
Sándor (8 years old, Kismaros)

Sadly all the three children in the family are ill, so we were trying to organize an unforgettable Christmas and fulfill their three wishes at one go on 21st December. Our plans however fell through due to the poor weather conditions.

Our meeting was set in a farm close to Vác given that Anna’s big dream was to ride a horse.

Unfortunately the family could not travel to Vác in the snow, therefore the founders and Csodalampa’s voluntary workers were greeted in the family’s home.

The little girl received a horse riding voucher valid for 10 occasions; the staff at the horse farm is looking forward to having her there.

Sándor and Balázs were longing for something more for the boys, such as a kid’s electric car. One for each of them of course, hence a grey and a red one were handed over to them.

As the cars had already been assembled and charged, the boys could immediately tested them. They were shining in happiness and agreed that they would lend the cars to each other from time to time, like good brothers.

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Many thanks to Mrs. Csilla Harmatos-Angyal and Mr. Jozsef Harmatos

for their monetary contribution that made three more children smile.

Gábor Dobó
Wish Coordinator
Kismaros, 21.12.2009.

Balázs (4 years old, Kismaros)

Sadly all the three children in the family are ill, so we were trying to organize an unforgettable Christmas and fulfill their three wishes at one go on 21st December. Our plans however fell through due to the poor weather conditions.

Our meeting was set in a farm close to Vác given that Anna’s big dream was to ride a horse.

Unfortunately the family could not travel to Vác in the snow, therefore the founders and Csodalampa’s voluntary workers were greeted in the family’s home.

The little girl received a horse riding voucher valid for 10 occasions; the staff at the horse farm is looking forward to having her there.

Balázs and Sándor were longing for something more for the boys, such as a kid’s electric car. One for each of them of course, hence a grey and a red one were handed over to them.

As the cars had already been assembled and charged, the boys could immediately tested them. They were shining in happiness and agreed that they would lend the cars to each other from time to time, like good brothers.

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Many thanks to Mrs. Csilla Harmatos-Angyal and Mr. Jozsef Harmatos

for their monetary contribution that made three more children smile.

Gábor Dobó
Wish Coordinator
Kismaros, 21.12.2009.

Anna (7 years old, Kismaros)

Sadly all the three children in the family are ill, so we were trying to organize an unforgettable Christmas and fulfill their three wishes at one go on 21st December. Our plans however fell through due to the poor weather conditions.

Our meeting was set in a farm close to Vác given that Anna’s big dream was to ride a horse.

Unfortunately the family could not travel to Vác in the snow, therefore the founders and Csodalampa’s voluntary workers were greeted in the family’s home.

The little girl received a horse riding voucher valid for 10 occasions; the staff at the horse farm is looking forward to having her there.

Balázs and Sándor were longing for something more for the boys, such as a kid’s electric car. One for each of them of course, hence a grey and a red one were handed over to them.

As the cars had already been assembled and charged, the boys could immediately tested them. They were shining in happiness and agreed that they would lend the cars to each other from time to time, like good brothers.

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Many thanks to Mrs. Csilla Harmatos-Angyal and Mr. Jozsef Harmatos

for their monetary contribution that made three more children smile.

Gábor Dobó
Wish Coordinator
Kismaros, 21.12.2009.

Gábor (13 years old, Sárisáp)

When we entered the hospital and brought the present we were very excited if the surprise was successful! Gábor did not know anything that he will get his wish, an X-box.

Unfortunately, we could not make him very happy as his state was unbalanced. We could not even get into his room, only in full cover clothing.

But Gábor promised that at the moment he feels better he will put the machine together.

I hope this will occur soon because as he said he was very happy about the present and waited a long time to receive it.

I wish Gábor all the best time with the newly gained X-box and also a quick recover.

This wish has been granted with the support of Ringier Kiadó and Népszabadság

Many thanks in the name of Gábor too!

Mrs István Danics and Mrs Tibor Jeney
Wish Coordinators
Budapest, 20th of January, 2010

Viktória ( 5 years old, Ófehértó )

Viki’s wish was a bed, a rattan arm chair and a pink blanket.

Viki spent last week in hospital so her mother and I had decided that we’d only give her the so longed presents following her treatment. Indeed we managed to surprise Viki greatly; she had no idea of our arrival.

