Tamás (17 years old from Homokszentgyörgy)
Tamás came for a medical check up and he was sitting in front of the surgery knowing nothing.Then the door opened and I was standing there with a synthesizer he had been longing for so much in my hand.He couldn't even stand up when he realized what it was , he was just repeating:'Mum, look at that-look at that!'
Minutes passed until he came up to me and checked his present saying 'It can't be true!' He was so happy.
He had been attending a music school and he needed the instrument a lot. His parents eyes were filled with tears of happiness and affection.His little brother was dancing around him, they were ready to leave for home immediately to try it. We hope Tamás will be satisfied with his instrument and will forget the suffering caused by his illness.
Pécs, 2008.04.07.
Dániel (13, Csákánydoroszló)
The young boy wished to have a PC wheel and he received it as a present because he likes to play racing games.
To make his wish come true H-Multimédia Kft. provided discounted purchase possibilities and they even offered a headphone as a present to Dániel. We would like to thank to the company for their help and wish all the best for Dániel.
The wish was fulfilled with the support of the pupils and teachers of The British International School, Budapest. Thank you in the name of Dániel as well!
Coordinator of wishes
Bence (12, Derecske)
Bence wished to have a huge drum-set. We and her mum decided to make it a surprise and we presented it to him in the Rockschool in Debrecen.
Bence was really pleased with his present, we hope he will not disturb the neighbours too mouch when practising.
Bence, we hope you will enjoy playing your new instrument for a long time and you will find a lot of pleasure in it!
We are most grateful for the support and contribution of Hangszerarzenál (Vajda Péter/ Sóder) and the IBD Club.
Tímea Kiss
This wish has been granted with the support of .
Many thanks in the name of Bence too!
Dániel (11 years old, Prügy)
On 5th of April 2008 the 11 years old boy came to Budapest with his parents to have his wish come true.
As they arrived earlier than arranged they had time to walk around the Castle of Budapest.
We met at the Museum for Hungarian Military History with the family where we had the opportunity to visit an exhibition of WW I and II. As we got know from his mother Dani is very interested in this topic, he has seen lots of films and documentaries about it.
Thanks to the director of the museum and his colleagues a guide joined us who could answer all Dani's questions.
After the guided tour the family spent some free time in the museum.
We wish all the best to you Dani! Good luck with your studies back with your classmates!
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the director of the Museum, Dr. József Holló and to all his colleagues.
Budapest 5th of April 2008.
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Ádám (8 years old, Rajka)
Ádám, aged 8, has just started to learn how to speak due to his different health problems but he can make himself understood by his parents and sisters.
His favourite toy is Thomas, the tank-engine and it's no wonder it was the present he asked for from Csodalámpa.
He had to come for a medical check-up to Budapest on 11 February so we arranged it with his parents to come a day earlier. We had been working on the surprise for a while, we wanted to provide him with the present at Szamos Marcipán Café in the Corinthia Budapest Hotel and we had ordered a Thomas-cake as well.
The wish was fulfilled by Mr Marc Lavoie, a teacher of The American International School of Budapest. He had wanted to give Tamás the presents together with his little son, Benjamin, but unfortunately he became ill and he couldn't come.
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Ádám was not disturbed by it, he was amazed by the presents and it took half an hour for him to open the boxes and see the engine-friends, paintbooks and other things.
He didn't even care about the cake, he was so pleased with the toys. We didn't mind it, we put it into a box so that they could eat it at home, the whole family.
On behalf of Ádám we would like to say thanks to Mr Marc Lavoie for his help and we are extremely grateful to the owners and the employees of
the Royal Café SzamosMarzipan Confectionery for their kindness and the cake.
Budapest 10/02/2008
Karolina (8 years old, Kunhegyes)
Karolina had to travel to the capital with his parents and brothers for a medical check up on this special day, but this time she was happy to come as she knew her wish would come true thanks to Csodalámpa association. She was very exited the day before; she tidied her room to make place for the big present.
