
Elizabeth ( 17 years old, Alsónémedi )

Elizabeth is 17 years old and really would like to drive the family car but to do so she needs a driving license.

We received the wish in autumn but waited for the spring and good weather so she started the driving course in April.

We asked Elizabeth to inform us when she passes the exams and receives the license.

We wish her success in the name of the foundation!

Many thanks to E.ON Hungary Zrt for their support!

Joli Bakonyi
Alsónémedi, 20.04.2010.

János ( 17 years old, Tiszaszentimre )

János has recently been admitted to the Children’s Haematology and Oncology Department of the Debrecen University. The diagnosis got him down and he also had a hard time with the initial treatment.

I was thinking how I could cheer him up and Wonderlamp occurred to me. I told him about the Foundation which was soon followed by a wish. A PS3!

Good luck with it, Jani!

Many thanks to E.ON Hungary Zrt for their support!

Krisztina Szilágyi
19 April 2010. Debrecen

Balázs ( 16 years old, Nagymaros )

Balázs wished to watch an FC Barcelona game with her sister, Marcsi. After lot’s of arrangements and despite of the volcano’s activity we finally got to Barcelona. On the first day we visited the stadium and the Barca museum, both of these were great experiences for all of us especially for Balázs. We also bought some hooters and scarves and planned the following day while having our dinner.

Saturday morning and early afternoon we made a tour in the city and visited Park Guell, the Sagrada Familia, La Pedrera, Casa Batlo and Casa Amattler. After that we arrived to the stadium among the first visitors. After a while the stadium was full, the atmosphere was beyond expression and the big game started. Finally Barcelona won so we were really happy.

After these beautiful days we really didn’t want to come home and we think Barcelona also wanted us to stay as our plane was delayed…

After the game we went to the seaside Balázs also had a little swim in the ice cold water. It was a great experience to see the joy of the 2 kids. We said goodbye with the hope of seeing each other again but in mind we are still in Barcelona.

Many thanks to CIB Bank for their support!

Erzsébet Veres
wish coordinator
Barcelona, 23.-26.04.2010.

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Patrik ( 3 years old, Hódmezővásárhely )

Patrik is a lively, smiling kid who has thought a lot before making this wish. He has never really been on holiday with his mother, so it was with anxiety he prepared for this holiday in BOBO-land! Huge efforts were made to make this dream come true.

The Family Care Center in Hódmezővásárhely helped with transportation, many thanks for that.
Patrik and his mother spent three unforgettable days in this child-paradise and returned filled with memories.

We thank to Hotel Kolping for the accommodation. With their help we were able to make the dream of a small child come true for the second time.

Joli Bakonyi
Alsópáhok, 21.04.2010.

Kornél ( 3,5 years old, Budapest )

Little Kornél is a real artist, he is fond of drawing, he likes tales and music, so during our discussion I thought he would ask for a drawing set or a CD from the Jinn of the Wonder Lamp. I was really surprised that his wish was a serious Thomas railway station.
The always playfully smiling little boy accurately explained what the railway station should be looked like, what kind of people should be waiting for the arriving trains. He also told us that after the poor engine got tired during its long journey, it should have a rest in a good place where it wouldn’t get wet and it could sleep a lot.

Jinn tried to find out whether such a real, complete Thomas railway station with a service area could be bought. It turned out soon, that Kornélka gave us a professional description of the toy, he had longed for. So the engine and the small train could leave the toy store. Along its way passengers were taken up and finally the train arrived with a loud hooting to Tűzoltó Street Clinic, where the elegantly dressed Kornélka spent his one-day medical treatment.

It was a big surprise when the little boy saw the present. Certainly, all passengers greeted the new, young station-master. Thomas engine hooted a big in honour of the new manager, and then it could push along with the passengers to the next station.

Afterwards little Kornél, as the manager of the whole railway company, thought that Thomas had got tired because of the long journey, so it was high time to have a rest. He pushed the engine in the engine-shed and said good night.