The first thing she immediately tried was the ‘pussy cat’ armchair as she’s later named it. Viki laid in it covering herself comfortably with the pink blanket just like a little cat. Obviously she also tried the bed to see how cozy it was for sleeping.

Dear Viki we are wishing you good health and happy moments in your new ‘pussy cat’ armchair and bed.

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Special Thanks:

Mrs Ferenc Kiss and Tímea Kiss
21.07.2009, Ófehértó

Szabolcs ( 8 years old, Szelevény)

Szabolcs wished a Playstation 2.

This dream shortly came true with the help of a nice married couple: Barbara Nagy Lendvainé & Zoltán Lendvay, and Wonderlamp Foundation.

Szabolcs took the gift with deep emotion while he always looked for his Father’s visage. During the photography he has a light smile, but he held the real glad to home.

We hope he always have a happy smile and abandoned play!

Ágnes Tatár and Andrea Lengyel
Szeged, 17.02.2009.

Olivér ( 6 years old, Szolnok)

Oliver wished a Lego Bionicle.

His wish was fulfilled by Balázs Ballon, an individual donor. Balázs brought the games to the Clinic, but Oliver could get them when he came to a therapy. His mother asked to give Oliver the games when the hypodermic needle was already in his arm.

So the 4 package games helped Oliver to forget the pain of needle and therapy.

Andrea Lengyel

Martin (4 years old, Szeged)

Martin lives in Szeged and he’d have liked to take part in an excursion. They had been before in this hotel so that’s why it’s Kolping Hotel they choose.

They arrived at the hotel on Sunday and after a short rest they left for the pools in summer warm. Martin felt very good so it was very hard to take pictures of him because he always wanted to slip down on the slide.

Finally, we managed to take a photo about him even with the representative of „Boboland” – Bobo and his sister Dorka.

Hopefully, even the continuation succeeded wonderfully and they’ll remember these 3 days for a long time.

We’d like to say thank you to the leadership of Kolping Hotel

and the colleagues of GE Genpact

for the support during this wish-fulfilment.

Mrs Béla Huszár
regional leader.

Kornél ( 17 years old, Szentgotthárd )

We talked over Kornél’s wish in last year but we said that he would like to start the course after his treatment. So he went to study and take exams diligently int he last few weeks.

Kornél took the barriers successfully and after a few weeks he is going to be a happy driving licence owner.

We would like to thank instructor János Horváth,

who helped Laci's and Kornél’s wish come true with his work.

Mrs Béla Huszár
Szombathely, 08.05,2009

Special Thanks:

Dániel ( 5 years old, Budapest )

Dani’s sparkly eyes and happy smile immediately enchanted me. As soon as he arrived at the airport with his mum he claimed to have seen real planes in his life which apparently had flown unbelievably high. When I suggested that perhaps we could take a look at some planes and go on a sightseeing tour - provided that we’d find a super plane with an even more super pilot - all he said was: ‘I’m ready. Let’s fly!’

Uncle Gabi had already been waiting for us in front of the hangar with a shining clean, super helicopter which was ready for making Dani’s dream come true. Firstly, we of course had to admire all the planes in the hangar and, to my greatest surprise, Dani proved to be a real expert in naming some of the plane types. Finally we agreed that a red helicopter would best match with the red child seat of our new co-pilot. We didn’t hesitate for a moment and took off straight. It was a beautifully sunny day and the view was stunning. Obviously our little co-pilot was promoted to captain by the end of the trip as he was quickly able to imitate uncle Gabi’s moves and Dani shortly became an expert in flying. He even helped us landing by giving directions.

After our landing I asked him if he had liked flying to which I got back an excited but short ‘YESSS!!’ as a reply. Dani then turned to his mum and whispered something in her ear. We only got to learn what that might have been when he gave a big kiss on Uncle Gabi’s cheeks and asked about his next availability for flying. Oh well… what else could he have asked being overly excited about flying and totally touched by Uncle Gabi’s kindness and professionalism.

I knew that Dani not only liked flying but also appreciated rather ‘earthy possessions’ such as Kinder Surprise eggs, so on behalf of ’Csodalapma’ I gave him some chocolate eggs to the brave little pilot. He immediately opened one of them to distress after such excitement.

My Dear Dani, we wish that you’ll always remember this wonderful day and when you hear a plane passing by please think of Uncle Gabor Kovats and the ‘Csodalampa’ Foundation how happy they all were to be able to make your dream come true.