After the medical check up we went to choose the wished home movie system. The friendly but calm little girl after analyzing what she saw and heard about the different products decided the one to choose. She could hardly wait to arrive home and to try the equipment after putting it together.
Though she had to go to school the next day she convinced her parents to let her watching the cartoon on this special present.
I wish all the best, health and lots of fun with the home movie system.
wish co-ordinator
This wish could make come true with the help of the Neo Interactive Kft. We would like to say thanks to them on behalf of Karolina.
Julianna (13 years old, Budapest)
The present - a Samsung digital camera - was a real surprise for Juli .
When she arrived at the hospital for the usual control treatment, she got the camera, which she longed very much.
She likes travelling and as she already gets the last of the treatments, in a short time Julia will have more spare time for travelling. She can go into the country, whose life she likes very much and she can now take as many photos, as she can and as she wants.
Budapest,14th December 2007
The wish was fulfilled with the support of the pupils and teachers of The British International School, Budapest. Thank you in the name of Julianna as well!

Zoltán (15, Miskolc)
Thanks to the sponsors of "Wonderlamp" Chrismas Eve arrived 2 days earlier into the home of 3 boys living in Borsod county.
Gyula, Viktor and Zoltán wouldn't think that this Eve would have such a surprise for them: on the evening of 22nd their wish came true. Each of them received a PSP or an X-Box consol. Each of the presents were big surprise as only the parents knew that their wish would come true within 2-3 days.
Coordinator of wishes
Tiszaújváros, 22.12.2007
We would like to thank to Neo Interactive Kft who helped us again to make again "some kind of magic".
Dániel (13 years old, Csákánydoroszló)
Daniel has wished and got a PC steering wheel, as he likes video racing games. H-Multimedia Ltd. assured a discounted shopping opportunity to grant the boy's wish, and they gave as a present a headphone to Daniel as a bonus.
We wish Daniel many-many exciting racing contests and to get well soon.
This wish has been fulfilled with the support of the pupils and staff of The British International School, Budapest. Thank you!
Klaudia (16 years old, Zalaapáti)
The greatest wish of the 16 years old Klaudia from Zalaapáti was to be able to learn. When we saw this wish for the first time we could not believe to our eyes but the sincere eyes of the Kaludia convinced us that this was really her greatest wish.
The young lady can't go among people because her desease so she can learn only at home. Until now she was learning at home thanks to the Internet but she wanted to have real exams and to prove that she can pass her A level exams. With her parents she decided to pass a higher exam from computer sciences, which she likes specially and she could imagine to work in this field.
As there are only a few high schools close to Zalaapáti with Mr. Szántó - the responsible for the Educational Office at the Mayor's Office of Hévíz - we visited the head of Bibó College Mr. Boldizsár Nagy at Hévíz and ask for his help. Mr. Nagy was very helpful and the day after our meeting he called me back and told us that most of the teachers agreed to visit Klaudia to teach her.
Here is a part from Klaudia's letter:
Dear Csodalámpa,
I would like to thank you to make my wish come true to be able to get help for my studies as my illness does not allow me to go among people. This is a great chance for me.
I would like to say thanks to the foundation and for all the volunteers to get a chance to continue my studies in higher education.
Thank you a lot: Klaudia and her family
We wish to say thanks to the Director of the Bibó College and his collages and to Neo Interactive Kft company, who finance Klaudia's studies.
Gyula (15, Tiszaújváros)
Thanks to the sponsors of Wonderlamp, Chrismas Eve arrived 2 days earlier into the home of 3 boys living in Borsod county.
Gyula, Viktor and Zoltán wouldn't think that this Eve would have such a surprise for them: on the evening of 22nd their wish came true. Each of them received one PSP and an X-Box consol.
Each of the presents were big surprise as only the parents knew that their wish would come true within 2-3 days.
We would like to thank to Mr. Gábor Pukler who helped us again to make magic.