Soon after I also said good bye to the small boy, who had got a little bit tired because of the treatment and the playing. On departure I asked him for a kiss but he looked at me with his playful smile and told me that he was out of it, it had been taken by the cat. It happens… all right, I will ask for some extra kisses next time.

We would like to thank to PannErgy Nyrt for their support, since with their help another child’s wish could come true.

Zsuzsanna Sipos
wish coordinator
Budapest, 20th April, 2010.

Dániel ( 17 years old, Kaposújlak )

We saw Daniel and his sister as they were standing on the road and waiting for us. The big gate was open and they were waving, that we should park in. By the time we parked the whole family was standing outside and smiling because they knew Daniel’s wish had arrived, the computer. The children helped to carry the computer in. They fixed the brand new machine together next to an old, small efficiency methuselah.

Daniel was over the moon when he saw the huge LCD monitor, and he tried it out straightaway. Because he has not got internet access yet, he asked me to say thank you to all the founders. The parents promised Daniel as soon as the internet is available in their street, he will also have access to it.

We also suprised Daniel with the Wonderlamp t-shirt. He said this was going to be his favorite shirt, and that he’s going to wear this for the medical checkups as well.

Today it was especially good to be a member of the Wonderlamp Foundation. To see the big happiness of not only Daniel but the whole family was incredible. That computer is in the best possible place ever, the family because of their bad circumstances could not have afforded it.

Tünde Bezdánné Végh and László Szabó
18.04.2010. Kaposújlak

Thank you for the help and support of the EON Hungária Zrt.!

Angéla ( 9 éves, Újszentiván )

On 15 April 2010 Angéla received a sparkling phone set from Wonderlamp. It does sparkle like a jewel and is as much as good for skiing but this only turned out later.

While Ági Tatár wish-coordinator and Angéla’s mother were doing the paperwork in the phone shop, Angéla was having a salad (not to salty, of course, because of her kidney) with tea. She could hardly wait to hold her present! She spoke about her kitty that is so white that it cannot be seen in snow and told that the most she would like to listen to music on her new phone.

Angéla was awesome; she showed the shop assistant how to put on the phone cover, saw through the menu, took pictures and had a great time.

We somehow managed to walk over to a nearby pastry shop without Angéla taking her eyes off of the screen of the new pink phone! That was where she learned that there was a skiing game on the phone! Her mother and we watched her face changing while she was having a jump on the snowboard slope or fell in the snow. But the most uplifting moment was her calling daddy on the new cell.

We hope that this phone matching a princess will be health-giving!

Many thanks for Ildikó Mátics Závecz to make a big smile on this little girl's face.

Lilla Kapás, Csilla Kapás and Ágnes Tatár
Szeged, 15.04.2010.

Richard ( 6 years old, Tiszakarád )

Today a bike with safety accessories was given to Ricsi by us. He was very happy. As he admired with bright eyes out of the ward, while we were wheeling the bicycle in the corridor, he immediately knew that his wish had come true.

Although handover took place in the hospital and Ricsi was on infusion, it couldn’t stop him testing the new bike on the spot, right in the corridor. His mother running after him with the infusion tried to keep pace with the young sportsman.

Besides the bicycle, the safety accessories and some small presents, we also gave Ricsi a photo of the members of Vodafone Hungary – Systems to see the team who provided money for the presents.

Thank you for the opportunity and your assistance to choose the present and organize the handover. It was the first time that we could see happiness of a child due to the fact that our team fulfilled a wish but we hope that happy smile of Ricsi will be followed by other grateful faces.

Thanks to this team for helping us to make a smile on a child’s face again.

Team of Vodafone Hungary – Systems
Miskolc, 14.04.2010.

Klaudia ( 16 years old, Budapest )

We had a meeting with the German teacher at Klaudia’s home in the afternoon on 9th of April. I had arrived earlier in order to meet Klaudia and her family. She was enthusiastic and very excited. It was a sign of her kindness that she was waiting for us with her own making sweets.

