
Péter (11 years old, Székesfehérvár)

Peter is a 11 years old boy from Székesfehérvár and his wish was to spend a day in the Amusement Park of Budapest together with his friends.

I was touched by his wish: sometimes – but not so often – it happens that a kid also wants to make his /her friends happy with the opportunity provided by Wonderlamp. The reason is more touching: Peti was suffering from burns and he spent 8 months in hospital. Although he was an excellent student, the family - against his will - had to look for a new school. Luckily his new classmates don’t care for his face, which unfortunately cautions them forever that fire is an extremely dangerous thing.

On Monday, 27th September 2009 a joyful, decent and a little bit reserved but excited team arrived to the 8th platform of the South Railway Station. After a quick introduction, we left for the Amusement Park. The weather also knew that this date was important, so the smiling Sun was on duty and fortunately clouds, rain and wind had a day off.

At the entrance we had to wait for a while as certainly we were not the only people waiting for admission this nice autumn day. After getting the arm-bands at the entrance (in different colors according to our height), kids had only difficulties to decide where to go first and how many times to sit on the roller coaster, to wobble in the barrel, to jostle with the dodgems, to have fun in the mirror room and to enjoy the other interesting attractions.

Around at 1.00 pm kids felt empty, so we took a rest in the restaurant of the Amusement Park to have a pizza lunch. After the tasty food I got decorous thanks from the children and the team runs away. I could hardly find each ones by the moment of the farewell. Instead of the cloudless joy, even more the excitement of the eventful day reflected on the face of Peti, but it goes without saying in this situation.

I hope that part of the day we didn’t spend together was as enjoyable as the time the children spent with me.
We wish all of you good health.

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Eszter Németh
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 27.09.2009.

Nora (17 years old, Szerencs)

It was 4th of July 2009 when I got the possibility to travel to Finland with the Wonderlamp foundation. I was really excited to start my journey as well as Moni my travel companion was.

We had lots of fun on the flight and after landing we did not hear any Hungarian word. Tamas was waiting for as at the airport and showed me all the different areas of the city on the way to the hotel. I was staring out of the window thinking: ’ I can’t believe that I am here.’. I thought that the cloth we took for the journey would not be according the weather but luckily we had warmer cloth too. I didn’t feel bad myself at the 11 degree centigrade temperature, but I have to admit that after the 30 degrees we had in Hungary it was quite unusual. The wind blowing from the sea made the temperature drop even more.

The next day we had a big walk in the city and we visited lots of sights. My favourite was the cathedral. It was indescribable beautiful not only from outside but in the inside as well. We went down to the seaside where we hardly could walk because of the seagulls, and as we found out later eating is even more difficult :)

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That afternoon we met Jaakko with whom we talked a lot and we had a walk to Torni from where one can see the whole Helsinki. Jaakko said this venue is the most beautiful during the night but during the day it wasn’t a usual venue either.

We arranged to meet Tamas at 5 pm. Him and his family invited us to have dinner with them. We tasted lots of Finnish food and they were really helpful.

The next day we spent our day in the city. We went to the club ’Tavastia’. Next to Tavastia there was an other club. A man came out from that other club. We started to chat and I asked him if he played in a band. I found out that he was the oldest member of the most famous Finnish lovemetal band. We made some photos together and he told us lots of stories about my favourite band.

We spent our last day in the fashion design shop of Tiia. She was really nice and showed us the different stage of production. She offered me a bag which was designed by her.

On flight back I wasn't as scared as going there so I did not need hold Moni’s hand.

I would like to say thanks to the Finnish Embassy, to Maiju, Jaakko, Tiia and to Wonderlamp foundation to help the biggest dream of my life come true and that they reinforced my goals in life. I met lots of people in Finland who are not only my friends but the friends of my favourite rock band too. I found out that they are really nice people and they are not without any reason my favourite band for 7 years. At least but not last I would like to say thanks Moni for surviving the Finnish weather : )

Kiitoksia paljon : )

Nóra H*** 27.07.2009

Kiitämme Budapestin Suomen suurlähetystöä ja Helsingin Unkarin suurlähetystöä avusta.

Lots of people has worked together to fulfil Nora's wish, from His Excellency the Ambassador of Finland to Hungary to hairdressers, designers and models. We would like to thank all of them for the unanimous support and kindness.

and Ms. Eszter Sarnyai and Ms. Ágnes Aipli topmodels; Ms Diana Varga and Monika Wenczl cosmeticiens.

