Nikoletta (16 éves, Gyöngyöshalász)
Niki lives near Gyöngyös with her parents and sister. Because of the treatment she spends most of her weekdays in Budapest therefore she has rarely got a chance to see her best friends. Her friends still do their best to make Niki happy and have a chance to spend the most possible time with her. Nikis wish was also connected to her friends. She wanted to spend a whole day in Budapest Amusement Park with them.
The big day finally arrived and Niki's friends got up early to be together with their best friend by noon. The journey to the hospital, in itself, was an adventure as we were traveling by the "open buggy" of Budapest Taxi to pick Niki up. The girls enjoyed the drive very much, they liked their hair being blown by the wind. They also appreciated the men's look of jealousy who even offered exchange for the car. And the girls of course. First we went to McDonalds where the kids had lunch. Cautiously, because they knew that otherwise they would easily have problems with their stomach in the park. During lunch they were excitedly planning what to sit on since all of them had been in the amusement park a long time before.
We arrived at the Amusement Park promptly at 2 pm with our special vehicle. Mr. Karoly Huszar, the marketing director of the park, was already waiting for us. We got our armbands and it was time to have fun. Niki, her sister Alexandra and her friends Enikő, Erika and Peti started the rides together. Being a bit faint-hearted at the beginning we started with the Wonder Cave where we encountered John, the valorous. Later, of course, we ventured some more adventurous games. They sometimes resulted in some dizziness but it always made us even more curious about the following game.
Niki's parents also came with us. However they tried some games didn't dare to take on a "dodgem fight" with us. Cotton candy and popcorn were supposed to refresh us. Some more surprise was awaiting for Niki: the newest CD of her favorite group. She and the friends were very happy with it. When the adventure came to an end the kids hit the road home with a lot of new experiences. We hope there was enough to speak and laugh about on the way.
Let us say thanks to Mr Károly Huszár and the employees of the Budapest Amusement Park.
Also thanks to Mr. Sándor Tihanyi, the marketing director of Budapest Taxi. Not to mention our escort and volunteer who dared a ride on the roller-coaster.

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Hunor (17 , Dunaújváros)
Hunor moved to his relatives to Dunaújváros from Csíkszereda so that he can be cured in Budapest.
He doesn't only love but also can play the guitar very well. He had dreamt about having an own electric guitar and amplifier for a long time. His favorite group is Omega. He knows all their lyrics by heart and some years ago he went to their concert with friends in Csíkszereda. We thought he would be very happy if we visited him with György MOLNÁR, the lead guitarist of Omega Red Star group.
He was just as much surprised as we hoped for. Hunor unpacked the guitar and amplifier immediately but he was even happier that it was György Molnár who handed him the present. They spent nearly an hour together while they were talking about old songs and concerts. As Hunor turned out to be a devoted fan Mr. Molnár played some old Omega hits for him. On the new guitar of course. Hunor is preparing to play his new guitar with his band as soon as he gets well
We'd like to say thanks toBaSys Magyarországi Kft for giving a discount price on the guitar and amplifier.
Special thanks to György Molnár for visiting Hunor in the hospital.
Budapest, May 24, 2007
Ákos (16 years old, Kecskemét)
The mother of Ákos contacted "Csodalámpa" concerning his son who is paralysed and can leave the flat only with the help of his parents.
He wanted to have a laptop to be able to keep in contact with the 'outside' world and which would give him some activity and would give him the possibility to get news and communication.
The wish came true on the 18th of June 2007.
Ákos was unbelievable happy for the present and he could hardly wait his father to open the box of. (unfortunately he can't hold anything by himself) We could feel who much he was waiting to start the computer.
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It was an unbelievable for us to see how a laptop gives the happiness and the contact with the society for a 16 years old teenager...
Kecskemét, 18.06.2007
We are very greatful to the pupils, their parents and teachers of the American International School in Budapest, that they have helped us to realise another "wonder". '''
Ivett (13, Baja)
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My wish was a sightseeing tour to London and it came true very quickly. My mother and I were very excited about the trip as we had never flown before. We found both the take-off and the landing really interesting. We had some adventures at Heathrow Airport. During the four days we spent in London we saw many beautiful, wonderful things. This experience cannot be described, it must be seen in person. I would like to thank the volunteers of Wonderlamp and the sponsors, without whom all this would not have been possible.