Special thanks to Mr. Gabor Kovats, the owner of Skylux Ltd., for helping us again making a child’s wish come true.

Sipos Zsuzsanna
2009.augusztus 07.

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Bence ( 12 years old, Apc)

Bence’s favourite hobby is cycling, so he wished a new bicycle from Jinn of Wonder lamp while he was waiting for the good weather.

Jinn has heard that the little boy has the 12th Birthday on 20 February. This year twice... Due to the sponsors of Wonderlamp Foundation the Birthday Cake and the wished mountain bike have arrived one week before.

We wish to be happy with your new bike!

Gábor Dobó

Special thanks to:

Anita ( 10 years old, Pannonhalma)

Anita is 9 years old and she lives with her parents and younger brother in Pannonhalma. Fortunately she doesn’t miss out from school and studies hard despite her illness. Her modest wish was a WINX doll as she knows them very well and has been collecting them. She even named all of her dolls and played with them often.

The parents kept it in secret that Anita’s wish had come true so it was a complete surprise to her when we met. Anita was over the moon when she opened the present and found the dolls inside.

We wish her happy spare time with the dolls!

Lángh Zsófia

Alexandra (11 years old, Budapest)

Alexandra is a nice , blond girl living with her mother and sister. They have escaped into a more peaceful world from an other dark and noisy world. Her big dream was to have a pink or red MP4 device, which we could obtain from one of our regular supporters.

Even if arrival was not a surprise for her, she was very happy about the dark red MP4 device. Said thank you by embracing us warmly. Her brown coloured older sister promissed immediately to help

Alexandra to upload music in order she can use it as soon as possible.
We enjoyed staying with them very much. We felt the biggest power here is love and cooperation.
Alexandra, let this new device make you joy and fun!

Mocsonoky Andrea
wish coordinator
Budapest, 2009. augusztus. 06.

We could meet this wish based on te support of

Mr Dr György Tesics and the AAA Klinikák Dent Kft.

Mirjam (4 years old, Ősi)

The four-year old Mirjam’s wish was a bicycle which was founded by Karoly Horvath.
The beautifully decorated bicycle, together with the helmet with matching colors, was handed over by the supporter and his wife on 24th November at the Tuzolto street Hospital.

Mirjam and her mother were over the moon and were very much touched by the gift. Mr. and Mrs. Horvath were waiting for Miriam in front of the bookshelf full of story books when they heard a loud ’oh wow’ exclamation with full of surprise.

Mirjam was astonished but one could tell that she had already been expecting such a moment. With her mum’s help Mirjam soon eased up so not much later she was happily riding the bike in the terrace. Perhaps her parents would not have even thought that their wish would come true in such short time thanks to the Horvaths.

Mirjam had a really good day today because she received so many small presents for her pretty drawings. We have heard that she was only willing to participate in that daily program by sitting on her bike.

Due to Mirjam’s sudden ill-being the face-to-face meeting had to be postponed but a week later she felt much better.

Ildikó Tomaj
Wish Coordinator
Ősi, 24.11.2009.

Imre (6 years old, Létavértes )

When our field manager in Debrecen first met Imi she found a quiet, timid little boy.

Gradually Imi opened and told her that he loved animals and for quite a while when he closes his eyes at night he has a wonderful dream: he is riding a beautiful little white pony that is his own. He is petting it, stroking it and when riding it asking him to help his recovery.

Our field manager got in touch with Imi’s doctor and the management of the Wonderlamp straight away knowing how wonderful this wish is and how much it could help cure the little boy. Nevertheless it meant quite a challenge for the Wonderlamp.

All the same we very soon got ’green light’ and real team work took a start. Everybody was searching for the little pony of which little Imi had been dreaming.

Our volunteers in Debrecen were looking for the right solution, bearing in mind that it would have to be near the little boy’s dwelling place to make transportation easier.

And then help came from a place where we would never have dreamt of (well, even the people at Wonderlamp have dreams!).

The beautiful little white pony, Hópihe at the Budapest Szabó & Sáli Pony Riding School who had had so many little riders at the riding school that he had got a little tired and so ’decided’ together with its owners that it had grown out of the school and was to look for a new master.

This is how Hópihe temporarily got into the ownership of the Wonderlamp with the help of the American International School of Budapest and the good will of Budapest Szabó & Sáli Pony Riding School waiting to reach his new master: little Imi in Létavértes.

