 29. Pilisvörösvár
Mercédesz ( 14 years old, Szigethalom )
Mercedes is a 14 year old little girl who lives in Szigethalom with her parents. She went through a lot of illnesses and medical attendance. When her state of health is better she loves horse riding. Luckily not far from where they live one of their friends has a horse that she can ride on. Merci helps out with taking care of the horses, she sometimes even cleans the stables.
The little girl’s request were different horse equipment, which we bought together. She chose a few professional books, riding boots, riding trousers, shirts, and from now Merci’s even going to sleep in bedlinen that has horses on.
We hope Merci uses all the things she got with a lot of care and happiness.

2010.April.13, Budapest
Balázs Valentin (8 years old, Sopron)
We gave Balázs the total surprise present on the 24th of February at the Tűzoltó street hospital. The seven year old little boy greeted us unsuspiciously and when I asked what he would wish from the Foundation, without thinking he said a Play Station game. Balázs was shocked when he received the present and unwrapped the little packet. His joy was unlimited, and with the help of his father he immediately started studying its functioning and after a few minutes passed by Balázs was playing with the beloved appliance forgetting all about his illness.
2010.02.24. Budapest
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