Henrietta (16 years old, Kecskemét)

It was a great day when we set off to Paris.
Few days earlier I talked to the two wish-kids - Henrietta and Peter - about what they wanted to see in Paris most of all. They preferred the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Peter also wrote a letter before the trip about his motivations to see Paris. So based on these I prepared myself for the journey.

I picked up Peter at the railway station and we travelled together to the airport where we met Henrietta and her mother.
The flight was pleasant, and afterwards we took the airport transit bus to the city, and then the subway to the hotel.
We had a really wonderful accomodation downtown, thanks to the Marriott Hotels. It was close to Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysées.
After checking in we went for a walk to explore the city and to have dinner.

On the second day we visited the Louvre. We spent most of the day there. When we arrived at the glass pyramid surrounded by historical buildings, the kids became very excited and took a lot of pictures. They were happy to be there. They were very interested in the exhibitions as well.
It was late afternoon when we joined a tour on the River Seine. It was beautiful and comfortable, after the exhausting walk in the museum.

On the third morning we headed to the Eiffel Tower.
The two kids, Henrietta and Peter enjoyed the view and took a lot of pictures. They wanted to take the stairs from the lowest level, so we climbed down from there inside the iron structure. It was quite an experience.

The last afternoon was about shopping and walking, taking in the feel of the city. Finally Peter and me climbed up to the top of Arc de Triomphe to have a last gorgeous view of the twelve avenues spreading out from that place. It was fascinating.

The next morning the kids were a bit sad about leaving so soon but they cheered themselves up by bying some delicious French chocolate and then we all rode back to the airport, and flew home with many great memories.

Judit Halmos

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We would like to thank the support given for Henrietta's wish-granting to the Marriott Hotel Budapest and the GlaxoSmithKline Hungary.

Peter's letter about his wish


Paris. Capital of France, Eiffel Tower, Louvre or the Arch of Triumph. These are the things that first come to mind when asked about Paris. Everyone is drawn to these fantastic places. I don’t know many people who haven’t been there or didn’t want to go there someday. I’m one of the latter. I’ve always been attracted to that city, ever since I was little. My dad’s an architect, and he once told me about his great-grandfather who was also an architect and was good friends with a man called Eiffel. It started to interest me and I wanted to no more about Eiffel, so I looked him up. I learned many things about him, how he designed the Western Railway Station in Budapest as well as the Statue of Liberty in New York. I also learned that the symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower was named after him.

Lots of movies and books take place in Paris, for example Dan Brown’s highly successful novel, the Da Vinci Code. This book also gave me many reasons to want to get to know the city. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa enthralled me as well. But of course Mona Lisa isn’t the only resident in the Louvre of Paris. The museum is a meeting point of many different cultures, from the sarcophagi of the egyptian pharaohs to the glass pyramids. It would be fascinating to see these works of art up close. To experience in reality the things I only read about or saw pictures of.

Furthermore this city has a symbolic significance to me. The citadel of bohemia, the symbol of revolution, the city of love, a place for artists like Toulouse-Lautrec or Van Gogh. The sights of Paris are endless. No other town has so many remarkable places. Paris is my favourite city. Paris is my city.

Péter F***

Balazs (18 years old, Törökszentmiklós)

My name is Balazs and I am 18 years old from Törökszentmiklós, Hungary.

I heard about the Wonderlamp Foundation in a camp for ill kids called Bátortábor. I heard lots of nice stories about the presents like Playstation, PC, XBOX360, etc. the other kids got from the foundation. I thought that I might got help from them too.
All I wanted was that they would help to clean all the cicatrice from my face skin which remaind after the cemotherapy. This was not among the foundation’s activity that’s why I thought about getting help to pass the driving licence.

One of their kind volonteer suggested to stay at his place for the summer until I get my driving licence as he is an instructor for a driving school. I moved in to Tomi's flat in Budakeszi at the beginning of July. Fistly I stayed with him for 2 weeks. Meanwhile I had various lesson about the highway codes.

The exams of the highway codes was held on 5th of August in Budapest. There were 55 questions and each question had to be answered within 1 minute. When I answered all the questions suddenly a green light flashed and I saw the sign: you have passed!. I was extremely happy about this result. I missed only 2 questions out of the 55. I called all my family members and friends and told to everybody about this great news.