All that was to arrange now was the transportation which is not a very easy task as it takes a special vehicle and a driver who can drive carefully and can get Hópihe to Létavértes in safety where the new stables were already waiting for the little pony.

Fortune again was on our side I must say. No sooner had Mr Farkas Bethlen in Verőce heard about the little boy and the little pony than had he offered to lend his own horse transporting vehicle. Not to speak of Mr Ádám Dudits head of SAP Labs Hungary who had done jobs like that several times before who offered to transport Hópihe to Létavértes.

We sat out with Hópihe early Sunday. Mr Dudits proved to be an excellent driver. We arrived at Imrus’ place in about 3 hours. In the meanwhile Katalin, Mrs Ferenc Kiss, the field manager of Debrecen had also arrived. We were so glad she could make it on a Sunday as the volunteers of the field had helped so much so that the Genie of the Wonderlamp could fulfill the little boy’s wish.

The parents were expecting us but Imrus wasn’t suspecting anything at all. When the vehicle with the trailer parked in the yard the little boy and his little brother Janika were just standing there, mouth open, wondering what it could be inside.

And when the beautiful white Hópihe gracefully paced out in the glittering sunshine the little boy ran to his mother and burst into tears. It took quite a few moments for the little boy to come round from his astonishment, but when his father and godfather led the pony into the stables he carefully followed them, picking up some hay and giving it to Hópihe.

Then we hung on the stables door the little plate decorated with small beads by the children at the Budapest Riding school with the name of Hópihe.

More gifts were presented: the owners of the Szabó & Sáli Pony Riding School sent a training DVD and Mr Dudits’ little daughter sent several presents.

Little Imre’s parents invited us to dinner. Although we didn’t want to disturb the solemn atmosphere we accepted to stay and must say we had had a wonderful meal. After dinner we said goodbye to the family and parted from Hópihe heartbroken but it was a satisfaction to know that Imruska wouldn’t have to dream with eyes closed any more, his dream had come true.

It was most touching to see how the little boy got more and more relaxed and stroked and petted Hópihe whose telling look was saying: here I am my little master, you have nothing to fear, together we’ll overcome any difficulties.

Dear Little Imi, we hope you will ride Hópihe as happily as happily the Wonderlamp team fulfilled your wish.

Zsuzsanna Sipos and Mrs Ferenc Kiss
wish co-ordinators

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Special thanks to:

Budapest Szabó & Sáli Pony Riding School,

American International School of Budapest,

SAP Labs Hungary

and the support of Mr Farkas Bethlen.

Bálint (5 years old, Nagykozár)

Bálint is a 5 year old little boy from Nagykozár who turned to us with his wish for a springboard.

As he is very often in hospital he can only spend little time with his siblings. For this reason we tried to act very quickly to help his recovery.

Luckily we had found a springboard in no time and were only waiting for the right time to hand it over.

On the big day when we arrived it was Bálint who answered the door and he knew straight away why we had come. Though a little alarmed he let us in but could hardly wait for us to set up his springboard. No sooner had it been done than he climbed on it and started jumping. A little later his siblings joined him and they all played late in the afternoon.

Dear Bálint, I do hope you will find your springboard great fun. Let it serve your recovery.

Special thanks to Mohar Mónika head of Hervis Sports Ltd Stores for her quick help

and to Brankovics Boris employee of Hervis Sports Ltd for assembling the springboard fast and safe.

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This wish has been granted with the support of

Many thanks in the name of Bálint too!

Viktória Magasi
Wish coordinator
17.10.2009. Nagykozár, Hungary

Tamás (14 years old, Érd)

Tamás, the teenage boy is a serious young man. It was in the summer that I had talked to him about his plans for the future and he revealed his secret dream: as an amateur sound technician he is longing for a music realm of his own, and all he is lacking is an amplifier and appropriate loudspeakers.

We had no idea at the time how difficult a task was awaiting the genie of the Wonderlamp as it turned out that we were to find the right type of loudspeakers which could be fitted to his already existing apparatus.

Thus we had to connect the two experts: the shop assistant from the music shop and Tamás himself and find the right combination. Tamás was by no means aware that his wish would come true almost immediately after the telephone call as we had misled him by saying that it was only to make sure that the genie would not make a mistake when fulfilling his task.

As Tamás is only visiting the hospital in Tűzoltó Utca for control tests we had an idea that his dream could come true right before the blood test the next time he was going, that is I would hand him the serious sound technical equipment he had been dreaming of.