Nowadays Klaudia’s hobby has been making pastries. She has serious plans for the future but due to the disease her mobility is rather limited at the moment. In this situation it is a big help for her that she has an opportunity to improve her foreign language knowledge at home.

First meeting became the first language lesson and the schedule was discussed for the next months - lessons will be on Wednesdays and Fridays.

After the meeting on Friday we got the information from the parents that teacher had been very satisfied with Klaudia. This pep and encouragement do well to Klaudia.

Thank you for the support of E.ON Hungária Zrt

with which we could put another smile on a child’s face.

Ildikó Tomaj
wish coordinator
Budapest, 09.04.2010.

Donát (17 years old, Nagybajom)

On the evening of March 20th 2010 Donát's wish came true at last. He could fly to Dortmund (Germany) to watch live a football match of Borussia Dortmund.

On Friday we flew from Budapest to Dortmund. It was a beautiful day so we had a great view of the city from the sky.
When he arrived he went for a walk around the city. There are lots of local fans of the team so we were not surprised that there were Dortmund relics in lots of shops. By the time we arrived at the hotel Donát had a real yellow and black Borussia Dortmund scarf. Later on we decided to eat a pizza and as I realised that this was Donát’s favourite food we headed to a nice italian restaurant. We went to bed quite early as we were tired from the trip and we had to save our energy for the big day. Saturday we had breakfast in our four star hotel and then went sightseeing. Though there was a slight drizzle it did not bother us while we wandered downtown and walked along the cute tiny streets.

We saw lots of fans and even more shops with Dortmund’s gifts. When we got hungry we ate a kebab at a restaurant where all the other customers were Dortmund fans. Nearly the whole city was preparing itself for the game. Before we headed to the stadium I "had to" hand over to Donát the present of the German Wünsch Dir Was eV. foundation. The name means "wish something"; they are doing the same as Csodalámpa and they have already helped us on previous wish grantings in Germany.
They not only gave us 3 tickets for the game but they sent a Dortmund football strip which was signed by all the players of the team.
Donát was really surpised by the present and he wore it proudly during the game.

At the stadium there was a huge queue outside but we passed it pretty quickly and took our place on the east side, a little bit left from the goal.
There was a frantic ambiance and 80.100 spaectators were following the game live in the stadium. Dortmund was playing against Leverkusen which team is only one place ahead in the ranking, so we hoped to have a really exciting game.
There were no goals in the first half though the game itself was really exciting. The second half was more interesting as Dortmund - with the Hungarian Hajnal Tamás playing - scored 3 goals right in front of us. Donát will always remember the fans and their happiness as Dortmund won.

On Sunday morning we relaxed and after lunch we headed to the airport. We talked a lot about the game we saw the night before and we can say that we have unforgetable memories from the game.

Szabó Máté

This wish was granted thanks to the generous support of CIB Bank Zrt. and the Wünsch Dir Was eV.. We would like to thank you in the name of Donát too.

Virág (17 years old, Pomáz )

On the day of our meeting at the Children’s Clinic, Virág arrived with her mother for the control examinations. She welcomed us with interest, and although she already knew I was bringing her present, she was extremely happy. She opened the laptop warily.

She received the fulfillment of her wish very modestly, because as she told us she thought a lot about if she really deserved the present or if it would be given to other children who suffered from more serious illnesses! I assured her we chose those children circumspectly whose dreams we fulfilled.

The next thought of Virág was she would too like to help our Foundation with her music knowledge, manual skills and voluntary work because next year she would turn 18 and attend university, and she wanted to requite the present she just got from us.

I reassured her she could help when she had the time and opportunity, and I also talked to her about our Foundation. I saw that knowing she could help as well she accepted the laptop, that would help her studies even more happily. We also found out she was a top class student in contempt of her sickness. She has grave plans about her future and studies.

I was glad to hear that the current medical tests show positive improvement in Virág’s state of health, so later wishing the best I said goodbye to Virág and her mother.

We fulfilled the request with the support of the CIB bank. Thank you!