Then I had to pass the so called "routine" exam about the basics of driving and about the technical knowledge of a car. At this exam one have to prove that he is ready to go to the real traffic: able to start the engine, drive ahead, turn around, use the breaks. No one is allowed to drive on streets before passing this exam. This exam was held on 27th of August. To start I had to talk about the technical checks before one starts the engine. Then there came the practical excersises: I had to park the car, had to get speed, turning out from a parkingplace through a gate, etc.

The final exam to get my driving licence will be held in September.

I would like to thank the Wonderlamp foundation and the students of the American International School of Budapest that they gave me the opportunity to make my wish come true.

We would like to thank the pupils and teachers of American International School of Budapest for having supported the wish-fulfilment of Balázs.

Balázs (12 years old, Szomód)

I was in hurry to the clinic in Tűzoltó Street to meet Balázs. I knew he is finishing the infusion and can go home afterwards for a short time. I entered the room and he did not expect to have a surprise.

We were talking and I asked if he remembers his dream he told and explained me on the internet recently.

- Of course I remember I would like to receive a PSP! – He answered immediately with an adolescent smile and starring eyes.

- Something like this? - I asked and showed him the package. He was very much surprised:

- Hum, I wanted something exactly like this!

Installation happened very quickly and the world was forgotten since that time. Like 2 good friends only he and his present existed, like unseparatable partners in the forthcoming hard times.

We wish you Balázs to have lots of fun with this present. We wish this PSP creates you enjoyable hours.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
Wish coordinator
2nd of July 2009.

Zoltán (14 years old, Debrecen)

Zoli wished to get a junior golf set and to learn playing golf.

It took some time to find someone, who knew enough of golfing to help us to find the correct set for Zoltán. You see, at the very last moment we had to clear wether he is left or right handed...

Our supporter, Mr László Csányi of GOLF USA has personally delivered the golf set to Debrecen.

One Friday afternoon, Zoltán and his parents arrived to the Boya Eagles Golf & Country Club in Vámospércs. We thought that a golf club is the appropriate surrounding for granting such a wish.

Zoltán was more than surprised, as her parents helped to keep the preparations secret.

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Mr. Csányi has explained him the clubs one by one, the Golf Club accepted him as a junior player and gave him a diploma as well. Then he got a short golf course from Mr. Csányi, and then he was shown around the Club's premises.
There was one more surprise in reserve, as Zoltán shall take golf lessons with Mr Zsolt Tóbiás in the future.

We wish you many happy hours of golfing with your new shining clubs.

Timea Kiss
Debrecen, 12/06/2009

We would like to thank GOLF USA, the pupils and teachers of the American International School of Budapest and the Boya Eagles Golf Country Club for supporting the granting of Zoltán's wish.

Dávid (14 years old, Debrecen)

David wished for Gepida Karaton bicycle with a special colour, he chose a camouflage bicycle.

True, it took a bit long for this bicycle, with the chosen pattern, to arrive at Debrecen.

One afternoon, we met with David in front of “Pótkerék” (=Spare Wheel) Bicycle Store in Debrecen.

At that time, David had no idea of where and why he was going with his Mom, so it was even more joy and surprise for him when he could receive the long-awaited bicycle in the shop. Of course, he immediately tried his new “wheel” and quickly rode a few laps.

We wish YOU very good health to be able to run giant laps with your bicycle!

Georgina Beregi, Edina Ficzere, Tímea Kiss
Wish coordinators
Debrecen, June 15, 2009

This wish has been granted with the support of Many thanks in the name of Dávid too!

Dóra (17 years old, Kocs)

The spring sun was shining brightly on that day of May when a big surprise for Dóra was under preparation. Together with her Mom, we organized the “diversion” that was to deliver an unforgettable day to Dóra.

Her wish was a belly-dancer’s dress and its idea arose from her three-year dancing course, and as it turned out later, it was not in vain.

The owner and manager of the Shiraz Persian Restaurant offered his help in presenting the beautiful claret dress to its new owner by providing a separate room with authentic oriental comfort, delicious dishes and beverages.

Furthermore, the presentation was preceded by a fantastic show by Miss Bellydance Hungary 2008

The dress changed the pretty girl into a real belly dancer, who appropriately inaugurated the dress and surprised not only her proud family but the curious staff of the restaurant as well by several dances.