For a minute it seemed that this dream will remain a dream because at the Wonderlamp there are no weightlifter (volunteers) and the two loudspeakers and the amplifier proved to be so heavy that it was absolutely impossible for one person to carry. But for the Wonderlamp nothing is impossible so by the time Tamás and his mother arrived at the hospital the less heavy amplifier was hiding in a surgery at the out-patient department. I sneaked in and called Tamás in over the caller.

He was extremely surprised when I uncovered why he had to come in. The teenage boy could only smile and mutter „Oh, I really wasn’t expecting anything like this” and turned red in excitement.

Well the amplifer was lying at Tamás’s feet to amplify his courage to undergo the test but the loudspeakers were to be taken from the music shop as a prize after the test.
Then there was nothing left but the installation and putting in use of all in his home.

I can’t imagine where Tamás’s parents escaped when he had finished with the technical task and tried out the complete studio.

We would like to thank all participants of 18th CEO Summit for having supported the wish-fulfilment of Tamás.

Zsuzsanna Sipos

Péter (11 years old, Székesfehérvár)

Peter is a 11 years old boy from Székesfehérvár and his wish was to spend a day in the Amusement Park of Budapest together with his friends.

I was touched by his wish: sometimes – but not so often – it happens that a kid also wants to make his /her friends happy with the opportunity provided by Wonderlamp. The reason is more touching: Peti was suffering from burns and he spent 8 months in hospital. Although he was an excellent student, the family - against his will - had to look for a new school. Luckily his new classmates don’t care for his face, which unfortunately cautions them forever that fire is an extremely dangerous thing.

On Monday, 27th September 2009 a joyful, decent and a little bit reserved but excited team arrived to the 8th platform of the South Railway Station. After a quick introduction, we left for the Amusement Park. The weather also knew that this date was important, so the smiling Sun was on duty and fortunately clouds, rain and wind had a day off.

At the entrance we had to wait for a while as certainly we were not the only people waiting for admission this nice autumn day. After getting the arm-bands at the entrance (in different colors according to our height), kids had only difficulties to decide where to go first and how many times to sit on the roller coaster, to wobble in the barrel, to jostle with the dodgems, to have fun in the mirror room and to enjoy the other interesting attractions.

Around at 1.00 pm kids felt empty, so we took a rest in the restaurant of the Amusement Park to have a pizza lunch. After the tasty food I got decorous thanks from the children and the team runs away. I could hardly find each ones by the moment of the farewell. Instead of the cloudless joy, even more the excitement of the eventful day reflected on the face of Peti, but it goes without saying in this situation.

I hope that part of the day we didn’t spend together was as enjoyable as the time the children spent with me.
We wish all of you good health.

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Eszter Németh
Wish coordinator
Budapest, 27.09.2009.

Nora (17 years old, Szerencs)

It was 4th of July 2009 when I got the possibility to travel to Finland with the Wonderlamp foundation. I was really excited to start my journey as well as Moni my travel companion was.

We had lots of fun on the flight and after landing we did not hear any Hungarian word. Tamas was waiting for as at the airport and showed me all the different areas of the city on the way to the hotel. I was staring out of the window thinking: ’ I can’t believe that I am here.’. I thought that the cloth we took for the journey would not be according the weather but luckily we had warmer cloth too. I didn’t feel bad myself at the 11 degree centigrade temperature, but I have to admit that after the 30 degrees we had in Hungary it was quite unusual. The wind blowing from the sea made the temperature drop even more.

The next day we had a big walk in the city and we visited lots of sights. My favourite was the cathedral. It was indescribable beautiful not only from outside but in the inside as well. We went down to the seaside where we hardly could walk because of the seagulls, and as we found out later eating is even more difficult :)

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That afternoon we met Jaakko with whom we talked a lot and we had a walk to Torni from where one can see the whole Helsinki. Jaakko said this venue is the most beautiful during the night but during the day it wasn’t a usual venue either.

We arranged to meet Tamas at 5 pm. Him and his family invited us to have dinner with them. We tasted lots of Finnish food and they were really helpful.

The next day we spent our day in the city. We went to the club ’Tavastia’. Next to Tavastia there was an other club. A man came out from that other club. We started to chat and I asked him if he played in a band. I found out that he was the oldest member of the most famous Finnish lovemetal band. We made some photos together and he told us lots of stories about my favourite band.