Judit Halmos

Patrícia (10 years old, Székesfehérvár)

Patricia arrived for her check-up at the Tűzoltó street Clinic a bit sadly.

For her biggest surprise though in the hall she met the genie of the Wonderlamp Foundation, who asked her what her biggest desire was.

Genie received a quick answer: a pink laptop, and to the little girls astonishment she found herself standing there with a present.

She hardly believed her eyes when she saw the glorious pink machine, which after this was going to be her’s and only her’s.

We were happy as well it was good to see the teenage girl in here pink sweater and glasses so happy!

Márta Felkai and Joli Bakonyi
Wish coordinators
2010.02.17. Budapest

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Thank you for the advocacy of the EON Hungária Zrt.

with their help another child’s face lit up with happiness!

Veronika (11 years old, Dunavecse)

Veronika handwrote her wish for us and the reason why she wants a laptop and for what task she is going to use it.

Her life-long dream was finally fulfilled, with the help of conspiration of the mum it was a huge surprise for Veronika.

She did not understand why she had to go for an unknown place but soon it was clear for her. Veronika’s face was shining from happiness!!

She opened the box with excitement and was constantly admiring the machine and also asking questions from us.

Lilla Lengyel and Joli Bakonyi
Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 18th of February, 2010

Thank you for the support of E.ON Hungária Zrt

with which we could put another smile on a child’s face.

Tamás ( 13 years old, Budapest )

On the 14th of March, 2010, Tomi’s and Lóránt’s dream has become true: they could watch a Manchester United Premiership match at Old Trafford Stadium. They have wished that from Csodalampa a year ago and they have been extremely excited about the trip since then. The long wait finally paid off; both of them returned with an amazing, life lasting experience from Manchester.

Tomi and Lóránt were accompanied by their fathers, big football fans too, so we set off to England with United shirts and of course Hungarian flags too. After the long journey we arrived to the heart of Manchester and admired the four-star, elegant Marriott Hotel and got some rest to prepare for our fantastic weekend. We would like to thank Dr. Tamás Barabás for waiting at the airport and driving us to the hotel and to everywhere the boys wanted to go.

The next day after having a plentiful breakfast at the cold buffet we went to see the Manchester United museum and the „Theatre of Dreams”, the Old Trafford. After admiring the lots of trophies and medals the football team won we were escorted by an own guide at one of the world’s most beautiful and enormous stadiums. It was a unique experience; we were able to get into the players dressing room and to take some photos in there, and everybody sat into the living legends’, Sir Alex Ferguson’s seat at the bench.

At the end of the stadium tour the boys bought a lot of United relics at the Megastore, starting from the flags and scarves to pens. After having dinner we got up onto the Manchester Wheel from which a wonderful scene unfolded before us. We finished the day with a little wandering around the city centre and went to have some sleep to be fit on the next day, the day of the match between Manchester United and Fulham. The following day was the day when Tomi’s and Lóránt’s dream became reality!
Lots of people was walking on the streets in MU scarves and shirts even in the morning and we could feel how important and traditional the football really is in England and in Manchester.
From little kids to old people everyone seemed to be so excited about afternoon’s game. We sat in our seats in the first row near to a corner-flag (thanks for this perfect place very much!). We could almost touch the training players at the sideline. We could feel the atmosphere of the stadium, joined to the United songs and chants to support the team and celebrated the goals with the fans. I assume that is an experience we will never forget! As the match ended (Manchester United won it of course) the boys had the chance to meet, to have some talk and to take some photographs with Zoltan Gera, a Hungarian player of Fulham’s team. It was an amazing experience to talk with one of the best Hungarian footballers at the moment who was very kind to Tomi and Lóránt.

This fantastic and memorable trip to Manchester finally ended with a little walk in the town and some shopping at the near Trafford Centre.

Lóránt’s and Tomi’s biggest dream has become reality and these days will be a life-lasting, fantastic memory for them!