Everyone, in that small room, was proud and happy for being part of these few miraculous hours that afternoon.

We wish Dóra a lot of lighthearted and happy hours.

Andrea Mocsonoky
Wish coordinator
Budapest, May 11, 2009.

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This wish has been granted with the support of Many thanks in the name of Dóra too!

Dóra (17 years old, Kocs)

The spring sun was shining brightly on that day of May when a big surprise for Dóra was under preparation. Together with her Mom, we organized the “diversion” that was to deliver an unforgettable day to Dóra.

Her wish was a belly-dancer’s dress and its idea arose from her three-year dancing course, and as it turned out later, it was not in vain.

The owner and manager of the Shiraz Persian Restaurant offered his help in presenting the beautiful claret dress to its new owner by providing a separate room with authentic oriental comfort, delicious dishes and beverages.

Furthermore, the presentation was preceded by a fantastic show by Miss Bellydance Hungary 2008

The dress changed the pretty girl into a real belly dancer, who appropriately inaugurated the dress and surprised not only her proud family but the curious staff of the restaurant as well by several dances.

Everyone, in that small room, was proud and happy for being part of these few miraculous hours that afternoon.

We wish Dóra a lot of lighthearted and happy hours.

Andrea Mocsonoky
Wish coordinator
Budapest, May 11, 2009.

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This wish has been granted with the support of Many thanks in the name of Dóra too!

Balázs (10 years old, Dunavarsány)

Balázs would like to be policeman since forever to safeguard the peace of people. Due to his illness he can not attend public, he is a private student and his graduated brother is his teacher. He was very happy when we took him in Dunavarsány and took him to the police station in Rávkeve. He asked Wonder lamp to have a drive in a police car with its siren screaming.

Once we arrived, policemen and detectives were standing around us, but it is no problem as Balázs has the leading role now. They showed him how to take fingerprints and how to transform invisible fingerprints visible. Then practice followed the theory: first of all Balázs has been shackled, of course only as a presentation. After that we looked where criminals are placed. It is not a friendly place at all.

Once we already had a look at all the details of the police work the top of the day came. We could sit in a brand new police car. Due to the illness of Balázs they took care to avoid any infection. We like to thank you for your attention. And as followed the wish came true: we drived the streets of Ráckeve with screaming sirens. Balázs could hardly believe it is all real. He was very happy but at the end of the day he was very tired.

We wish you, Balázs to learn a lot and be strong enough to overcome your illness to become a perfect guard of people’s peace!

We would like to thank

the Police colleagues in Ráckeve and Pest disctrict for their very kind help.

Márta Felkai
Wish coordinator
8th May 2009, Ráckeve

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Evelin (15 years old, Monor)

It all started while she was skating... She had a nasty fall, but a really bad one. Ambulance, hospital, and now rehabilitation...

Before her accident, Evelin liked horseriding a lot, so she asked from Wonderlamp a saddle and other acessories for her hobby, that she has recently re-started.

The wishgranting took place in Budapest, at the Kollár Kornél Equestrian Center in the II. district. The owner of the "Junior Equestrian Shop", Mr. Zsolt Nagy came to our help, as even a "Genie" could not be a specialist in everything...

Evelin was brought there from the National Medical Rehab Center in Budakeszi by her parents, who kept tight lips... Evelin knew nothing.

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When she realised, that they arrived in an equestrian center, she started to smile.
But when her mother told her, that Wonderlamp has invited her here, as she had a wish... her eyes started to sparkle with joy.

In the shop she choose - with the help of Zsolt - the appropriate saddle, then tried on several chaps and riding shoes.

In the end, although this was not "official" part of the wish, Evelin could ride a few rounds on Legény (Chap). Climbing up was a bit difficult, as her right hand and foot is not yet 100% well, but she managed it with some help. And enjoyed it 100%...

We wish her lots of strength and a fast and full recovery.

We would like to thank the team of Kollár Kornél Equestrian Center and Mr. Zsolt Nagy of Junior Equestrian Shop for helping us to fulfil this special wish.

Eva Patzauer
Budapest, 2009.06.06.

Many thanks in the name of Evelin too to the pupils and teachers of American International School of Budapest for supporting the granting of Evelin's wish.