We spent our last day in the fashion design shop of Tiia. She was really nice and showed us the different stage of production. She offered me a bag which was designed by her.

On flight back I wasn't as scared as going there so I did not need hold Moni’s hand.

I would like to say thanks to the Finnish Embassy, to Maiju, Jaakko, Tiia and to Wonderlamp foundation to help the biggest dream of my life come true and that they reinforced my goals in life. I met lots of people in Finland who are not only my friends but the friends of my favourite rock band too. I found out that they are really nice people and they are not without any reason my favourite band for 7 years. At least but not last I would like to say thanks Moni for surviving the Finnish weather : )

Kiitoksia paljon : )

Nóra H*** 27.07.2009

Kiitämme Budapestin Suomen suurlähetystöä ja Helsingin Unkarin suurlähetystöä avusta.

Lots of people has worked together to fulfil Nora's wish, from His Excellency the Ambassador of Finland to Hungary to hairdressers, designers and models. We would like to thank all of them for the unanimous support and kindness.

and Ms. Eszter Sarnyai and Ms. Ágnes Aipli topmodels; Ms Diana Varga and Monika Wenczl cosmeticiens.

Henrietta (16 years old, Kecskemét)

It was a great day when we set off to Paris.
Few days earlier I talked to the two wish-kids - Henrietta and Peter - about what they wanted to see in Paris most of all. They preferred the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. Peter also wrote a letter before the trip about his motivations to see Paris. So based on these I prepared myself for the journey.

I picked up Peter at the railway station and we travelled together to the airport where we met Henrietta and her mother.
The flight was pleasant, and afterwards we took the airport transit bus to the city, and then the subway to the hotel.
We had a really wonderful accomodation downtown, thanks to the Marriott Hotels. It was close to Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysées.
After checking in we went for a walk to explore the city and to have dinner.

On the second day we visited the Louvre. We spent most of the day there. When we arrived at the glass pyramid surrounded by historical buildings, the kids became very excited and took a lot of pictures. They were happy to be there. They were very interested in the exhibitions as well.
It was late afternoon when we joined a tour on the River Seine. It was beautiful and comfortable, after the exhausting walk in the museum.

On the third morning we headed to the Eiffel Tower.
The two kids, Henrietta and Peter enjoyed the view and took a lot of pictures. They wanted to take the stairs from the lowest level, so we climbed down from there inside the iron structure. It was quite an experience.

The last afternoon was about shopping and walking, taking in the feel of the city. Finally Peter and me climbed up to the top of Arc de Triomphe to have a last gorgeous view of the twelve avenues spreading out from that place. It was fascinating.

The next morning the kids were a bit sad about leaving so soon but they cheered themselves up by bying some delicious French chocolate and then we all rode back to the airport, and flew home with many great memories.

Judit Halmos

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We would like to thank the support given for Henrietta's wish-granting to the Marriott Hotel Budapest and the GlaxoSmithKline Hungary.

Peter's letter about his wish


Paris. Capital of France, Eiffel Tower, Louvre or the Arch of Triumph. These are the things that first come to mind when asked about Paris. Everyone is drawn to these fantastic places. I don’t know many people who haven’t been there or didn’t want to go there someday. I’m one of the latter. I’ve always been attracted to that city, ever since I was little. My dad’s an architect, and he once told me about his great-grandfather who was also an architect and was good friends with a man called Eiffel. It started to interest me and I wanted to no more about Eiffel, so I looked him up. I learned many things about him, how he designed the Western Railway Station in Budapest as well as the Statue of Liberty in New York. I also learned that the symbol of Paris, the Eiffel Tower was named after him.

Lots of movies and books take place in Paris, for example Dan Brown’s highly successful novel, the Da Vinci Code. This book also gave me many reasons to want to get to know the city. Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa enthralled me as well. But of course Mona Lisa isn’t the only resident in the Louvre of Paris. The museum is a meeting point of many different cultures, from the sarcophagi of the egyptian pharaohs to the glass pyramids. It would be fascinating to see these works of art up close. To experience in reality the things I only read about or saw pictures of.

Furthermore this city has a symbolic significance to me. The citadel of bohemia, the symbol of revolution, the city of love, a place for artists like Toulouse-Lautrec or Van Gogh. The sights of Paris are endless. No other town has so many remarkable places. Paris is my favourite city. Paris is my city.

Péter F***


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