Coordinator of wishes
Tiszaújváros 22.12.2007
Krisztina (16 years old, Budapest)
Krisztina's wish - to learn to play guitar- was the first of its kind in Wonderlamp's history.
At the begining of the seventies I learnt to play guitar at the "Belvárosi Zeneiskola" (Downtown Music School in Budapest). I thought there might be a chance that the school still exists and my teacher still teaches there.
Hopefully the answer for both questions were YES and after we checked that Krisztina can start to learn on normal size guitar Elfi - my old teacher - agreed to teach Krisztina.
Krisztina has been practising since September and according to her teacher she has been a clever and nice student.
I wish to Kriszti to have at least as much fun playing guitar as I have had in the past years.
Budapest, 08.09.2007
This wish has been granted with the support of . Many thanks in the name of Krisztina too!
Bence (10 years old, Pécs)
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2007 5:46 PM
To: info@csodalampa.hu
Dear Wonderlamp,
After Bence has received his guitar, he has almost never laid it down. Shortly after due to his treatment he suffered from severe pain, - so we haven't had a chance until now to express our gratefulness to the Foundation. You gave our son so much happiness... he tells you the following:
"If I get well, it will be in a great part due to the Wonderlamp! Bence"
We wish God give you lots of help to your work! Our warm thanks are dwarfed by the smile on Bence's face.
Bence's parents
2007-08-29 Nikoletta
== Nikoletta ( 8 years old, Hódmezővásárhely)
Niki, who lives in Hódmezővásárhely (South-East of Hungary) has not been at the Lake Balaton before. It was a dream for her to get there. With the help of Budapest Taxi she managed to see the "Hungarian ocean".
Her eyes were glittering when she got off the car in Zamárdi. She could spend at Lake Balaton one week with her family. It was really great experience for her.
The weather was fantastic, sunny and hot, so she could spend the all day with her younger sister in the lake. Their parents had to repeat many times them to come out of the water, because they enjoyed bathing so much. When the "water fairies" came out of the Lake Balaton tey were not once were covered with mud. But who cares...
After enjoying the lake all the family eats the delicious dinner, which was delivered by the Food Express catering company.
At the end of the week Budapest Taxi picked them up. It was not easy to say good-bye to Balaton. But Niki and her sister will remember this beautiful week for a long time.
Thank you for the help of very much because Niki could hardly see the Lake Balaton without their help.
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János (17 years old, Somogyszil)
János wanted to meet the doctors in Vienna, who has operated him for about a year - he has got new lungs. He waited for this meeting really exited with his family.
The Daimler-Chrysler Automotive Hungaria LTD helped us out bay lending us a Mercedes Viano small coach. They travelled by this coach to Vienna to see the doctors. Of course we - Wonderlamp - have organised an appointment earlier with them.
János led us by hand - like he was at home - to the doctor1s room. We greeted each other shortly, because the professor had to do something else. Later we met in the cafe. We do not know, who were toutched deeper, János or the doctors. They were very glad to see each other again. János told them about his life. János was full of interest in life. After some time he said good bye to the doctors cheerfully.
We walked the streets of Vienna after the meeting of the doctors. Finally we had a delicious dinner in a pleasant pub.
At the end of the day we were filled with experiences.
We are grateful to the Daimler-Chrysler Automotive LTD, becauce they supported us to realise János's wish.
Vienna, August 22-24, 2007
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Mátyás (9 years old, Pusztavám)
Matyi would like to become an astronomer so he has a lot of books of the universe. Even so, he has never been to an observatory.
As he knows many stars by name, the Foundation has invited him to the Urania Observatory at Budapest where he could have a look through a telescope to the the shiny empire. Together with a small team of participants we took part on a night tour.
These team members are all owners of different virtual stars.
We wanted to take Matyi by surprise so we have bought him a star in the universe through an international corporation.
He received a map and a certificate to confirm his ownership.