Kind Regards, Ivett ********, and her mother.
We would like to thank MALÉV - Hungarian Airlines, the staff of the Hungarian Cultural Center and the Hungarian Embassy in London, the Budapest Taxi, The British Tours, and the management of Londoni Magyarok Association, that they made it possible for us to fulfill Ivett's wish.
We owe special thanks to our private sponsors, who spared no pains or time provided Ivett and her mother with accomodation in Hungary and in London, drove them around, and even gave Ivett a special souvenir, like the management of Gyöngyös Mézes.
Éva Patzauer
managing director
Wonderlamp Foundation
Dávid (17, Csanádpalota)
From: ***** Dávid ***** Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2007 8:12 PM To: Subject: Londonról
Dear Organisers In Hungary and in London,
Thank you very much for this unforgettable excursion and sorry for writing so late. I was very happy to hear that my wish was going to come true- I could travel to London.
I had been amazed by London and England long before I had the chance to see everything with my own eyes; once there, I really liked London Eye, the British Museum, the Museum of Science and the Museum of Natural History, the sightseeing tour by British Tours - it was a bit hard to understand the English guide but I still got the main points and most of the puns. At the British Museum I could see how proud the British are of their treasures. The city is beautiful, people are polite and nice. The funniest situations were when we suddenly bumped into Hungarian people at places we really had not expected to see them.
Once again I would like to thank all sponsors and organisers for this unforgettable experience.
Many thanks, Dávid

We would like to thank MALÉV - Hungarian Airlines, the staff of the Hungarian Cultural Centre and the Hungarian Embassy in London, Budapest Taxi, The British Tours, and the management of Londoni Magyarok Association that they made it possible for us to fulfill Dávid's wish.
We owe special thanks to our private sponsors, who spared no pains or time provided Ivett and her mother with accomodation in Hungary and in London, drove them around, and even gave Dávid a special souvenir, like the management of Gyöngyös Mézes.
Éva Patzauer
managing director
Wonderlamp Foundation
Csaba (11, Budapest)
Subject: 2007. Londoni élmények
Dear Wonderlamp, Évi & Gábor,
First of all, thank you very much for fulfilling the wish, the dream of our sick child.
Csabika's wish was to see the sights of London - Big-Ben, London Eye, the Thames, Tthe Museum of Sciences and the dinos within. In addition, he also wanted to see the cockpit of a Malev airplane...
We can say that his wish has been fulfilled and will always with him as a nice memory he will talk about with everyone, every time.
On arrival at the airport he talked about his experience to his mother and sister for several hours (at 11 p.m.), and he only stopped because it was very late at night.
Our programme in London was the following: We arrived at Heathrow and were taken to our hotel where the kids could have a rest after the excitements of the flight.(Csabika was allowed to enter the cockpit of the Malev flight and he was shown in the air how the airplane was operating). He really liked it, could hardly say a word, just stood there for minutes... He was simply stunned by this experience.
After the short break on Monday the team (three sick children and their companions) left to see Croydon. This part of London was full of interesting things from the red double-deckers to the people, whose way of speaking was also very interesting... We checked out the department stores and, of course, bought some umbrellas as it was raining continuosly. A real London cab took us to the hotel after our first supper together, and the evening ended with some conversation.
Next day we went for a sightseeing tour with British Tours. A guide and a very kind bus driver kept showing us the sights, we could hardly follow their instructions what buildings to look at on the right or on the left. We felt quite tired at the end. As traffic in the city is very heavy we decided to take a walk to the British Museum, which is wonderful and enormous. This was also a wish by one of the children (David).
After the visit to the museum our very nice guide (Susan) showed us to a pizzeria, where the hungry little team had some nice pizzas. Then we returned to Hotel Bedford to relax after this busy day. Later in the day we left again for some stroll in town and the team also tasted a real English speciality, fish and chips, at a very nice restaurant. Another day was over and none of us needed to be lulled at night...