Máté (6 years old, Kecskemét)

Máté (Mtthew) has sent a letter to Wonderlamp Foundation that he would like to get a fish-tank, just like the one at the II. Pediatric Clinic in Budapest.

We have cleared with him the size, the fishes etc. first through phones, teh personally too.

A company from Szeged delivered the big fish-tank to his home on 27th May.

The owner of the company has given Máté quite a lot of good advices, how to care for the fishes, plants, how to clean the tank, etc. Máté was given also quite a few booklets too.

Of course, the fishes has been chosen personally by Máté.

We wish Máté a fast recovery from the chemos.

Erzsébet Zsombori
Kecskemét, June 02,2009

We would like to express our thank - in the name of Máté too - to the pupils and teachers of the American International School of Budapest for their support in granting this wish.

Péter (6 years old, Szirmabesenyő)

A big day at the Haematology Dept. at the Pediatric Clinic in Miskolc...

Four wishes has been granted on that single day by Wonderlamp!
Tóbiás (Toby) and Viktor got PC-s, Józsi (Joseph) a PSP, Petike (Peter) a large big bed with a built in slide. Plus the latter boy had this birthday on that day.

It was a big surprise for all of them, as we kept all the preparations secret.

Toby was told, that he should come to the Clinic for some medical checking.

Viktor has already given up almost all hope, that he ever will be the owner of a PC...

Józsi waited so much... he hoped that maybe today will his wish fulfilled by Wonderlamp.

Petike (Peter) would not believe that on his birthday, he can sleep in his new "highrise" bed and use the slide, that came with it.

Dear Tóbi, Viktor, Józsi and Petike!

We all wish you lots of happiness and a físt recovery when using the presents!

Tatárné Csonka Zsuzsanna
regional leader
Miskolc, 21/05/2009

We would like to thank the teachers and pupils of theAmerican International School of Budapest, that they supported the granting of the special wish of Peter!

Dear Wonderlamp Foundation!

We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Foundation and to the supporters the wonderful present, that my son strated to use with unimaginable joy. He was climbing up and sliding down the whole day and even the small cubicle is already full with his thing.

wishing you all the best: Mrs. Mariann *****

Michelle Krisztina (11 years old, Budapest)

Michelle is a little fan of the soap opera series „Between Friends”. She has especially been interested in Miklós Berényi and his story. She had his fingers crossed for Miklós to recover from his illness (in the film) as soon as possible. She wanted to meet Miklós personally to talk about life and tell him how much she wished he would get well.

The great day arrived and Michelle was so excited that she held my hand so tight that it hurt while we were entering RTL Klub. But as we entered she felt comfortable at once. The actors arrived: Nóra, András, Klaudia, uncle Vili, Mumi Magdi, Géza..... all of them had a kind word and smile at Michelle. Miklós Berényi arrived and the girl’s face got even brighter and she felt relieved: „so it is really true, I was not only dreaming…”she whispered.

The little fan and the actor started to talk about their life experiences. It soon turned out that both of them like music, and they would still be talking and laughing if Piros Böjte, one of his nice colleagues hadn’t interrupted them reminding Michelle that she may look around the studio.

Miklós tried to test Michelle by asking which kitchen or room they entered but she could recognize all of the scenes! When we came out of the studio, the girl suddenly realized that she had not even asked Miklós any ’professional’ question, so they discussed some of his ’secrets’.

At the end Michelle was already a little bit tired. Her eyes were full of enthusiasm and emotion when she said thank you for the presents she received from RTL Club. She was especially happy with the photo which has been autographed by Miklós Berényi (Zoltán Szőke) for the little fan.

Michelle, we hope that this meeting with your favourite actor and the chance to look behind the scenes of your favourite TV programme will be an unforgettable experience.

We would like to thank the team of „Between Friends” and the actors for their help they provided to make Michelle’s dream come true.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
Wish coordinator
1st of April 2009.

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Márton (3 years old, Nagybörzsöny)

We met with Marci in a hospital where he had just arrived for the control.

Marci quickly stopped playing when he saw the big box. Marci excitedly tore off the packaging and then just stood surprised for a few seconds without saying a word. Then he showed his parents and sibling those many parts belonged to Playmobil’s Knights Empire Castle.

Marci was really afraid that he would have to stay in the hospital, but we managed to convince him that he would certainly not, otherwise who would take that big castle home.