After that Mr. Professor Zombori gave a very humorful and interesting lecture about the world. Although the sky was a bit cloudy at the beginning of our tour, after 10 pm it has took up and Matyi was the first one, who could peep into the spy-glass.
We were told that he put the star-map on his wall, on which among the Big Dipper stars, his star, the "GarasMatyi" will be there as well.
We would like to take this oppurtunity of thanking Professor Zombori's help at the Uránia Observatory and Ms. Edit Emmer the Hungarian agent of the International Star Registry who helped us to buy Matyi's star on a preferential price.
A kívánság teljesítését a támogatása tette lehetővé. Köszönjük!
Dóri (18 years old, Somogyudvarhely)
It wasn't easy to fulfil Dori's wish as she does not live in a big city. The sponsors and helpers had to fight over the distances as well.
Dóri's room - nicely painted - has been waiting for a year to receive some furniture.
After contacting KIKA's shop in Pécs we choose a table with chairs, a bed with bookshelves and a wardrobe, a rug and a lamp.
On the pictures everyone can see the happiness of Dori although the furniture are not fully installed in the room. She is really happy about her new room.
We would like to thank to the management of for the donation of the furniture and the free delivery.
Coordinators of wishes
Somogyudvarhely, 30.06.2007
2007-06-28 Korinna
=== Korinna (12, Makó)
Dear Wonderlamp, I enjoyed the Irigy Honaljmirigy concert very much and Im very happy that I had a chance to meet them. I think that my brother had a great time too however he only came to escort me.
It was a real buzz and I think I will never forget it. The concert itself was tremendous not to mention that I could meet the boys, too. I hope they liked my drawing and they wont forget me either.
Special thanks to Mr. Sándor Tihanyi, the marketing director of Budapest Taxi, who fulfilled my wishes. I will never forget this experience.
Thank you, Wonderlamp.
Korinna Odett
Thanks to the members of Irigy Hónaljmirigy, our manager, Pite and Budapest Taxi.
2007-06-28 Anett
=== Anett Tiszafüred
Is your job boring? Is your boss swinging the lead, too? Don't hesitate. Take your bike and don't stop till Tiszafüred.
Thanks to the beautiful sunshine and a young lady who wished for a bike yesterday we had a ride to Tiszafüred. On a bike that is equipped as it is supposed to: with a bell, a little basket, a water bottle and a red posy.
Anett, the new owner, didn't know anything about it. Not like Mrs Major, Anita the old owner. She offered the bike that she bought when she got her first salary so that she could go to work more easily.
And now she shared her memories with the 12-year -old young lady. In return for it Anett promised to take a good care of the nice mountain bike. We hope that riding in the fresh air you'll get well soon, Anett.
Ildikó PALÁSTI wish-coordinator
Tiszafüred, 2007.02.05.
Albert Csaba (14, Marosvásárhely, Transsylvania)
Albert wished a FIFA ball of the football world cup in 2006, and football dress dedicated by Roberto Carlos, the wolrd famous Real Madrid player.
The whole family is footbal fun, Albert was playing football regularly, but he had to suspend it for a while because of his ilness. He did not suspect anything when nurse Angelika asked them to come to the hospital to to see someone... When Albert glimpsed the football, he was struck dumb, he cuddled it in a minute and for our request he kicked the ball (he was more than willing to do it...). He was very happy the whole evening and he did not get exasperated from the operation next morning. The football dress part of the whish is pending, its organisation is under way.
We would like to thank Ms. Virág Kis, our well-wisher that she offered the football to Albert.
Ms. Tünde Flandera
Wish Coordinator
November 14, 2006
... Second step: the dress
Thanks to the good connections of Sporttime Magazine, the dress arrived with the Madrid flight of MALEV Hungarian Airlines an the 18th of February, 2007.
With luck, Albert's father was here in Budapest, so he could take home the dress the next day. (He silently admitted, that he has never thought, that the dress will ever come...)
The pictures speak for themselves...
Éva Patzauer
managing director, Wonderlamp Foundation
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