For the next day we were expecting even more things to see. With the help of the Hungarian Cultural Institute and the Hungarian Embassy we had the chance to visit the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Science, the London Eye, and then we took a boat on the Themse where our guides, Anikó and Ildikó also gave the kids some London souvenirs, a dressed-up lion for each of them.
For the last day we left Madame Tussaud's, which was Ivett's wish. Unfortunately, the elevator was out of order so we could not enter the building. For compensation we took the little girl and our other children to the greatest toy shop in London, Hamleys. The kids and ourselves were just swept off our feet by the range and size of this wonderful store.
Our time was over even though the children kept saying how much they wanted to stay.
Then off to the airport, on to the Malev flight, where the crew was again very nice to us and we were again let into the cockpit, which was a thrilling experience for Csabika.
I would like to thank all the kind people who did so much for this wonder, especially the two of you, Évi és Gábor.
I will let everyone know that there are people in this world who fulfill children's dreams!
Thank you, and kind regards, Csaba and his family

''We would like to thank the staff of DDB Hungary, Malev - Hungarian Airlines, the Hungarian Cultural Center and the Hungarian Embassy in London, Budapest Taxi and The British Tours, the management of Londoni Magyarok Association, that they made it possible for us to fulfill Csaba's wish.
Special thanks to the pilots of Malev, who showed Csaba the cockpit, thus realising his long-time wish, and to the management of Gyöngyös Mézes for the small souvenirs.
Erik (16 years old, Baja)
Erik is 16 years old and he is suffering from muscular dystrophy. His wish was a real laptop. He needed it partly to facilitate his studies, and partly to open a window to the world with the help of the Internet.
Erik's wish was one of those we could fulfill thanks to the support of the pupils and teachers of The American International School of Budapest.
Unfortunately, Erik's sister, Ivett is also ill. Ivett's wish was a sighstseeing tour in London, which we had been able to fulfill just a few weeks earlier. We were a bit worried after the trip that Erik would be sad, thinking that we had forgotten about him.
Erik was with us together with his parents and siblings at the last general assembly of the academic year at AISB, on 4th June. After some maneauvering he managed to park his wheelchair right in front of the stage. From there he watched the children dance and listened to their music with twinkling eyes.
Suddenly they started to talk about the Wonderlamp Foundation. Lots of children were running to the stage who had been working with us on this wish from the start by organising a "sponsored walk". Then the major part of the audience also stood up and joined them, those who had been 'walked for us', thus raising funds for the laptop.
All of a sudden Erik heard his own name and a big box was put on his lap by two girl pupils from the upper classes. In his surprise he fell short of words...
We hope that, by favour of the pupils, we could give many happy hours to Erik and his family.
Many thanks to the children of the AISB, their parents, and their teachers for helping us do another wonder.
Éva Patzauer
Marc Lavoie and the pupils of AISB

Csongor (6 years old)
Csongor's long-time wish was a dog. His parents kept saying that once he felt better and the doctor allowed it he would get one indeed, so there was no need to worry. But Csongor did not give up, he asked again and again when the big day was to come.
He chose the breed he wanted a long time ago: he opted for a Golden Retriever and even gave a name to it, Döme.
We heard about his wish in February and soon we talked with his parents and doctors about the "when and how".
In the meantime the pupils of The American International School of Budapest asked us to let them realise this dream. After great preparation we chose Döme, for whom our voluntary, Eszter drove all the way to Győr...
Csongor, of course, kept browsing the Foundation website and sadly asked his mother many times when he would receive the dog. Then the big day came, 4th June, when Csongor was invited to the AISB to take part on the last general meeting of the academic year.
Without his knowledge, Döme, the puppy arrived also on time, hidden in Marc Lavoie's room...
Csongor knew only that many of the pupils here were working hard on making his dream real. Boys and girls, older and younger were dancing and playing music on the stage, the ceremony was on its way - he really liked it.
In the second half of the ceremony teachers and children suddenly started to talk about the Wonderlamp Foundation.