Ildikó Újfalusi
Wish coordinator
February 25, 2009

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This wish has been granted with the support of Many thanks in the name of Márton too!

Viktória (14 years old, Berettyóújfalu)

Viki wished for a red digital camera. We have asked the jinn and the wish – like in all other cases – came true.

We quickly agreed with her mother to visit them and we brought the present to Viki the same day afternoon. The kind and pretty young girl opened the package and was very happy about it. She tried the camera immediately.

We have spent a pleasant afternoon with this very kind family.

Dear Viki!
We wish you good health and lots of photos!

Ildikó Palásti
Berettyóújfalu, 27th of February 2009

Emese (15 years old, Szentendre)

Emese has learned playing guitar since 2004, no wonder that she has asked for an "really good" acoustic guitar from the Genie of Wonderlamp Foundation. As she has said she had only a battered simple guitar, that she has played sometimes in the hospital to help her forget those difficult days…

The treatments have recently ended, she can go to school and can carry on with her guitar lessons. She thought that for the new lessons a new guitar would suite better...

So we went to Szentendre, a beautiful old, little town north of Budapest. The pretty and smiling "big" girl could hardly believe that the big black jig bag at her door hides her dream. She took out the guitar carefully caressed it with her fine fingers and said:’s beautiful!!

The first "shock" of surprise gone she behaved like a pro: adjusted the tuning and played a few melodic songs for us.
She has told us, that sometimes she writes songs as well, so I asked her - maybe - to write a Wonderlamp song? Well we shall see…

Anyway we wish Emese a complete recovery, lots of joy and hapiness to you and through your music to your friends and family!

Emese’s wish has been granted from the donation of the pupils and teachers of the British International School of Budapest. Thank you for your support!

Zsuzsanna Sipos

Emese (15 years old, Szentendre)

Emese is playing guitar already for 4 years, it is no wonder she asked a guitar from djinn of the Csodalámpa. She asked a special guitar, an acoustic one. Up to now she had a simple guitar she used in the hospital to play for the children to forget hard days together.

Emese is already over the main part of the treatments and can go to school and take guitar lessons. Only one surprise was missing, a brand new guitar.

Let’s go to Szentendre where Emese is living. The smiling, full of eyes girl almost didn’t want to believe her dream comes true. She took the guitar carefully; her eyes were laughing and said it is wonderful. She started to play the guitar as a professional.

Emese revealed that sometimes she also composes music. I asked her to write music for Csodalámpa, we would be happy to hear these songs.

We wish you to make yourself, your family and friends lots of fun with your guitar and your music.

Emese’s wish has been granted from the donation of the pupils and teachers of the Budapesti Angol Nemzetközi Iskola.

Thank you for your support!

Zsuzsanna Sipos

Bálint (8 years old, Hévíz)

Bálint was already very excited when I asked him whether I was in the right ward if I was looking for Bálint. As soon as he got a glimpse of the large box he started to crow with delight and kept on asking: what is in it, what is in it?

Certainly he had to see it for himself so the wrapping disappeared in pieces within a few seconds and the beautiful, portable DVD player emerged from its hiding-place with the help of mommy.

Mommy was prepared of course and we put the favourite CD into the player and the ward was filled with Christmas music, since this is Bálint’s favourite. Nurses also hurried to the ward to see the reason for the gaiety, Bálint was singing loudly and exclaimed happily:

- Thank you! Thank you!

All of us who were part of this event rejoiced with him.

God bless you all! – Bálint’s grandmother said good-bye gratefully.

Tünde Flandera
Wish Coordinator

This wish has been granted with the support of Kovács Gábor Művészeti Alapítvány Many thanks in the name of Bálint too!

László (17 years old, Balogunyom)

Laci takes the secondary school as a private pupil. If he goes well he can also go to school and attend lessons. He likes machines and motors.

His wished to learn car driving. He could start the lessons for the rules of the road and first aid training in November and he passed this part successfully.

He had a little break in his study as he had to participate on treatments and examinations…
Early February he could already attend the practical lessons, he tried city driving.

If everything is all right he will attend the exam on Thursday (19.02.2009).
We wish you, Laci good success.

Thank you for the help of Vasi ATI !

Huszár Béláné
17th February 2009

P.S.: Laci has passed the driving test successfully. Congratulations!


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