To organize this wish-fulfillment we needed a lot of help:

We would like to thank the Robert Burns Foundation and Mr. Zoltán Magyar for providing the match tickets for the complex museum and stadium tour and for giving us the chance to have a meeting with Zoltán Gera.

We would like to thank Mr. Phil Down / Manchester United Disabled Supporters Assoc/ for providing us disabled seats for Tomi and his company, his father.

Finally we would like to thank the Marriott Resorts for providing us a perfect accommodation.

Special thanks for the journey:

Bakonyi-Kiss Gábor
Manchester. 2010.03.16.

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Lóránt ( 16 years old, Balatonboglár )

On the 14th of March, 2010, Tomi’s and Lóránt’s dream has become true: they could watch a Manchester United Premiership match at Old Trafford Stadium. They have wished that from Csodalampa a year ago and they have been extremely excited about the trip since then. The long wait finally paid off; both of them returned with an amazing, life lasting experience from Manchester.

Tomi and Lóránt were accompanied by their fathers, big football fans too, so we set off to England with United shirts and of course Hungarian flags too. After the long journey we arrived to the heart of Manchester and admired the four-star, elegant Marriott Hotel and got some rest to prepare for our fantastic weekend. We would like to thank Dr. Tamás Barabás for waiting at the airport and driving us to the hotel and to everywhere the boys wanted to go.

The next day after having a plentiful breakfast at the cold buffet we went to see the Manchester United museum and the „Theatre of Dreams”, the Old Trafford. After admiring the lots of trophies and medals the football team won we were escorted by an own guide at one of the world’s most beautiful and enormous stadiums. It was a unique experience; we were able to get into the players dressing room and to take some photos in there, and everybody sat into the living legends’, Sir Alex Ferguson’s seat at the bench.

At the end of the stadium tour the boys bought a lot of United relics at the Megastore, starting from the flags and scarves to pens. After having dinner we got up onto the Manchester Wheel from which a wonderful scene unfolded before us. We finished the day with a little wandering around the city centre and went to have some sleep to be fit on the next day, the day of the match between Manchester United and Fulham. The following day was the day when Tomi’s and Lóránt’s dream became reality!
Lots of people was walking on the streets in MU scarves and shirts even in the morning and we could feel how important and traditional the football really is in England and in Manchester.
From little kids to old people everyone seemed to be so excited about afternoon’s game. We sat in our seats in the first row near to a corner-flag (thanks for this perfect place very much!). We could almost touch the training players at the sideline. We could feel the atmosphere of the stadium, joined to the United songs and chants to support the team and celebrated the goals with the fans. I assume that is an experience we will never forget! As the match ended (Manchester United won it of course) the boys had the chance to meet, to have some talk and to take some photographs with Zoltan Gera, a Hungarian player of Fulham’s team. It was an amazing experience to talk with one of the best Hungarian footballers at the moment who was very kind to Tomi and Lóránt.

This fantastic and memorable trip to Manchester finally ended with a little walk in the town and some shopping at the near Trafford Centre.

Lóránt’s and Tomi’s biggest dream has become reality and these days will be a life-lasting, fantastic memory for them!

To organize this wish-fulfillment we needed a lot of help:

We would like to thank the Robert Burns Foundation and Mr. Zoltán Magyar for providing the match tickets for the complex museum and stadium tour and for giving us the chance to have a meeting with Zoltán Gera.

We would like to thank Mr. Phil Down / Manchester United Disabled Supporters Assoc/ for providing us disabled seats for Tomi and his company, his father.

Finally we would like to thank the Marriott Resorts for providing us a perfect accommodation.

Special Thanks for the journey:

Bakonyi-Kiss Gábor
Manchester. 2010.03.16.

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Lili (3 years old, Veszprém)

Lilike is a sweet, active little girl who like riding a bike. Her wish was a scooter!

By conspirating with her mum we arrived as a surprise with the magic machine into the Tűzoltó Street Clinic. Lili welcomed the present in a shy way, constantly hugging her mum.

There were some other children who ringed the bell…. Of course Lilike became interested as well. After we left we found out that Lili was staring her new scooter with happiness, all her shyness was gone as it is seen on the picture.