They talked about Csongor and Erik, whose wishes they wanted to fulfill right there. Then came a wiggling box decorated with paw traces and a red bow, containing Döme himself. Not even the schoolchildren knew exactly what was hiding in the box, so when the 2-month old puppy climbed out of it we just heard a big 'Aaaah'in the theatre hall...
We hope that the attached photos talk for themselves.
We thank the pupils of the AISB that they helped us make Csongor so happy. And special thanks to Mr. Lóránt Nagy, who raised Döme to become such a 'well-mannered' dog.
Éva Patzauer
Marc Lavoie and the many of children from AISB
Beatrix (12, Budapest) and Tünde (16, Sáránd)
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The most outstanding wish-fulfilment in Nice (France) by Csodalámpa
Our plane left for the beautiful French town, Nice on Saturday afternoon (14 of April). In the beginning the girls got scared of the flight, but their fears have disappeared soon. And what is more they enjoyed it a lot. After the 4-hour long flight we checked in the hotel and had a walk on the shore. The girls were excited about the next morning. Mr. Lagon who is the keeper of Phoenix and Lizzie was waiting for us kindly and warmly. The girls were dressed into fisherman's long pants and after washing their hands they could go to the water. They were allowed to pat the dolphines and to conduct training session in the morning. Although they had different feelings about the skin of the dolphines, the experience was touching for both of them. "It's the best three days of my life!" Trixi repeated it several times during the week-end. After petting the dolphins, we saw a dolphin show, a bird show, an orca show and a seal show. In Marineland we visited the aquarium, the sharks, the pinguins, the pelicans and we caressed the rays. This small sea-world was very impressive. We could see many animals and we got home with lots of memories. The next day we had some time to walk on the shore and look around in Nice. Our experience is everlasting - she said.
Tünde says:
"It was very, very, very good!!!" It was the first time in my life to fly, to go abroad and to see the sea. I brought back home some real sea-water to my family so they could small how it was. In the beginning I got scared of the flight a little bit but finally I liked it a lot. Both the take-off and landing were fine. I liked that the German captain and pilots informed us about the most important things to know, they introduced themselves and said good-bye at the end of the flight, and they were very polite. I love the dolphines since I was a child, I always wanted to see them in the real life. We show the tasks to the dolphines, we were playing with them, and we were allowed to pet them. We conducted them and they were singing, they jumped out of the water as we gave a sign to them with our hand. I was with Mr Lagon and I gave the instructions to Phoenix. We spent a half-an-hour with them, though it seemed to take only 10 minutes. We could have pet them the whole day becuse of their silky skin.
I liked everything in Marineland especially to pet the dolphines and the dolphine show as they were jumping, playing ball and lifted their keeper out of the water.
Trixi says (12)
This flight was the first time for me too. I was scared in the beginning, but I really enjoyed it later. I even thought that I would be an air hostess some time. It was also the first time to see the sea, which was very blue and salty. I liked the breakers on the shore, I gathered lots of stones and I brought some sea-water home. As I was sitting on the shore I thought that it would be the best three days of my life. And I was right. Lizzie was a little bit rough to the feel, but the skin of her belly was silky and white. It was so good with them! I could have pet Lizzie the whole day. She was very nice and dutiful. Though she always got a task and left me when I wanted to pet her some more. I checked her mouth too: she got small white teeth and there was a kind of tongue. I liked a lot as she jumped out of the water when I gave a sign with my hand, and she was playing with her caudal fin. I liked the bottle nose dolphine show the most, especially when they jumped through the circle and they played ball with the audience. I liked the bird show when the different type of birds of prey were flying close above our heads. The orka show was held in a transparent pool and we could see the huge animal (6-7 m) swimming and how the orka put out his tongue to his keeper.:) Then he crawled out of the water and he was waving with his tail. And he crawled on the edge of the pool as well. At the end of the show five dolphines jumped out of the water together. I caressed a ray as well - it was glib like a fish, I think the dolphin's skin was smoother. I liked the palmtrees in Nice, they were everywhere: at the roundobaouts and all along the seashore.
The girls gave me their talks on the plane when we returned, so these were their most current experience.
We can thank the three loveliest days of the girls' life to the DDB Hungary, the Lufthansa airline, to the Hotel Pilotel at Antibes and to the employees of Marineland in Nice, and last but not least to Wonderlamp for organising this trip.