We wish all the happiness when using the new scooter.

Márta Felkai and Joli Bakonyi
Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 17th of February, 2010

Thank you for the support from the E.ON Hungária Zrt.

Viktória (10 years old, Budapest)

We successfully conspirated with Viki’s mother because she had no idea that she receives a present from Wonderlamp!

However, when Anikó arrived, the transplantation coordinator, there was not anything to hide from Viki she knew why we wanted to meet her at the Transplantation Clinic. We quickly got out the deeply hidden present, Viki’s wish, a Wii game.

The young lady immediately opened the box, and could recognize all the parts of the game like a professional. We found out that the father is hurrying from his workplace to set up the newly received machine.

We wish all the happily spent moments, playing with this game for the family!

Viki’s wish has been granted from the donation of the pupils, parents and teachers of the Budapesti Angol Nemzetközi Iskola.

Thank you for your support!

Anikó Maléth, Eszter Sarnyai and Joli Bakonyi
Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 26th of January, 2010

Szilveszter (13 years old, Szőke)

We visited Szilveszter in his home on a cold, snowy Sunday night, in the village of Szőke not far from Pécs. We rang his grandmother for help to find out which is the safest road to take, to avoid the new-fallen snow.

He was really surprised to see us. He didn’t think we would go in the big snow, and he would get the Play Station 2 which he so fondly required. Besides the machine we also took a joystick because this was part of his wish as well.

He unrappened the presents happily. He was glad for every item and also for the game he got with the Play Station. He told us the reason why he asked for this was because one of his cousins has one as well and they usually play together. After this they don’t have to take the appliance to one another, and they can also switch games.

We hope you have an unforgettable time playing on the PS 2, which helps you forget your illness.

Thank you for the help and support of The British International School.

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Tünde Bezdánné Végh and László Szabó
2009. 02. 07. Pécs

Kira Andrea (3 years old, Tatabánya)

We arrived on a shiny day to Tatabánya with our supporters to Kira. The little girl’s wish was a nice plastic slide with a small house in which she could play in the garden. She usually play in this in the Hospital in Tűzoltó utca.

At our arrival we were a big surprise fro Kira as she had no idea about why we went to their house, her mum kept in secret. When we opened the huge box Kira was even more surprised.

Until that moment she hardly talked to us but when she glanced what is inside the box she was almost shocked by the happiness. Even when we started building the slide she was a big help for us. When it was completely ready in her happiness she could not decide through which window she should get in and out. Her favourite toys and a chair were placed inside.

Thank you for representatives of Vodafone specifically two young men who helped with the building of the garden slide.

It was an extraordinary experience to see the happiness of a little girl.

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Thank you for the support of Vodafone Hungary Foundation

with which we could put a smile on a child’s face.

Mrs István Danics
Wish Coordinator
Tatabánya, 10th of February, 2010

Dalma (5 years old, Budapest)

Dalma is a 5 year old little girl who has already spent 6 months in the Hospital in Miskolc in which she was always dreaming of a barbie house with the facilities inside and dolls of course.

A kind lady called Tuboly Brigitta read her wish on the internet and immediately bought the present for Dalma. Because she is in Heim Pál Hospital now her wish was fulfilled there. Her immune system is very weak, therefore we had to wear a mouth cover and could only stay for a short time.

Firstly, I told her that her wish from Wonderlamp is fulfilled by a magic fairy that will arrive in any second. Happiness was all around when she and her mum opened the box and inside there was a Barbie Villa with facilities and dolls. The lady even bought a teddy bear with the Dalma logo on and promised to bring further furniture for the barbie house in the future. It was a pleasure to see Dalma’s grateful face that this present will be her little empire.

We said goody bye because the nurse came in but at least her future happiness is guaranteed by the doll house.

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Thank you for Tuboly Brigitta support,

with this we could magically put another smile a child’s face!

Márta László
Wish Coordinator
Budapest, 5th of February, 2010


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