Wish coordinator
Dorottya (15 years old, Tatabánya)
My wish from "Csodalámpa" was to meet Mr. László Lukács, the singer of Tankcsapda (a very famous Hungarian rock band - if not the most famous).
I got really excited as I heard how fast my dream could come true. My friend came to my mind immediately with whom we were listening to Tankcsapda songs all day long in the training camp.
The real surprise was that we could take part on their concert as well as meeting him. To get all in once was a real adventure. We arrived at 6 o'clock to the concert hall. We felt warmly welcomed as the manger told to the security guys that we are allowed to enter for free as guests of the band. With Anna we were looking for The meeting.
Mr. László Lukács who was really cool relived all our nervousness. It was him who suggested taking photos together. We hav invented quite a lot of questions but as excited as we were, finally László was the one who asked questions from us. At the time we realized what was really happening we found ourselves in the first row dancing (as far as one can dance in the first row :-)
László recognised us very fast from the stage and tried to throw all kind of relics toward us but as we are not the only fans we did not have any at the end. The concert finished around midnight and we travelled home very exhausted but full of experiences to Tatabánya.
I would like to say thanks to "Csodalámpa" and especially Ms. Anita Kissné Horváth for organising this terrific meeting!
Thanks a lot,
Dorottya ****
Tatabánya, 20.03.2007.

Ákos (15 years old, Piliscsév)
Ákos had been member of the local football team before illness attacked his body. However, he has still remained devoted football fan, and wished to participate on one of the matches of his favourite football teem, Arsenal.
Due to László Szabó's and Éva Kertész's help the great adventure was ready to start, when Ákos's condition suddenly turned to worse and the boy could not leave. We surprised him with a few Arsenal-relics hoping that these would ease his disillusionment and bring his favourite team closer. We hope that he will soon be able to play football in his new sportswear. Get well, Ákos!
Rita Titkos and Krisztina Wolf
10 August, 2006

Zsuzsa (16 years old, Sajóörös)
Report with slideshow
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Zsuzsi has always loved to draw and paint since her early childhood, therefore her wish was not a big surprise for us: she asked for drawing tools, brushes, paint and canvas. According to her mother, painting is the best medicine for the girl. She works even during her medical treatments.
We experess our thanks to the board and empoyees of the KOGART house, to Mr. Márton Takács and to the United Way Foundation for making possible Zsuzsis dreams come true.
Éva Patzauer
May 19, 2006.
Zoltán (8 years old, Hajdúböszörmény)
The wish:
"Zoli is a devoted fan of the movie "Üvegtigris". He would like to meet the actor Péter Rudolf, who played the role of Lali, the hotdog vendor. He would like Lali to prepare a hamburger or a hotdog for him, but he does not want so much ketchup on it as in the movie. Zoli's other wish is to be taken for a ride on the Babetta motorcycle by Imre Csuja, who played the role of Csoki in the film.
The great event took place on the 14th of April 2006. The following photo report recalls a few moments of it.
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We experss our thanks to Filmpartners Kft.
Anikó Sulija
István Piacsek
April 14, 2006
Krisztián (13 years old, Hódmezővásárhely)
Krisztián had prepared a wonderful picutre for the long expected meeting with Michael Schumacher. It was not a surprise that the almost photolike-quality picture depicted Schumacher's red Ferrari. Michael was very much pleased by the picture, and first he did not even believe that it had been prepared for him. After having received the huge Ferrari flag with the signiture of the German celebrity, the evidently very happy kid was let into the stadium, where he could follow the charity football match. Krisztián cheered for his favourite pilot, who performed phenomenally - obviously just for the sake of the Wonderlamp wish-kids.
But wonders did not end at this point: Krisztián was allowed to the Saturday qualifying session where he could keep his fingers crossed for Schumacher. Despite the 2-second penalty, the pilot did not disillusion his devoted fan. Thanks to everybody who had helped us to grant this wish, providing an unforgettable experience for Krisztián.
We experss our thanks to Shell Hungary for providing the tickets, to Careers Management Group and to the representative of for arrangeing the meeting.
According to Mr. Schumacher's request we may not edit pictures of the event.
Rita Veronika Csinády and Rita Titkos
August 5, 2006.
Ádám (17 years old, Miskolc)
Ádám is a devoted rally fan. His dream came true in August, when he could participate on the final round of this year's races, the Mecsek Rally. He met his favourite Hungarian pilots and cheered for them during the race. We hope that this experience will contribute to Ádám's recovery.
Mrs. Jutka B. Giák
25 August, 2006
Attila (10 years old, Keszthely)
After the 3-hour journey by car Attila was already very excited to get into the Zoo. They were taken aback by the endless queue at the ticket office, but thanks to the Zoo Foundation they were let inside very quickly. The boy's excitement only grew as he stopped at each cage to see the animals. Seals and monkeys are his favourite animals. Unfortunately the giraffe had hidden somewhere, therefore Attila could not see it. In the afternoon everybody was already tired except for Attila, who kept on watching around with endless curiosity end energy.
After this wonderful experience the way back home seemed much shorter.
Ildikó Újfalusi
11 June, 2006
Márk (8 years old, Kadarkút)
Márk asked for a cellular phone for his birthday. When he arrvived to the hospital for medical control he was pleased to hear that his wish had come true. His eyes were full of hapiness as he opend the box and put into use immediately the brandnew telephone set. He called his father and his friends, tried out each game and sent short messages to each member of the family. We wish Mark quick recovery, as well as a lot of joy and hapiness in the future.
Wonderlamp Foundation expresses thanks to Mr. János Varga and his family for granting Márk's wish.
Judit Kőszegi
regional manager
14 May, 2006
István (10 years old, Budapest)
István's favourite toys are cars. Although he has a great number of cars, he still has a dream: he would like a balck or green, remote-controlled jeep. Having found out the date of István's medical treatment, our representatives awaited him at the hospital with a nicely wrapped package. The boy's eyes widened when he found out what the package contained. He quickly adjusted the remote control and tried out the vehicle. "It's much better than the one I got from Daddy, because this one works!" he said.
István's dream has become reality: he keeps the remote controlled military jeep near his bed even during the treatments.
Tünde Flandera and Rita Titkos
10 March 2006
Kálmán (11 years old, Jászapáti)
Kálmán has often watched his friends playing Play Staion games, therefore when he was inquired about his wish, he answered without hesitation: a Play Staion. Representatives of the Wonderlamp Foundation visited Kálmán during his medical treatment, delivering the desired game set to him. The boy's eyes were twinkling with hapiness when he received the gift. The "great battles" against friends and brothers have alredy been started.
A few weeks later we were able to surprise him with another gift, a Play Staion 2 set offered by one of our supporters. With this game he can become expert in rescueing hostages and telling good and bad apart. Have a nice time, Kálmán!
Tünde Flandera and Rita Titkos
14 March and 4 April, 2006
Blanka (5 years old, Budapest)
Blanka regularly used to attend ballet lesson in the kindergarten. She simply loved those lessons. Due to her illness and her medical treatment however, she was forced to give up ballet, and moreover, she is not allowed to go to the kindergarten either. She missed the ballet lessons very much and expected our help in it.
Blanka's wish was first fulfilled on the 9th of March 2006, when - with the help of ballet artist Tibor Kováts - she could experience a fantastic "home" lesson by Orsi Balogh.
They started from the very beginning, with the basic steps:
"Let' turn into dwarfs!"
"Walk with an apple on your head!"
"Toes and pipes..."
Blanka did a very nice job during the lesson, therefore at the end she received a few stickers from her teacher.
Thank you Orsi for the lesson!
Orsi has promised to continue teaching Blanka, and we are eager to give an account of the little girl's progression.
We express our thanks to Orsi Balogh and Tibor Kováts ballet artist.
Blanka and Orsi work together every Thursday - if the treatment schedule of the little girl makes it possible. Blanka has made a nice progress due to the regular ballet lessons and she received a ballet bench from her teacher. Have a nice time together!
Anikó Sulija
István Piacsek
3 May, 2006
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